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The script is the main script to be run.

It lists, archives, restores videos in Kaltura.
It relies on environment variables to authenticate against the Kaltura KMC and AWS. Start with the template files bash.rc and csh.rc to set the relevant environment variables.

Use the help option for further documentation

python --help 

In production we run te script in a Docker container under AWS Fargate, Please read more about this at

Archiving Videos Workflow

Only videos that have not been played recently are archived. Only videos smaller than 10000000kb are archived provides parameters to select videos based on the following criteria:

  1. number of years since placed/created
  2. played/created within given number of years
  3. category id
  4. tag value
  5. the number of times the video was played
  6. status of entry - eg READY (2), QUEUED (0), ERROR (-1), .. see KalturaEntryStatus class in KalturaClient.Plugins.Core
  7. entry id

Most critera can be combined.

All actions that trigger changes, like archiving videos in s3 or replacing with the place holder video are perfomed in dryRun mode by default.

Videos entries can be in three states:

  1. initial
  2. archived
  3. place_holder

In the initial state:

  1. s3 does not contain a copy of the entry's original flavor
  2. entry does not have the 'archived_to_s3' tag
  3. entry does not have the 'deleted_flavors' tag
  4. its original flavor is the entry's 'real' video - lets call this the real original flavor

In the archived state:

  1. s3 contain a copy of the entry's real original flavor
  2. entry has the 'archived_to_s3' tag
  3. entry does not have the 'deleted_flavors' tag -- same as initial state
  4. its original flavor is the real original flavor -- same as initial state

In the place_holder state:

  1. s3 contains a copy of the entry's real original flavor -- same as archived state
  2. entry has the 'archived_to_s3' tag -- same as archived state
  3. entry has the 'deleted_flavors' tag
  4. its original flavor is the place holder video

The subcommands moves entries between states:

    initial state -------- copy cmd  ------> archive state
    archive state -------- copy cmd  ------> archive state
    archive state -------- place_holder cmd --> place_holder state 
    place_holder state --- place_holder cmd --> place_holder state 
    place_holder state --- restore cmd -------> archived state 

Subcommands print errors if they are applied to entries in a state that they can not work with, for example the place_holder command refuses to work with entries in the initial state.

In addition has a health and count subcommands.

kaltura_aws subcommands in pseudo code


if entry.original_flavor != None 
and if entry.original_flavor.status == READY 
and AWS bucket does not contain a file with the same name as entries id 
   transfer to AWS-s3 bucket 
   apply 'archived_to_s3'  tag to entry


if entry.original_flavor != None 
and if entry.original_flavor.status == READY 
and AWS bucket contains a file with the same name as entries id 
and that file has the same size as the original flavor
    delete all flavors including original  
    upload place holder video; create new thumbnail;
    apply tag 'flavors_deleted' 
    wait until entry goes into READY state (sleep in between checks) 


check the following invariant - see kaltura_aws.entry_health_check method

has original flavor and is in READY status 
if AWS S3 contains a file with the entries ID 
    then the entry has the  'archived_to_s3' tag 
if the entry does not have the  'archived_to_s3' tag 
    then there is no entry in AWS 
if the entry has the  'flavors_deleted' tag 
    it should also have the 'archived_to_s3' tag
if the entry does not have 'flavors_deleted' and has 'archived_to_s3' tag  
    size of original flavor and size of s3 entry should match  

How to use

to archive and replace with the place holder video choose a filter option that captures the videos you want to work on, then do:  s3copy   [filter-options]  replace_video [filter-options]  health [filter-options]

The health command should list all selected videos in a HEALTHY state and all videos should be tagged 'archived_to_s3' and 'flavors_deleted'

To count matchig videos

#entries with archived_to_s3 count --tag archived_to_s3  
#entries without archived_to_s3 count --tag !archived_to_s3  

