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PyTorch implementation of Cross-modal Moment Localization (XML), an efficient method for video (subtitle) moment localization in corpus level.

TVR: A Large-Scale Dataset for Video-Subtitle Moment Retrieval

Jie Lei, Licheng Yu, Tamara L. Berg, Mohit Bansal


XML achieves high efficiency by applying 1D CNNs on top of query-clip similarity scores, which is obtained from the inner product of independently modeled query and clip representations. Such design gets rid of cumbersome early fusion commonly seen in existing moment localization papers and is thus runs much faster. The learned convolutional filters are also interpretable, where it gives stronger responses on the left edges (START) and right edges (END) of the similarity score curve and thus detect them (see figure below). Interestingly, the learned weights Conv1D_{st} and Conv1D_{st}, as shown in the figure, are similar to the edge detectors in image processing.



Getting started


  1. Clone this repository
git clone
cd TVRetrieval
  1. Prepare feature files

Download tvr_feature_release.tar.gz (33GB). After downloading the feature file, extract it to the data directory:

tar -xf path/to/tvr_feature_release.tar.gz -C data

You should be able to see tvr_feature_release under data directory. It contains video features (ResNet, I3D) and text features (subtitle and query, from fine-tuned RoBERTa). Read the code to learn details on how the features are extracted: video feature extraction, text feature extraction.

  1. Install dependencies.
  • Python 3.7
  • PyTorch 1.4.0
  • Cuda 10.1
  • tensorboard
  • tqdm
  • h5py
  • easydict

To install the dependencies use conda and pip, you need to have anaconda3 or miniconda3 installed first, then:

conda create --name tvr --file spec-file.txt
conda activate tvr 
pip install easydict
  1. Add project root to PYTHONPATH

Note that you need to do this each time you start a new session.

Training and Inference

We give examples on how to perform training and inference for our Cross-modal Moment Localization (XML) model.

  1. XML training
bash baselines/crossmodal_moment_localization/scripts/ \
--exp_id EXP_ID

CTX_MODE refers to the context (video, sub, tef, etc.) we use. VID_FEAT_TYPE video feature type (resnet, i3d, resnet_i3d). EXP_ID is a name string for current run.

Below is an example of training XML with video_sub (video + subtitle), where video feature is resnet_i3d (ResNet + I3D):

bash baselines/crossmodal_moment_localization/scripts/ \
tvr video_sub resnet_i3d \
--exp_id test_run

This code will load all the data (~60GB) into RAM to speed up training, use --no_core_driver to disable this behavior. You can also use --debug before actually training the model to test your configuration.

By default, the model is trained with all the losses, including video retrieval loss L^{vr} and moment localization loss L^{svmr}. To train it for only the moment localization, append --lw_neg_q 0 --lw_neg_ctx 0. To train it for only video retrieval, append --lw_st_ed 0.

Training using the above config will stop at around epoch 60, around 4 hours on a single 2080Ti GPU server. You should get ~2.6 for VCMR R@1, IoU=0.7 on val set. The resulting model and config will be saved at a dir: baselines/crossmodal_moment_localization/results/tvr-video_sub-test_run-*.

  1. XML inference

After training, you can inference using the saved model on val or test_public set:

bash baselines/crossmodal_moment_localization/scripts/ MODEL_DIR_NAME SPLIT_NAME

MODEL_DIR_NAME is the name of the dir containing the saved model, e.g., tvr-video_sub-test_run-*. SPLIT_NAME could be val or test_public. By default, this code evaluates all the 3 tasks (VCMR, SVMR, VR), you can change this behavior by appending option, e.g. --tasks VCMR VR where only VCMR and VR are evaluated. The generated predictions will be saved at the same dir as the model, you can evaluate the predictions by following the instructions here Evaluation and Submission.

While the default inference code shown above gives you results without non-maximum suppression (NMS), you can append an additional flag --nms_thd 0.5 to obtain results with NMS. Most likely you will observe a higher R@5 score, but lower R@{10, 100} scores. For the paper, we report results with --nms_thd 0.5 whenever we see a higher R@5 IoU=0.5 score on TVR val set. This strategy might not be optimal. The examples below show the performance difference under these two conditions:

# with NMS (inference using --nms_thd 0.5, which we reported in the paper, last row of Table 7)
    "0.5-r1": 5.28,
    "0.5-r5": 12.77,
    "0.5-r10": 17.59,
    "0.5-r100": 30.22,
    "0.7-r1": 2.62,
    "0.7-r5": 6.1,
    "0.7-r10": 8.45,
    "0.7-r100": 14.86

# without NMS 
    "0.5-r1": 5.28,
    "0.5-r5": 11.73,
    "0.5-r10": 15.9,
    "0.5-r100": 36.16,
    "0.7-r1": 2.62,
    "0.7-r5": 6.39,
    "0.7-r10": 9.05,
    "0.7-r100": 22.47

Except for XML model, we also provide our implementation of CAL, ExCL and MEE. Their training, inference and evaluation is similar to XML.

Evaluation and Submission



If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={TVR: A Large-Scale Dataset for Video-Subtitle Moment Retrieval},
  author={Lei, Jie and Yu, Licheng and Berg, Tamara L and Bansal, Mohit},
  booktitle={Tech Report},


This research is supported by NSF Awards #1633295, 1562098, 1405822, DARPA MCS Grant #N66001-19-2-4031, DARPA KAIROS Grant #FA8750-19-2-1004, Google Focused Research Award, and ARO-YIP Award #W911NF-18-1-0336.

This code is partly inspired by the following projects: transformers, TVQAplus, TVQA.


jielei [at]


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