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EC500-Modular Design-2.4

System Diagram(Leyang Shen)

Database Module(Yuxuan Su & Zifan Wang)

before using the Database Module, you should construct the database object first:

db_module = DataBaseModule()
# must authen the db_module before using it
db_module.authen(userid, password)

# to insert patient's data into database module
# here's the example format of patient's data:
data = {
            'time': '2019-02-06 17:11',
            'gender': 'male',
            'heartrate': 100,
            'blood_pressure': 125,
            'blood_oxygen': 0.7
db_module.insert(userid, data)

# to search patient's data from database module
data =

# to delete patirent's data

Rough code for authentation

class authentation:
    def __init__(self):
      self.username = ""
      self.password = ""
    def ifmatch(self, username, password):
        do search in authDB
        if match:
            return true
            return authentation().failure
    def failure(self):
        print("Authentation Failed")
        return false

Rough structure for authDB

| username | password | permission |
|   test   |  a123adf |    full    |

permission part reserved for future function extension

for infoDB

class infoDB:
    def __init__(self):
        self.personalInfo = {}
        self.bioInfo = {}
    def search(self, keyword):
        do search
    def delete(self, keyword):
        do delete
    def insert(self, personalInfo, bioInfo):
        self.personalInfo = personalInfo
        self.bioInfo = bioInfo
DB structure
|----Personal Info---- | --------------- Bio Info ---------------|
| ID | AGE | gender |.....| Pulse | Heart Rate | Blood Pressure |

Input Module(Boyang Zhou)


Waveforms used for health detection:

  • Heart rate

  • Blood pressure

  • Blood oxygen

  • Temperature

User information used for data archiving and access verification:

  • User_id

  • Age

  • Gender


All the waveforms mentioned above(with preprocessing)

Data encapsulation used for databse storage

Class and Interface:

class intput:
    def __init__(self, user_id, age, gender, heartbeat, blood_pressure, blood_oxygen, temperature)
    def filter(data, noise, data_type)
    def return data(dic)
    def return_request(wire)

Analyzer Module(Yicun Hou & Yang Qiao)


Analog waveform of: Blood pressure, Heart rate, Heart Oxygen level, Body temperature


Signal loss alert; Shock alert; Oxygen supplemental alert; Fever sign; Hypotension or hypertension sign.


Heart_Rate: Module to find signal loss to and shock alert to report emergency

Systolic_BP & Diastolic_BP: To check if patient’s blood pressure is in a normal scope

Heart_O2_Level: Check if the Oxygen Level under a normal range

Body_temp: Check if the body temperature is so high that the patient catch a fever

Class and Interface:

class Analyzer():
    def __init__(self, Systolic_BP, Diastolic_BP, Heart_Rate, Heart_O2_Level, Body_temp):
        self.Systolic_BP = Systolic_BP
        self.Diastolic_BP = Diastolic_BP
        self.Heart_Rate = Heart_Rate
        self.Heart_O2_Level = Heart_O2_Level
        self.Body_temp = Body_temp

    def Signal_Loss(self, Heart_Rate, Body_temp):
        # Signal loss judgement

    def Shock_Alert(self, Heart_Rate, Body_temp):
        # Shock emergency judgement

    def Oxygen_Supply(self, Heart_O2_Level):
        # Oxygen supply judgement
    def Fever(self, Body_temp):
        # Fever judgement

    def Hypotension(self, Systolic_BP, Diastolic_BP):
        # Hypotension judgement
    def Hypertension(self, Systolic_BP, Diastolic_BP):
        # Hypertension judgement

Display Module(Haoyu Xu & Leyang Shen)


  • Emergency: when the data is analyzed to be vital
  • Signal loss alert: when sensor is lost attached, parameter: Singal_Loss
  • Shock alert: when patient is in shock, parameter: Shock_Alert
  • Oxygen supplement alert: patient does not enough oxygen, needs to increase amount of oxygen, parameter: Oxygen_Supply

Condition: Normal

  • Fever sign: light is still on, parameter: Fever
  • Hypotension and hypertension sign: light is still on, parameter: Hypotension, Hypertension

Condition: AI - based module -- prediction alert

Normal parameters: Pulse, Blood pressure, Blood Oxygen


  • Pulse: pulse on configurable time intervals
  • Blood pressure: blood pressure on configurable time intervals
  • Blood Oxygen: blood Oxygen levels on configurable time intervals
  • Whether to get alerts
  • Get future prediction based on AI module

Class and Interface:

class outputAlert:

    def receive_basic_iuput_data(Singal_Loss, Shock_Alert, Oxygen_Supply, Fever, Hypotension, Hypertension);

    def send_basic_input_data(BasicResult);

    def receive_AI_iuput_data(Singal_Loss, Shock_Alert, Oxygen_Supply, Fever, Hypotension, Hypertension);

    def send_AI_input_data(AIResult); 

AI Module (Wanxuan Chen & YunCheng Zhu)


  • Database Data:
  • Measurement Time: The Measurement time
  • Pulse: Measurement Data
  • Blood Oxygen: Measurement Data
  • Blood Pressure:Measurement Data


  • Pulse Prediction Trend
  • Blood Oxygen Prediction Trend
  • Blood Pressure Prediction Trend
  • Alert: When the Prediction Trends are going abnormal, it will display a prediction alert.

Query the Data From DB:

  • Extract the patient data from database and separate as three group: Pulse, Blood Oxygen and Blood Pressure. Return these data.

AI Prediction Module:

  • Input three groups data into the AI module to do the prediction. The Module will give the prediction feedback( like the blood pressure will decrease and become worse)
  • Also we set up the Alert value, once one of these three values under or upper a danger value, it will give an alert.


This is a modular design project for EC500.






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