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Getting the environment ready

  1. Clone the repository. git clone

  2. Get the virtualenv set up. This avoids having to install the libraries globally. This command will also install the required dependencies make venv

  3. Test it. These should all pass. make test

  4. Create the database. This should be a postgresql database, with no password with the name of "Shamrok". After installing postgres: createdb Shamrok

  5. Apply the schema to the database. ./ db upgrade

Running the server

  1. Run the server. ./ runserver

Description of all routes

Request Type Route Description
GET / Home page
GET /images Page listing all images in the specified sort order, in pages of 20 images. Argument page specifies which page, or defaults to 1. Argument sort specifies the sorting technique. "new" for new -> old, "hot" for an algorithm based on votes and age, and a default of old -> new
GET /upload Page to upload an image
GET /api API welcome
GET /api/images JSON list of all images in the specified sort order, in pages of 20 images. Argument page specifies which page, or defaults to 1. Argument sort specifies the sorting technique. "new" for new -> old, "hot" for an algorithm based on votes and age, and a default of old -> new
POST /api/images Upload an image. Data must be form-encoded, with file as the name for the file upload, and title as the name for the title to save with the image
GET /api/images/id Get the image with the specified id
POST /api/images/upvote/id Upvote the image with the specified id

Directory structure

  • /app/: Code for the server itself

    • static/: CSS and JS files
    • templates/: HTML files
    • Called when importing app. Also declares the app folder a package
    • Code for the server. Returns a flask app object
    • Code for generating filenames, and for functions used in both the API, and the HTML rendering
    • Code containing the model definitions for the database
    • The config settings for various environments
  • /migrations/: Autogenerated migrations for the database

  • /tests/: Various tests for the app

    • _init.py_: Declares the tests folder a package
    • Code for creating the test client
    • test_api_urls: Tests for api routes using HTTP requests
    • test_libs: Tests for lib functions
    • test_models: Tests for database functions
  • Makefile: Helpers for creating a venv, installing dependencies, and testing

  • Runner for the server, and functions for creating the database, creating migrations, and running migrations

  • Procfile: Config file specifying the run command for Heroku

  • requirements.txt: All the prerequisites for running the application

  • runtime.txt: Specifies the version of python to use for Heroku


An image sharing and voting site






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