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A twin ion mass spec pipeline based on Ruffus

Author: Bernie Pope (

twin ion is based on the Ruffus library for writing bioinformatics pipelines. Its features include:

  • Job submission on a cluster using DRMAA (currently only tested with SLURM).
  • Job dependency calculation and checkpointing.
  • Pipeline can be displayed as a flowchart.
  • Re-running a pipeline will start from the most up-to-date stage. It will not redo previously completed tasks.


3 Clause BSD License. See LICENSE.txt in source repository.


External dependencies

twin ion depends on the following programs and libraries:

  • python (version 2.7.5)
  • DRMAA for submitting jobs to the cluster (it uses the Python wrapper to do this). You need to install your own for your local job submission system. There are versions available for common schedulers such as Torque/PBS, SLURM and so on.
  • openms (version 2.0.0)

You will need to install these dependencies yourself.

I recommend using a virtual environment:

cd /place/to/install
virtualenv twin_ion_dev 
source twin_ion_dev/bin/activate
pip install -U

If you don't want to use a virtual environment then you can just install with pip:

pip install -U

Worked example

The example directory in the source distribution contains a small dataset to illustrate the use of the pipeline.

Get a copy of the source distribution

cd /path/to/test/directory
git clone

Install twin ion as described above

Tell Python where your DRMAA library is

For example (this will depend on your local settings):

export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/slurm_drmaa/1.0.7-gcc/lib/

Run twin ion and ask it what it will do next

twin_ion -n --verbose 3

Generate a flowchart diagram

twin_ion --flowchart pipeline_flow.png 

Run the pipeline

twin_ion --use_threads --log_file pipeline.log --jobs 2 --verbose 3


You can get a summary of the command line arguments like so:

twin_ion -h
usage: twin_ion [-h] [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [-L FILE] [-T JOBNAME] [-j N]
              [--use_threads] [-n] [--touch_files_only] [--recreate_database]
              [--checksum_file_name FILE] [--flowchart FILE]
              [--key_legend_in_graph] [--draw_graph_horizontally]
              [--flowchart_format FORMAT] [--forced_tasks JOBNAME]
              [--config CONFIG] [--jobscripts JOBSCRIPTS] [--version]

Twin ion pipeline

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Pipeline configuration file in YAML format, defaults
                        to pipeline.config
  --jobscripts JOBSCRIPTS
                        Directory to store cluster job scripts created by the
                        pipeline, defaults to jobscripts
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Common options:
  --verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]
                        Print more verbose messages for each additional
                        verbose level.
  -L FILE, --log_file FILE
                        Name and path of log file

pipeline arguments:
  -T JOBNAME, --target_tasks JOBNAME
                        Target task(s) of pipeline.
  -j N, --jobs N        Allow N jobs (commands) to run simultaneously.
  --use_threads         Use multiple threads rather than processes. Needs
                        --jobs N with N > 1
  -n, --just_print      Don't actually run any commands; just print the
  --touch_files_only    Don't actually run the pipeline; just 'touch' the
                        output for each task to make them appear up to date.
  --recreate_database   Don't actually run the pipeline; just recreate the
                        checksum database.
  --checksum_file_name FILE
                        Path of the checksum file.
  --flowchart FILE      Don't run any commands; just print pipeline as a
                        Print out legend and key for dependency graph.
                        Draw horizontal dependency graph.
  --flowchart_format FORMAT
                        format of dependency graph file. Can be 'pdf', 'svg',
                        'svgz' (Structured Vector Graphics), 'pdf', 'png'
                        'jpg' (bitmap graphics) etc
  --forced_tasks JOBNAME
                        Task(s) which will be included even if they are up to

Configuration file

You must supply a configuration file for the pipeline in YAML format.

Here is an example:

# Default settings for the pipeline stages.
# These can be overridden in the stage settings below.

    # Number of CPU cores to use for the task
    cores: 1
    # Maximum memory in gigabytes for a cluster job
    mem: 4
    # VLSCI account for quota
    account: VR0002
    queue: main
    # Maximum allowed running time on the cluster in Hours:Minutes
    walltime: '1:00'
    # Load modules for running a command on the cluster.
    # Run on the local machine (where the pipeline is run)
    # instead of on the cluster. False means run on the cluster.
    local: False

# Stage-specific settings. These override the defaults above.
# Each stage must have a unique name. This name will be used in
# the pipeine to find the settings for the stage.

    # When writing an peak file, all spectra are resampled with a new sampling rate. The number of spectra does not change.
        cores: 1
        rate: '0.01'
        walltime: '0:10'
        mem: 8
            - 'openms-gcc/2.0.0'
    # Filter noise using Savitzky Golay
        cores: 1
        walltime: '0:10'
        mem: 8
            - 'openms-gcc/2.0.0'

    # Executes the top-hat filter to remove the baseline of an MS experiment.  
        cores: 1
        walltime: '0:10'
        mem: 8
            - 'openms-gcc/2.0.0'
    # Executes the peak picking with high_res algorithm.  
        cores: 1
        walltime: '0:10'
        mem: 8
            - 'openms-gcc/2.0.0'
    # Feature finder in centroided data
        cores: 1
        walltime: '0:10'
        mem: 8
            - 'openms-gcc/2.0.0'

# The input MZML files.
   - testing.mzML


A pipeline for detecting twin ion signals in LCMS data







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