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This is a software package to extract axonal data from cleared brains as demonstrated in Mapping Mesoscale Axonal Projections in the Mouse Brain Using A 3D Convolutional Network Friedmann D, Pun A, et al. While it was trained and tested on axons in iDISCO-cleared samples imaged by lightsheet microscopy, it works well at identifying many types of filamentous structures in 3D volumes. Instructions are included for segmenting your data with our best existing model, but we also provide guidance on transfer learning with your own annotated data.

There are two readmes—this one includes basic instructions and descriptions for getting TrailMap up and running. The second is written to be simple enough to be useful for novice users—not just of machine learning tools, but even if this is your first time using python or linux, you can hopefully follow along.

Readme Extended Version

Getting Started - Installation

Download this repository with

git clone

or just download the repository directly from


Hardware requirements:
  • While the network portion of TrailMap operates on your 3D volume in chunks, visualizations benefit from having sufficient RAM to hold the whole sample volume at once. Depending on your brain file size the program will take 8-16gb of memory.
  • A Nvidia GPU with CUDA support. The network presented here was trained with a 1080Ti with 11GB GDDR5X Memory.
  • You need to also install Nvidia Driver 390, CUDA 9.0, and CUDNN 7.0 for tensorflow to use the GPU.
Software requirements:
  • Python 3.6
  • You can use virtualenv or anaconda to manage dependencies; you can also install these packages with pip3
pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==1.9
pip3 install opencv-python==
pip3 install pillow==7.0
pip3 install numpy==1.16
pip3 install h5py==2.1


Data structure: Your brain volume must be in the form of 2D image slices in a folder where the slice order is determined by the alphanumerical order of the image file names. See TRAILMAP/data/testing/example-chunk for an example

To run the network cd into the TRAILMAP directory and run

python3 input_folder1 input_folder2 input_folder3 

where “input_folderX” is the absolute path to the folder of the brain you would like to process. Note: Depending on the amount of GPU memory, you may need to lower the batch_size in the file.

The program will create a folder named “seg-input_folderX " in the same directory as the input_folder

To segment an example chunk run

python3 data/testing/example-chunk

Note: Depending on the amount of GPU memory, you may need to lower the batch_size in the file.


If you would like to do transfer learning with your own examples, you must label some of your own data. The network takes in cubes with length of 64 pixels, so the training examples must be of this size.

When labeling the cube, you must follow the following legend. You only need to label individual slices, spaced every 20-40 slices, with the labels:

  • 1 - background
  • 2 - axon
  • 3 - artifacts (objects that look like axons and should be avoided)
  • 4 - the edge of the axon (should be programmatically inserted)

All other slices should be labeled with

  • 0 - unlabeled

Our strategy, with provided utilities programs:

The basic procedure is to hand label cubes of length ~128-200 px (placed in the folders in data/training/training-original/labels and data/training/training-original/volumes) and crop out many cubes of length 64px (into the folder /training-set/). While we recommend this strategy, you may use your own strategy of populating the training-set folder if you wish. We recommend using ImageJ's Segmentation Editor Plugin to label your data.

TrailMap will determine a volume's matching label by sorting files in the ‘volumes’ and ‘labels’ folders alphabetically and assuming the label and volume at the same index are pairs.

We have included a script to add the edge label next to an axon label. After you have labeled axons in your volumes, run

ython3 "process_labels" PATH_TO_LABEL_FOLDER

where PATH_TO_LABEL_FOLDER is the folder containing all your labeled tiff volumes. This will create a folder edge-ORIGINAL_FOLDER_NAME with the new edge label added to each labeled volume.

Fully labeled examples are show here:

  • data/training/training-original/labels/training_example_label.tif
  • data/training/training-original/volumes/training_example_volume.tif

After you have placed your labeled examples in training-original folder you can populate the training-set folder by running

python3 "generate_training_set" NUM_EXAMPLES

NUM_EXAMPLES is an option parameter that determines the numbers of crops to make in total using a round robin strategy from the training-original folder. If not specified, the default value is set to 100 * NUM_TRAINING_ORIGINAL_EXAMPLES

You must also include a validation set to judge your network's performance on the new data. You must put your validation examples in the data/training/validation-original with the same labeling technique as the training. You can then populate the validation-set folder by running

python3 "generate_validation_set" num_examples

After generate_training_set has populated the training-set folder, you may start the transfer learning. This will require you to tune the parameters in

There are some default parameters for training, but you will likely need to tune this depending on how different your own training set is to our data and if you need to do any augmentation.

A VolumeDataGenerator class is provided that handles basic operations (the contains this class and more specific information in the comments). This follows the same paradigm as Tensorflow's ImageDataGenerator.

After you have populated the training-set folder and tuned parameters, start training with:


Note: Depending on the amount of GPU memory, you may need to reduce the batch_size in the file. You may also change steps_per_epoch = floor(NUM_TRAINING_EXAMPLES/batch_size) and validation_steps = floor(NUM_VALIDATION_EXAMPLES/batch_size) This will load in the current model and start training the model on your own data. Checkpoints are saved to data/model-weights at the end of each epoch along with tensorboard logs in data/tf-logs


  • Albert Pun
  • Drew Friedmann


This project is licensed under the MIT License


  • Research sponsored by Liqun Luo's Lab


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  • Python 100.0%