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This is by far the largest Python/Django project I undertook independently. The base idea behind this was this to be the product that would be what my own company was founded upon. As usual with many attempts of tech startups, failure to find funding eventually caused this to die off. Not without the backup plan to throw this up onto my GitHub if things turned south. With that in mind, a lot of code was written in the year I worked on this. Needless to say; there is a lot to cover.

The Pitch

In recent years the freelance workforce has become a major factor in driving the success of the US and worldwide economies. Freelancers enjoy the freedom and flexibility to do their best work by working on their own terms while companies have the ability to work with talented experts when they need them.

We founded InFlow in 2017 to solve a massive problem still facing the freelance workforce. Every year 34% of freelancers do work for a client and are not paid for it. In addition to the freelancers who experience non-payment a large majority of the workforce struggles to get paid on time.

With that knowledge, we set on out a mission to help create a more prosperous, happy and fulfilled freelance workforce by providing the tools freelancers need to be successful in today’s economy.

The Stack

  • Python 3.6
  • Django Web Framework
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery
  • AngularJS
  • MySQL
  • Amazon Web Services

In addition, many Python libraries were used that can be found in the requirements.txt file, installing these requires the running of the following command;

pip install -r requirements.txt

About some of the Python libraries

We intended to use the Strip API in order to make monetary calls and Amazon Boto to have users upload their files to our Cloud Instances, intended this to be the storage for our workshare platform. Some of the libraries of note in regards to these are

pip install -Iv requests==2.18.4
pip install -Iv boto3==1.7.63
pip install -Iv botocore==1.10.63
pip install -Iv Django==2.0.2
pip install -Iv django-easy-pdf==0.1.1
pip install -Iv stripe==1.77.1

I don't see a problem in installing later versions, but at the time of that requirements.txt file, these were the versions being used.

Important Information

As usual with a Django project, the most important file can be found in the file, in this project, located in the "inflowhq" folder. The most important part of this being what database is used. This project was created using MySQL as the backend, but theoretically any backend Django supports out of the box can be used.

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'mysql instance name',
        'USER': 'mysql user name',
        'PASSWORD': 'MySql Login password',
        'HOST': 'mysql host name',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'init_command': "SET sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'",

Once the database is configured, Django needs to migrate to build the schema

python migrate

Finally, because the app utilizes Django's user login, this command is needed to create a superuser

python createsuperuser

Finally, the below command starts the develpoment surver

python runserver

About the Django Site Structure

Due to how Django is designed to break things down into individual "apps," this project has several apps in mind, each one tasked to handle a specific piece of function;

  • inflowco
  • inflowdemo
  • accounts
  • contractsandprojects
  • talktostripe

Descriptions for each app is detailed below.


The primary purpose is this app is to be the main entry point for the site. This app hosts public facing pages and handles some high level login functions such as using Google or LinkedIn to log the user in if the appropriate post data is found. Hosts some files Google wants to see to verify the correct app and some generic models that do not belong anywhere else.


Nothing too special in this app, just some base utility models.


This was kind of "for the kicks of it" but also because I imagined sooner or later freelancers in other countries will want to charge in a currency other than USD. I realized later on that stripe would probably handle this better, but this model was created very early on in the app development.


Country where the user is based, has some basic information and a reference to the base currency that user will be charging in.


Base object to collect emails from a signup page, was going to use this listing for future marketing purposes or to import into MailChimp when the time came.

Unit Tests

Not much going on here but since we had sign up pages and views that acted differently from each other, it was prudent to at least have some tests laid down. I wanted to see if the master pages on the public facing pages worked as expected by reading the context data from the resposne and see if I can successfully log in and see pages that require the user to be logged in. Also tested posting to pages to see if the email sign up worked as I expect them to.

This was a separate class I was using with the intention of talking to MailChimp, a third party marketing email vendor. We intended to build this out a little further, but all we managed to do with the time given was to post to a specific list once a user signed up on the site. Still, it shows a base level how we use the requests library.


The primary purpose of this app is to handle both logins, sign ups, and onboarding. We use Django's built in User model complete with encrypted passwords and using both LinkedIn and Google to allow users to sign up.


All models here are related to gathering information about the user and their account. From storing data regarding onboarding to their base settings. We also store things like their Google API and LinkedIn API keys.


This model's primary purpose is to store essential information related to the user. Including the generation of the freelancer's url slug to personalize URLs for users.


UNDERDEVELOPED; this was intended to be our records for user payments toward are subscription model before we came to the conclusion that it will probably be better to let Stripe handle everything.


Model used to store user's information for logging into LinkedIn in the event that they signed up via LinkedIn.


Model used to store user's information for logging into Google in the event that they signed up via Google.


Used for onboarding, users can identify as different types of freelancer during onboarding. Largely used to collect information.


Onboarding class, used with an enumeration field to determine what parts of the site a given user is interested in;

    ("m", "Milestone Tracking"),
    ("p", "Proposals and Contracts"),
    ("i", "Invoices"),
    ("a", "All of them")


Many-to-Many model with the user account and UserType.


Base setting string to tell the system what users should be notified about.


Many-To-Many model with the user and the NotificationSetting


GUID model for when a user invites someone to the platform.


Raw dump of my files for this scrapped project






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