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Game Database that allows the user to add new games and edit existing games. It will also allow users to review games and make recommendations to similar games.



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#DynamicGameDB For more information please visit DynamicGameDB


We now use gunicorn instead of flasks with eventlet workers to allow the server to handle two calls at one time.

pip install -r requirements.txt 
gunicorn -w 2 --worker-class eventlet runserver:app

Now visit in your favorit browser.

Backend - Platform

Three endpoints implemented for platform:

/api/platform/add - POST name="platform_name" - creates a platform with that name and returns json for that platform

/api/platforms - GET return json for all platforms

/api/platform/<id> - GET returns json for platform with that id

Backend - Game

Three endpoints implemented for game:

/api/game/add - POST title="game_title" platform_id="platform_id" - creates a game for that platform with that name and returns json for that game

/api/games - GET return json for all games

/api/game/<id> - GET returns json for game with that id

Frontend - API

/docs/api - GET shows current API from frontend to backend

/games - GET for now it just returns a string with info of all games

/game/<id> - GET for now it just returns a string with info of that game


Game Database that allows the user to add new games and edit existing games. It will also allow users to review games and make recommendations to similar games.






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