# entries that were played between 2-3 years ago count --played_within 3 --unplayed_for 2

# entries that are not in the READY state
./ count --status --status 1 -2 0 1 7 4

To list videos that were created 3-4 years ago but never plyed:

python list --created_before 3 --created_within 4 --plays 0

Restoring Videos

Kaltura updates the lastPlayedAt property of videos when they are played. So when a placeholder video is played it receives the current date as is its lastPlayedAt property

Apply the following steps to videos with the tag "archived_to_s3" that have been played within the last year

  1. Request restoral from AWS Glacier IF not yet available in S3; This request will take 5 - 12 hours to complete.
  2. Restore Video:
  3. replace placeholder video with original video IF video is availabe in S3
  4. recreate flavors and remove tag: "flavors_deleted"

Edge case

It is rare that videos are edited. Very few users have this ability. The procedure above will result in errors if

  1. a video is archived
  2. a user replaces the original flavor with a new version after archival

The command will error out when asked to replace the video unless the file size of the initial video and the versioned video are the same. So only if a video is replaced after archival which is unlikely since few users have that ability and if the versioned video has the same size, which is even more unlikely, will the procedure loose the versioned video.

Enhance tsv Report with ldap information adds three columns 'status', 'name', and 'org_unit' to a tsv report. It derives these values from the creator_id value in the tsv report and ldap status data.

It uses the hard coded ldap base, 'o=princeton university,c=us', and the following ldap expression todetermine whether a user is stillactive, see


Use as follows:

./ list   [filter-options] > list.tsv 
cat list.tsv | > emhanced_list.tsv 

Overview Statistics

counts videos played / created within given years, how many have place holder videos, ... ;

useful to estimate how much more space can be saved by replacing videos with the placeholder


Execute Tests

set environment variabes so code connects to TEST KMC, then run in project's top directory

setenv PYTHONPATH src
python -m unittest discover -v src/test

to run individual tests do something along these lines:

python src/test/ TestKalturaAwsCli.testa_list_played_within_unplayed_for

Manually test ldap credentials/search on CLI

run on the command line - you may have to install the openldap package

on EC2 server run 'sudo yum install openldap-clients'

Look for 'puresource=authentication=disabled' ; print only dn property

ldapsearch -LLL -x -H "ldaps://$LDAP_SERVER/" -b "o=Princeton University,c=US" -D "uid=NETID,o=princeton university,c=us" -W 'puresource=authentication=disabled' 1.1

Look for entries with a valid uid and with no pususpended value; in addition to dn, print uid and puresource properties

ldapsearch -LLL -x -H "ldaps://$LDAP_SERVER/" -b "o=Princeton University,c=US" -D "uid=NETID,o=princeton university,c=us" -W '(&(uid=*)(!(pususpended=*)))' uid puresource

Installation for local development

Python and Packages

The code in the python subdirectory runs only with Python v2.x, see .python-version

Please install pyenv according to Pyenv allows you to install a local python copy and python libraries which functions independently of the system version.

# install pyenv 
pyenv install 2.7 
pyenv versions
which python   # should show ~/.pyenv/shims/python
python -V      # should return Python 2.7

Install necessary packages

pip install setuptools
pip install -r src/requirements.txt 


V1.0.0 kaltura archiver executing in docker

V1.1.0 kaltura archiver and restorer in same docker image

V1.1.1 INFO logging in restore.rc, ERROR logging in archive.rc, pip install -r src/requirements.txt


  • Use Kaltura Api v15.10.0
  • Filter on play lower than instead of equal number
  • Stubs only for category filter
  • - exits with no-zero only if incorrect usage
  • bash scripts archive.rc/restore.rc exit on first failed command
  • bash scripts archive.rc/restore.rc rely on envirnmane variables: N_YEARS, DOIT
  • implemented additional test cases
  • moved docker_pull to bin/ directory
  • added convenience scripts bin/docker_pull, bin/


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  • Python 81.2%
  • Shell 17.9%
  • Dockerfile 0.9%