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Anton, the LaterPay IRC bot

Anton is an fork of Holly.

Anton currently runs on, which is hosted on

At this point Anton has diverged a lot from Holly, however some of our changes might make it upstream at some point :).

Upgrading / configuring / tweaking Anton

In production, Anton runs via DJB supervise (or any other watcher process). On LaterPay servers it's deployed as a RPM and subsequently run from its service directory /opt/lp-supervise/run which loads Anton's run script. Anton is configured through environment variables set in its supervisord/daemontools config.

Here is an example config:

command=/srv/anton/.env/bin/python /srv/anton/
    GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN="[create an auth token]"

List of Anton configuration variables

Variable Description
DATA_PATH The path to a folder where Anton can store it's SQLite database files (Default: ./data)
IRC_SERVER The hostname or IP address of the IRC server which Anton should connect to. (Default:
IRC_PORT The port that Anton should connect to. (Default: 6667)
HTTP_BINDADDRESS The IP address that Anton should bind its webhook listener to. (Default:
HTTP_PORT The port that Anton should listen on for HTTP webhooks. (Default: 8000)
HTTP_ROOT A path prefix for HTTP handlers. There isn't much reason to ever change this. (Default: "/bot")
BOT_USERNAME The bot's IRC username (Default: "anton")
BOT_REALNAME The bot's IRC real name (Default: "anton")
BOT_NICKNAME The bot's IRC nickname (Default: "antonia")
BOT_CHANNELS A comma-separated list of channels the bot should connect to. (Default: "#twilightzone")
SENTRY_DSN An optional DSN that will connect Anton's error handling to a Sentry instance

List of Anton module configuration variables

Variable Description
JENKINS_CHANNEL The channel where Anton posts webhook calls made to the Jenkins CI handler (Default: #twilightzone)
TICKET_PROVIDER If you want to connect Anton to a ticket tracker, it currently supports JIRA and GitHub tickets. Set this to either or accordingly.
GITHUB_CHANNEL The channel where Anton posts webhook calls made to the GitHub handler (Default: #twilightzone)
GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN A GitHub OAuth2 token for Anton (see below for docs on how to create this)
GITHUB_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION The default organization to search (Default: 'laterpay')
GITHUB_DEFAULT_REPO The default repository name to search (Default: 'laterpay')
JIRA_URL A HTTP(S) URL pointing to your organization's JIRA (Default: "")
JIRA_AUTH_TOKEN A JIRA OAuth1 token (see below for docs on how to create this)
JIRA_AUTH_SECRET A JIRA OAuth1 secret key (see below for docs on how to create this)
JIRA_AUTH_ID The JIRA application link ID (Default: "anton")
JIRA_AUTH_PRIVATEKEY A RSA private key, starting with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" registered with JIRA.

How do I create a GitHub auth token?

By sending a HTTP POST to GitHub via curl. The following example is adapted from the original docs.

curl -u 'laterpay-jenkins' -d '{"scopes":["repo"],"note":"OAuth Token for LaterPay Bots (authorized by [YOUREMAILADDRESS])"}'

This will return a JSON object that has your GitHub auth token. The note will show up in your GitHub user account. As in the above example, LaterPay has a dedicated jenkins user on GitHub that we use for this kind of thing.

How do I connect Anton to JIRA?

JIRA has the most convoluted setup path for OAuth imaginable. That said: Here is how you authorize Anton on JIRA:

First, use openssl to generate a RSA key pair:

openssl genrsa -out anton.secretkey 2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in anton.secretkey

Now follow these steps:

  • Log into JIRA as an Administrator
  • Go to Settings -> Add-Ons -> Application Links
  • Enter the URL of your Anton bot (or any URL, really) and click "Create New Link"
  • Click "Continue"
  • Enter an application name like "Anton IRC bot" and select "Generic Application", leave the other fields empty.
  • Click "Continue"
  • Now click "Edit" next to the "Anton IRC bot" entry
  • Click on "Incoming Authentication"
  • Set consumer key to the value of JIRA_AUTH_ID in Anton's config (for example: "anton")
  • Set consumer name to "Anton IRC bot"
  • Paste the public key without the -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- and -----END PUBLIC KEY----- lines into the "Public Key" field
  • Click "Save"
  • Log out of JIRA!

You will need to put the private key either into or into the JIRA_AUTH_PRIVATEKEY environment variable. In this case, it's good to know that DJB envdir will replace ASCII 0 with newline characters when reading files in an envdir.

Finally it's time to authorize Anton. Do NOT use an JIRA administrator account for this (because: security!). Inside Anton's virtualenv run this:

bin/jirashell -s [your JIRA server URL] -od -ck [JIRA_AUTH_ID] -k /path/to/anton.secretkey -pt
  • If, like me, you don't have browsers on your development VMs, you'll need to patch lib/python2.7/site-packages/tools/ line 52 to output auth_url! I submitted a pull request for that.
  • This command will launch a browser and go to your JIRA server. This is why you logged out before. Now log in with an unprivileged account (for example a member of the "Developers" group, which has access to all tickets which you want the bot to have access to).
  • Authorize the application.
  • jirashell will output a OAuth1 token and secret. You need to put these into JIRA_AUTH_TOKEN and JIRA_AUTH_SECRET.

Finally... you're done.

What webhooks does Anton support?

Anton supports GitHub post requests and Jenkins callbacks.

How do I develop with Anton?

Clone it, create a virtualenv and pip install it:

git clone anton
virtualenv .env
.env/bin/pip install -e anton

Future notes

Kristian ( is maintaining Holly for the long term; contact him if you have any Holly issues/questions/opinions. LaterPay's fork was primarily architected by @jdelic.