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Homebrew, Qt-Webkit based web browser


  • Small and rather readable layer over WebKit
  • Keyboard navigation, minimal UI widgets
  • "Smartly" (queries DNS) chooses between "navigate URL" and "search for term"
  • Reports every network request
  • With one shared 'netmanager' the cookies are available on all tabs (useful? fix?).


  • Has no cache. Will not have. Depends on a proxy.
  • Does not have bookmarks management. May have as web service.
  • Has onDownloadRequest disabled. Options are being assessed.
  • Does not report error when not able to do something. Check the console (to be fixed)


  • Python (tested on 2.7)
  • PyQt4, including Qt, QtGui, QtCore, QtWebKit, QtNetwork, as Python bindings
  • node.js (tested on v0.10.21) for the search server


(Unless using -noproxy or -fb); Set up a proxy, such as squid, polipo, etc. This is required. It can be ignored if the lines under # Proxy are commented, and then there will be only limited memory content caching.

Chmod as executable and run it. This starts an empty browser. On the bottom is an address bar. Write a partial URL, as, for example, Press Ctrl+j (Enter also works). The domain will be identified, the address completed, and the browser will navigate to

Press Ctrl+Space. This enables the status bar. Hover the comic. The alt text will appear on the status bar. Hovering over a link makes the href appear too. Press Ctrl+Space to disable the status bar again.

Press Ctrl+t. A new tab will appear. Select this: from wherever you're reading. Go back to the browser, click inside the tab (to ensure it's active - I have to improve that) and press y. This will navigate to the address stored on the primary clipboard. The animation will not run yet: javascript is disabled. Press j to scroll the page down, k to scroll up.

Press q. The address bar should have turned blue: javascript is enabled now, for this tab only. Press F5 to reload. It works now. You can even keep pressing q to pause and resume the animation.

Press Ctrl-t to create another new tab. Press m, n (if the web view is active, instead of the address bar), Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDn to navigate between the tabs. All the other tabs should have white background on the address bar, meaning that javascript should be disabled there.

Go back to xkcd. Press g. A text entry should appear just over the address bar. Write p, e, r letter by letter to find the string "Permanent".

postgresql tables:

=> create table request (at_time timestamp NOT NULL, instance int NOT NULL, idx int NOT NULL, op varchar(10), scheme varchar(10), host varchar(256) NOT NULL, port int, path varchar(2048), fragment varchar(2048), query JSON, headers JSON, data JSON, source varchar(256)); => create table reply (at_time timestamp NOT NULL, instance int NOT NULL, idx int NOT NULL, status int, scheme varchar(10), host varchar(256) NOT NULL, port int, path varchar(2048), fragment varchar(2048), query JSON, headers JSON);

defined function(s):

pguser=> create or replace function is_bookmarkable(varchar) returns boolean as $$ BEGIN return ($1 not like '%.jpg' and $1 not like '%.png' and $1 not like '%.gif' and $1 not like '%.css' and $1 not like '%.js' and $1 not like '%.ico' and $1 not like '%.jpeg' and $1 not like '%.ttf' and $1 not like '%.JPG'); END $$ language plpgsql ;

Search Server

Since Eilat by default sends web searches to localhost:8000 a server on this port is required. searchserver.js is a node.js application that catches the ?q= parameter, queries Google, and builds a minimal page based on the results. Any similar web app on this port would work just as well.


If entering something that's not a web address causes the progress bar to hang, as if waiting for something, that "something" may be the search server (it's either that, the proxy, or net access is down). Run node searchserver.js on a command line on a directory containing the subdirectory templates/ and try again. An ugly page will appear containing the search results for that non-url entry.


Homebrew, Qt-Webkit based web browser







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