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Formal Languages Autumn 2020

Build Status

Repository for hometasks of the cource "Formal Languages"


Build Status

Ninth hometask of the cource "Formal Languages"

Common usage

Firstly, you must build this project:

# ./build

Now you can:

  • Check if some text is correct program on this query language:

    • # ./correct_prog
    • Enter you program. When you finish, press Ctrl-D.

    • If echo $? prints 0, your program is correct.

      You also can check code in file through typing file name after ./correct_prog.

      You also can check that some text isn't program through using ./incorrect_prog instead.

  • Execute program:

    # ./

    You also can check code in file through typing file name after ./

Usage through docker

Building docker-container:

# docker build -t task9 .

Running docker-container:

# docker run -it --rm task9 <command from chapter above>


query_lang.g4 is grammar of this query language.

examples/ is directory with examples of correct and incorrect programs.

data_bases/ is directory with examples of databases.

tests/query_lang is directory with tests of query language interpreter.


Build Status

Eighth hometask of the cource "Formal Languages"


Firstly, you must build docker-container:

# docker build -t task8 .

Now you can:

  • Check if some text is correct program on this query language:

    • # docker run -it --rm task8 ./correct_prog
    • Enter you program. When you finish, press Ctrl-D.

    • If echo $? prints 0, your program is correct.

      You also can check code in file through typing file name after ./correct_prog.

      You also can check that some text isn't program through using ./incorrect_prog instead.

  • Get parse tree:

    # docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix task8 ./draw_tree

    You also can check code in file through typing file name after ./draw_tree.

    If new window doesn't open, enter xhost +si:localuser:root and try again.


query_lang.g4 is grammar of this query language.

examples/ is directory with examples of correct and incorrect programs.


Build Status

Seventh hometask of the cource "Formal Languages"


You can run parser of query language through this command:

# docker build -t task7 .
# docker run --rm -i task7 ./ -g query_lang.txt

Now you can be typing your program. If you want to finish it, press Ctrl-D.


There is CFG of query language in query_lang.txt file. program is parser which can say if your input is program on the query language.

Description of query language


Program is a set of comma-separated command followed by dot.

Every command is followed by comma/dot without any separators. You can add spaces and new lines before the first command, between commands, after final dot and into every command between words if you want.


Command is an action with data base.

There are only two types of command:

  • Connect: connect to {database name}
  • Select: select {select expression} from {graph expression}

Database name is just string.

Select expression

Select expression is thing which you want to get from Select command.

There are only two types of select expression:

  • edges
  • count of edges

Graph expression

Graph expression is a graph.

There are three types of graph expression:

  • Graph from database: graph {graph name}
  • Regular query: query {pattern}
  • Result of intersection: {graph expression} intersect with {graph expression}

Graph name is just string.


Pattern is just a regular expression.

There are six types of pattern:

  • Terminal: {string}
  • Kleene star: {pattern} *
  • Kleene plus: {pattern} +
  • Option: {pattern} ?
  • Alternative: {pattern} | {pattern} or {pattern} or {pattern}
  • Concatenation: {pattern} . {pattern} or {pattern} {pattern}

Of course, priority of operations Alternative and Concatenation are usual. You can also use parenthesises or square brackets.


String is a set of chars, concluded in double quoters.

But now you can use only lowercase letters, underscore and numbers.


connect to "/data_bases/abc.db".
connect to "/data_bases/abc.db",
select edges from graph "123".
connect to
    count of edges
    graph "123" intersect with
    query "123" or "456" or "789" intersect with
    query [("1"* | "2"?) (["3" . "4"] | "5"+)].


Build Status

Fifth hometask of the cource "Formal Languages"


Build Status

Fourth hometask of the cource "Formal Languages"


I have united in this task previous tasks and add CYK and CFPQ. I have also updated old tests from previous tasks, so they can testing into updated program.

usage: [-h] [-c file] [--rq file] [--cfq file] [-d file]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c file, --config file
                        json configuration file
  --rq file, --regular-query file
                        file with query as regular expression
  --cfq file, --context-free-query file
                        file with query as context free grammar
  -d file, --data-base file
                        file with description of data base

Configuration file

It is json file with such possible fields:

  • data_base_lists - list of V_froms, Ss and V_tos lists
  • data_base_file - name of file with data base in the same directory as this configuration file
  • regular_query_regex - string of regular expression
  • regular_query_file - name of file with regular expression in the same directory as this configuration file
  • context_free_query_text - string of productions {head} -> {body}, joined by '\n'
  • context_free_query_file - name of file with lines of productions {head} {body}
  • input_vertexes - list of vertexes, from which will be start all paths in resulting set. In other words, all pairs in the resulting set will have first element from input_vertexes list
  • output_vertexes - the same as input_vertexes but all paths will be finished in vertexes from output_vertexes list

Minimal working set

  1. data_base_lists or data_base_file in configuration file or data base file as argument
  2. regular_query_regex, regular_query_file, context_free_query_text or context_free_query_text in configuration file or query file as argument --rq or --cfq


Build Status

Second hometask of the cource "Formal Languages"

How to run the task

For building a docker container run:

docker build -t task2 .

You can run the container in interactive mode:

docker run --rm -it task2

Now you can run:

  • tests through pytest:

    # pytest
  • with file of data base and file of query in regular expression and/or configuration file:

    # ./ -q <file_of_query> -d <file_of_data_base>


    # ./ -c <configuration_file>

    or even

    # ./ -c <configuration_file> -q <file_of_query> -d <file_of_data_base>

What is

It is program which takes information about data base and request in regular expression and print on the screen a set of pair of data base vertexes, between which a path, which is allowed by regular expression, exist.

File of data base

It is text file which contains a set of triple {V_from} {S} {V_to} which define an edge in data base from V_from vertex to V_to vertex by symbol S. For example

0 a 1
0 b 2
1 c 2
2 a 0

File of query

It is text file with single line of regular expression, format of which is the same as regular expressions in pyformlang library.

Configuration file

It is json file with such possible fields:

  • data_base_lists - list of V_froms, Ss and V_tos lists
  • data_base_file - name of file with data base in the same directory as this configuration file
  • query_regex - string of regular expression
  • query_file - name of file with regular expression in the same directory as this configuration file
  • input_vertexes - list of vertexes, from which will be start all paths in resulting set. In other words, all pairs in the resulting set will have first element from input_vertexes list
  • output_vertexes - the same as input_vertexes but all paths will be finished in vertexes from output_vertexes list

Minimal working set

  1. data_base_lists or data_base_file in configuration file or data base file as argument
  2. query_regex or query_file in configuration file or query file as argument


Build Status

First hometask of the cource "Formal Languages"

How to run the task

For building a docker container run:

docker build -t task1 .

Now you can run the container in interactive mode:

docker run --rm -it task1 ipython


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