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Developer mode

Instructions to run the client in developer mode and be able to test code changes


  • Python (3.5.3)
  • nodejs (v6.9.2 LTS)
  • Yarn (version 0.18 or higher)
  • virtualenv:
  • This needs to be created with python3 -m venv .venv
  • Pay attention to that the venv needs to be at client/Core/.venv not in client directly. The name matters here.


  1. Run the virtualenv in client/Core
  2. Run pip install -r ..\Core\requirements.txt
  3. Move to client\electron-ui
  4. Run yarn install
  5. Run set PYTHONPATH=..\Core (Windows), export PYTHONPATH=../Core (Unix)
  6. Run node_modules\.bin\webpack --progress -c -d
  7. Run node_modules\.bin\electron .

Environment Variables

The electron-ui will react to the following environmental variables:

  • CC_DEVTOOLS to any value: opens the chrome developer tools upon start
  • CC_UPDATE_POLL_TIME to number: ms of update intervall: per default, the updater checks for updates every 4hours starting from the application start. If this variable is set, the update intervall can be set to the value in ms (!!).
  • CC_ADMIN_CONSOLE_URL: Set the fallback admin console URL if not specified in build config.


The following set of variables can be used to influence the clients logging behaviour and setup.

  • Set CC_DEBUG to enable debug level output for (almost all) internal cc modules in production.
  • Point CC_LOGGING_CFG to a logging compatible .json based configuration to set your own logging handlers, formats etc. This is only possible in development!

GUI code style

Eslint is used for linting JavaScript source code. The project uses slightly modified Airbnb's preset for eslint. Linter can be run locally with the following command:

npm run lint

installing the pre-commit hook

on linux and macos

ln -s `pwd`/git-commit-hooks/ .git/hooks/pre-commit

on windows

copy it and change the shebang as in the comment

How to do a release

Tag it with vX.X.X-<target> where target is something with a build-config (e.g. demo). Build the explorer extension and the the electron mac and electron windows part. To upload the release to the update server note the build_number from the gitlab url. Then go to helpers/upload-release create a venv and install the things from requirmenets.txt.

Now add the key from the update server (atm the one from digital-ocean) to your ssh agent.

Then a

fab upload_release:build_number=<>

will upload everything to the correct path on the server side. Afterwards it will be available on the corresponding admin-console page and via update.


Crosscloud desktop client application: python core + electron UI







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  • Python 58.3%
  • C++ 27.7%
  • JavaScript 9.7%
  • Swift 2.7%
  • Makefile 0.5%
  • Batchfile 0.5%
  • Other 0.6%