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bugwarrior - Pull tickets from github, bitbucket, bugzilla, jira, trac, and others into taskwarrior

bugwarrior is a command line utility for updating your local taskwarrior database from your forge issue trackers.

It currently supports the following remote resources:


Create a ~/.bugwarriorrc file with the following contents.

# Example ~/.bugwarriorrc

# General stuff.
# Here you define a comma separated list of targets.  Each of them must have a
# section below determining their properties, how to query them, etc.  The name
# is just a symbol, and doesn't have any functional importance.
targets = my_github, my_bitbucket, paj_bitbucket, moksha_trac, bz.redhat

# log.level specifices the verbosity.  The default is DEBUG.
#log.level = DEBUG

# If log.file is specified, output will be redirected there.  If it remains
# unspecified, output is sent to sys.stderr
#log.file = /var/log/bugwarrior.log

# The bitly username and api key are used to shorten URLs to the issues for your
# task list.  If you leave these options commented out, then the full URLs
# will be used in your task list.
#bitly.api_user = YOUR_USERNAME
#bitly.api_key = YOUR_API_KEY

# This is an experimental mode where bugwarrior will query all of your
# online sources simultaneously.  It works as far as I've tested it, so
# give it a try.  Please backup your ~/.task/ directory first and report
# any problems if you encounter them at
#multiprocessing = False

# This section is for configuring notifications when bugwarrior-pull runs,
# and when issues are created, updated, or deleted by bugwarrior-pull.
# Three backend are currently suported:
#  - growlnotify (v2)   Mac OS X   "gntp" must be installed
#  - gobject            Linux      python gobject must be installed
#  - pynotify           Linux      "pynotify" must be installed
# To configure, adjust the settings below.  Note that neither of the
# "sticky" options have any effect on Linux with pynotify.  They only work
# for growlnotify.
# notifications = True
# backend = growlnotify
# finished_querying_sticky = False
# task_crud_sticky = True

# This is a github example.  It says, "scrape every issue from every repository
# on  It doesn't matter if ralphbean owns the issue
# or not."
service = github
username = ralphbean
default_priority = H

# Note that login and username can be different.  I can login as me, but
# scrape issues from an organization's repos.
login = ralphbean
passw = OMG_LULZ

# This is the same thing, but for bitbucket.  Each target entry must have a
# 'service' attribute which must be one of the supported services (like
# 'github', 'bitbucket', 'trac', etc...).
service = bitbucket
username = ralphbean
default_priority = M

# Here's another bitbucket one.  Here we want to scrape the issues from repos of
# another user, but only include them in the taskwarrior db if they're assigned
# to me.
service = bitbucket
username = paj
only_if_assigned = ralphbean
default_priority = L

# Here's an example of a trac target.  Scrape every ticket and only include them
# if 1) they're owned by me or 2) they're currently unassigned.
# Note -- You must have the trac XML-RPC plugin installed and configured to work
# over HTTP.
service = trac

trac.base_uri =
trac.username = ralph
trac.password = OMG_LULZ

only_if_assigned = ralph
also_unassigned = True
default_priority = H

# Here's an example of a bugzilla target.  This will scrape every ticket
# 1) that is not closed and 2) that is either the
# owner or reporter or is cc'd on.  Bugzilla instances can be quite different
# from one another so use this with caution and please report bugs so we can
# make bugwarrior support more robust!
service = bugzilla

bugzilla.base_uri =
bugzilla.username =
bugzilla.password = OMG_LULZ

# Here's an example of a megaplan target.
service = megaplan

hostname =
login = alice
password = secret

default_priority = H
project_name = example

# Here's an example of a jira project. The ``jira-python`` module is
# a bit particular, and jira deployments, like Bugzilla, tend to be
# reasonably customized. So YMMV. The ``base_uri`` must not have a
# have a trailing slash. In this case we fetch comments and
# cases from jira assigned to 'ralph' where the status is not closed or
# resolved.
service = jira
jira.base_uri =
jira.username = ralph
jira.password = OMG_LULZ
jira.query = assignee = ralph and status != closed and status != resolved
jira.project_prefix = Programming.

# Here's an example of a teamlab target.
service = teamlab

hostname =
login = alice
password = secret

project_name = example_teamlab

# Here's an example of a redmine target.
service = redmine
url =
key = c0c4c014cafebabe
user_id = 7
project_name = redmine

# Here's an example of an activecollab3 target. This is only valid for
# activeCollab 3.x, see below for activeCollab 2.x.
# Obtain your user ID and API url by logging in, clicking on your avatar on
# the lower left-hand of the page. When on that page, look at the URL. The
# number that appears after "/user/" is your user ID.
# On the same page, go to Options and API Subscriptions. Generate a read-only
# API key and add that to your bugwarriorrc file.
# Bugwarrior will only gather tasks and subtasks for projects in your "Favorites"
# list. Note that if you have 10 projects in your favorites list, bugwarrior
# will make 21 API calls on each run: 1 call to get a list of favorites, then
# 2 API calls per projects, one for tasks and one for subtasks.

service = activecollab3
url =
key = your-api-key
user_id = 15

# Here's an example of an activecollab2 target. Note that this will only work
# with ActiveCollab 2.x - see above for 3.x.
# You can obtain your user ID and API url by logging into ActiveCollab and
# clicking on "Profile" and then "API Settings". When on that page, look
# at the URL. The integer that appears after "/user/" is your user ID.
# Projects should be entered in a comma-separated list, with the project
# id as the key and the name you'd like to use for the project in Taskwarrior
# entered as the value. For example, if the project ID is 8 and the project's
# name in ActiveCollab is "Amazing Website" then you might enter 8:amazing_website
# Note that due to limitations in the ActiveCollab API, there is no simple way
# to get a list of all tasks you are responsible for in AC. Instead you need to
# look at each ticket that you are subscribed to and check to see if your
# user ID is responsible for the ticket/task. What this means is that if you
# have 5 projects you want to query and each project has 20 tickets, you'll
# make 100 API requests each time you run `bugwarrior-pull`

service = activecollab2
url =
key = your-api-key
user_id = 15
projects = 1:first_project, 5:another_project


Just run bugwarrior-pull.

It's ideal to create a cron task like:

*/15 * * * *  /usr/bin/bugwarrior-pull

Bugwarrior can emit desktop notifications when it adds or completes issues to and from your local ~/.task/ db. If your ~/.bugwarriorrc file has notifications turned on, you'll also need to tell cron which display to use by adding the following to your crontab:

*/15 * * * *  /usr/bin/bugwarrior-pull

Getting bugwarrior

Installing from the Python Package Index

Installing it from is easy with pip:

$ pip install bugwarrior

Alternatively, you can use easy_install if you prefer:

$ easy_install bugwarrior

Installing from Source

You can find the source on github at Either fork/clone if you plan to do development on bugwarrior, or you can simply download the latest tarball:

$ wget -O bugwarrior-latest.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf bugwarrior-latest.tar.gz
$ cd ralphbean-bugwarrior-*
$ python install


  • Ralph Bean (primary author)
  • Justin Forest (contributed support for RedMine, TeamLab, and MegaPlan, as well as some unicode help)
  • Tycho Garen (contributed support for Jira)
  • Kosta Harlan (contributed support for ActiveCollab 2.x/3.x, and notifications)
  • Luke Macken (contributed some code cleaning)
  • James Rowe (contributed to the docs)


Pull github, bitbucket, and trac issues into taskwarrior







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