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1 修改的地方

1.1 文件

# 加入了
pymysql.version_info = (1, 3, 13, "final", 0)

1.2 mysql 操作的文件

参考: /Users/me/QinyiZhang/zongzong/ENVZ/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/ 文件

def last_executed_query(self, cursor, sql, params):
    # With MySQLdb, cursor objects have an (undocumented) "_executed"
    # attribute where the exact query sent to the database is saved.
    # See MySQLdb/ in the source distribution.
    query = getattr(cursor, '_executed', None)
    if query is not None:
        query = errors='replace'
        #query = query.decode(errors='replace')
    return query

1.3 V2 里面对数据表的修改

  1. 修改: 用户基础信息表 UserBaseInfo, 加了 extra_info 字段
  2. 新增: 探索模式下的 Banner 表 ExploreBanner
  3. 新增: 商户优惠券模板表 ClubCouponTemplate
  4. 修改: Footprint 表新增了 is_deleted 字段
  5. 修改: Footprint 表新增了 post_type 字段
  6. 修改: Footprint 表新增了 template_id 字段
  7. 新增: UserCoupon 表 (用户优惠券)
  8. 修改: Club 表新增了 account、password、user_info 字段
  9. 修改: Club 表新增了 env_images、remark 字段
  10. 删除: Club 表删除了 user_info 字段
  11. 新增: 商家关联用户信息表 ClubUserInfo
  12. 新增: 优惠券核销记录表 CouponChargeOffRecord
  13. 修改: ActivityParticipant 表新增了 is_confirm 字段
  14. 修改: Club 表新增了 principal、license 字段

1.4 执行的更新 SQL 语句

ALTER TABLE user_info_userbaseinfo ADD extra_info varchar(1024) DEFAULT '{}' COMMENT '额外信息, json 格式';

CREATE TABLE commercial_explorebanner ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增主键', title varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '标题', description varchar(512) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '描述信息', image varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '图片', is_online tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否上线', created_time datetime(6) NOT NULL, last_modified datetime(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci COMMENT='探索模式下的 Banner';

CREATE TABLE commercial_clubcoupontemplate ( id integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , name varchar (20) NOT NULL, template_type varchar (10) NOT NULL, money integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, threshold integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, count integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, balance integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, is_online bool NOT NULL, deadline datetime (6) NOT NULL, created_time datetime (6) NOT NULL, last_modified datetime (6) NOT NULL, club_id integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE commercial_clubcoupontemplate ADD CONSTRAINT commercial_clubcoupo_club_id_8f217160_fk_commercia FOREIGN KEY (club_id) REFERENCES commercial_club (id);

ALTER TABLE footprint_footprint ADD is_deleted tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否被删除'; ALTER TABLE footprint_footprint ADD post_type varchar(10) DEFAULT 'note' COMMENT '帖子类型'; ALTER TABLE footprint_footprint ADD template_id int(11) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '优惠券模板 id';

ALTER TABLE commercial_club ADD account varchar(50) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '商家账号'; ALTER TABLE commercial_club ADD password varchar(100) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '商家密码'; ALTER TABLE commercial_club ADD user_info_id int(11) COMMENT '商家账号'; ALTER TABLE commercial_club ADD CONSTRAINT commercial_club_user_info_id_3cbc69eb_fk_user_info FOREIGN KEY (user_info_id) REFERENCES user_info_userbaseinfo (id); ALTER TABLE commercial_club DROP foreign key commercial_club_user_info_id_3cbc69eb_fk_user_info; ALTER TABLE commercial_club DROP COLUMN user_info_id;

CREATE TABLE footprint_usercoupon ( id integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, acquire_way varchar (10) NOT NULL, donate_user_id integer NOT NULL, coupon_code varchar (100) NULL, is_used bool NOT NULL, created_time datetime (6) NOT NULL, last_modified datetime (6) NOT NULL, template_id integer NOT NULL, user_id integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE footprint_usercoupon ADD CONSTRAINT footprint_usercoupon_template_id_951887f1_fk_commercia FOREIGN KEY (template_id) REFERENCES commercial_clubcoupontemplate (id); ALTER TABLE footprint_usercoupon ADD CONSTRAINT footprint_usercoupon_user_id_3c884cbe_fk_auth_user_id FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES auth_user (id); CREATE INDEX footprint_usercoupon_created_time_0c7d2d93 ON footprint_usercoupon (created_time);

ALTER TABLE commercial_club ADD env_images varchar(4096) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '环境图, 最多支持8张, 分号隔开'; ALTER TABLE commercial_club ADD remark varchar(1000) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '商家备注'; ALTER TABLE commercial_club ADD principal varchar(20) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '商家负责人'; ALTER TABLE commercial_club ADD license varchar(250) DEFAULT '黄.png' COMMENT '商家证件(营业执照)'; ALTER TABLE commercial_club ADD update_avatar varchar(500) DEFAULT '' COMMENT '商户自己上传的头像, 不要在 admin 中修改或添加';

CREATE TABLE commercial_clubuserinfo ( id integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , club_id integer NOT NULL, user_info_id integer NOT NULL, created_time datetime (6) NOT NULL, last_modified datetime (6) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE commercial_clubuserinfo ADD CONSTRAINT commercial_clubuserinfo_club_id_8d0c937b_fk_commercial_club_id FOREIGN KEY (club_id) REFERENCES commercial_club (id); ALTER TABLE commercial_clubuserinfo ADD CONSTRAINT commercial_clubuseri_user_info_id_008f4af8_fk_user_info FOREIGN KEY (user_info_id) REFERENCES user_info_userbaseinfo (id);

CREATE TABLE commercial_couponchargeoffrecord ( id integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , coupon_id integer NOT NULL, user_id integer NOT NULL, created_time datetime (6) NOT NULL, last_modified datetime (6) NOT NULL, club_user_id integer NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE commercial_couponchargeoffrecord ADD CONSTRAINT commercial_couponcha_club_user_id_57e92a78_fk_commercia FOREIGN KEY (club_user_id) REFERENCES commercial_clubuserinfo (id);

ALTER TABLE commercial_activityparticipant ADD is_confirm tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '预约是否被商家确认, 默认是未确认';


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