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Technical HW: Stacks & Queues

Please complete the following 4 functions. You can test by running the pytest or python3 commands:

  • To run just the main code for one problem: python3
  • To run the tests for one problem: pytest
  • To run all the tests prior to submission: pytest

Files that should (& shouldn't!) be changed

You SHOULD implement your problem solutions in the following files:


You SHOULD NOT modify the following files:


Looking for additional practice problems to prepare for the exam?


General Hints

  • Thinking of using a loop? For loops are for strings, whiles are for Stacks & Queues!
  • The only way to iterate / loop through the Stack or Queue you've been given in this assignment is to destroy it (i.e., make it empty).

Problem 1: reverse queue

Write a function reverse in python that takes a queue as a parameter and returns a new queue in reverse order. Your solution should not use any built-in or library functions other than those in the Stack and Queue classes provided.

Example call Returns
reverse( Q[1, 2, 3, 4] ) Q[4, 3, 2, 1]
reverse( Q[hello] ) Q[olleh]
reverse( Q[0] ) Q[0]

Note: We are using the notation Q[ ] here to differentiate our queues from lists or arrays.

Hint: use a stack to help! You can destroy the queue & make it empty!

Problem 2: brace matcher

Write a function matcher in python that takes a string containing braces ([{()}]) as a parameter and returns True if the braces are matched, and False otherwise. The braces may be nested. Your solution should not use any built-in or library functions other than those in the Stack and Queue classes provided.

Example call Returns
matcher("[()]") True
matcher("[(") False
matcher("hello") True

Hint: use a stack!

Problem 3: generate binary number strings

Write a function generate_binary_numbers that takes a number N as a parameter and returns a queue of binary number strings from 1 to N without using any built-in or library functions like bin(). In fact, your solution should not use any built-in or library functions other than those in the Stack and Queue classes provided. The front of the queue begins @ '1'. If N is too small, return an empty queue.

Example call Returns
generate_binary_numbers(2) Q['1', '10']
generate_binary_numbers(3) Q['1', '10', '11']
generate_binary_numbers(6) Q['1', '10', '11', '100', '101', '110']

Hint: use an extra queue to help! Start from 1, & add 0 & 1 to copies of it.

Review: Binary Numbers

Recall that the typical numbers we are used to working with every day are decimal numbers, or base 10. By contrast, computers natively work with binary numbers, which are base 2.

To read binary numbers, begin writing the powers of 2 from right to left:

Binary Decimal
23 22 21 20
8 4 2 1
. . . 1 1
. . 1 0 2
. . 1 1 3
. 1 0 0 4
. 1 0 1 5
. 1 1 0 6
. 1 1 1 7
1 0 0 0 8
1 1 0 0 12
1 1 1 1 15

Note: The dots (.) should not be in your final output, but are used here to align the numbers under the appropriate power of 2.

Problem 4: count the longest subsequence

Write a function count_longest that takes a queue of characters as a parameter and returns the length of the longest consecutive subsequence. For example:

Example call Returns
count_longest( Q[h, e, l, l, o] ) 2
count_longest( Q[m, m, m, m, m] ) 5
count_longest( Q[h, e, e, e] ) 3
count_longest( Q[ ] ) 0

Hint: you can destroy the queue & make it empty!

Your solution should not use any built-in or library functions other than those in the Stack and Queue classes provided.

Getting started

Develop online

Click the "Work in" button. Edit the file. To run, see the commands below.

Develop in PyCharm

With this option, you can develop on your laptop. You will need to install PyCharm (or another IDE), git, and pytest. PyCharm has some built-in git support.


Many of the tests are failing right now because the functions aren't outputting the correct information. Fixing this will make the tests pass & turn green.


To use pytest on, install it first:

pip3 install pytest

To install pytest on the command line for running on a laptop (using a linux or unix based command-line like MacOS):

sudo -H pip3 install pytest

If using PyCharm, you may need to fix your project setup.

  • Open the Settings/Preferences | Tools | Python Integrated Tools settings dialog.
  • In the Default test runner field select pytest.
  • Click OK to save the settings.

Run commands

To run just the main code for one problem:


To run the tests for one problem:


To run all the tests prior to submission:



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