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Python package for dictionary-based, multi-dimensional parameter space definition and iteration, which can be conveniently defined using YAML — NOTE: This repo is MIRRORED! The development project and issue tracker can be found here:


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The paramspace package

The paramspace package supplies classes that make it easy to iterate over a multi-dimensional parameter space while maintaining a data structure that is convenient for passing hierarchically structured arguments around: dicts.

A parameter space is an n-dimensional space, where each dimension corresponds to one of n parameters and each point in this space represents a certain combination of parameter values.
In modelling and simulations, it is often useful to be able to iterate over certain values of multiple parameters, creating a multi-dimensional, discrete parameter space. For example, having a model with six parameters that are worth varying, an iteration would go over the cartesian product of all possible parameter values. (This is hinted at in the icon of this repository, a 2D representation of a 6-dimensional hybercube).

To that end, this package supplies the ParamSpace class, which is initialised with a Python dict; it holds the whole set of parameters that are required by a simulation (i.e., not only those that correspond to a parameter dimension). To add a parameter dimension that can be iterated over, an entry in the dictionary can be replaced by a ParamDim object, for which the discrete values to iterate over are defined.

After initialisation of such a ParamSpace object, this package allows operations like the following:

for params in pspace:

The params object is then a dictionary that holds the configuration of the simulation at one specific point in parameter space.
In other words: each point in this parameter space refers to a specific state of the given dictionary of simulation parameters.

Further features of the paramspace package

  • With the default argument to ParamDim, it is possible to define a default position in parameter space that is used when not iterating over the parameter space
  • The order argument allows ordering the ParamDim objects, such that it can be decided which dimensions are iterated over most frequently.
  • ParamDim values can be created from range, np.linspace, and np.logspace
  • With ParamDim.mask and ParamSpace.set_mask, a subspace of a parameter space can be selected for iteration.
  • Via ParamSpace.state_map, an xarray.DataArray with labelled dimensions and coordinates is returned.
  • CoupledParamDim objects allow coupling one parameter in an iteration to another parameter dimension.
  • The paramspace.yaml object (based on ruamel.yaml.YAML) supplies the constructors and representers necessary to load or dump paramspace objects in YAML format. Defining parameter spaces via this interface is much more convenient than it is directly in Python.

Contents of this README and further reading


The paramspace package is tested for Python 3.6 - 3.10 and is available on the Python Package Index or via conda-forge.

You can install it via pip or conda using the respective command:

pip install paramspace
conda install -c conda-forge paramspace

For Developers

For installation of versions that are not on the PyPI, pip allows specifying a git repository:

$ pip3 install git+<clone-URL>@<some-branch-name>

Here, replace <clone-URL> with the repositories clone URL and specify the branch you want to install the package from. Alternatively, omit the @ and everything after it.

For local development and testing, it's best to clone this repository and install it (in editable mode) from the local directory:

$ git clone <clone-URL>
$ pip3 install -e paramspace/



The example below illustrates how ParamDim and ParamSpace objects can be created and used together.

from paramspace import ParamSpace, ParamDim

# Create the parameter dictionary, values for differently shaped cylinders
cylinders = dict(pi=3.14159,
                 r=ParamDim(default=1, values=[1, 2, 3, 5, 10]),
                 h=ParamDim(default=1, linspace=[0, 10, 11]))

# Define the volume calculation function
def calc_cylinder_vol(*, pi, r, h):
    return pi * (r**2) * h

# Initialise the parameter space
pspace = ParamSpace(cylinders)

# Iterate over it, using the parameters to calculate the cylinder's volume
for params in pspace:
    print("Height: {},   Radius: {}".format(params['h'], params['r']))
    vol = calc_cylinder_vol(**params)  # Really handy way of passing params :)
    print("  --> Volume: {}".format(vol))

Using the power of YAML

While the above way is possible, using the capabilities of the yaml module make defining ParamSpace objects much more convenient.

Say we have a configuration file that is to be given to our simulation function. With the YAML constructors implemented in this package, we can construct ParamDim and ParamSpace objects right inside the file where we define all the other parameters: just by adding a !pspace and !pdim tag to a mapping.

# This is the configuration file for my simulation
sim_name: my_first_sim
out_dir: ~/sim_output/{date:}

sim_params: !pspace    # <- will construct a ParamSpace from what is inside

  # Define a number of simulation seeds
  seed: !pdim          # <- will create a parameter dimension with seeds 0...22
    default: 0
    range: [23]

  some_param: 1.23
    num_agents: !pdim  # <- creates values: 10, 32, 100, 316, 1000, 3162, ...
      default: 100
      logspace: [1, 5, 9]
      as_type: int

    foo: 42
        magic_number: !pdim
          default: 2
          values: [2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126]

    # Can also have parameter dimensions inside a sequence
      - do_this
      - do_that
      - !pdim
        default: do_some_thing
          - do_foo
          - do_bar
          - do_spam
      - do_final_things

  # ... and so on

We can now load this file and will already have the ParamSpace constructed:

from paramspace import yaml

with open("path/to/cfg.yml", mode='r') as cfg_file:
    cfg = yaml.load(cfg_file)

# cfg is now a dict with keys: sim_name, out_dir, sim_params, ...

# Get the ParamSpace object and print some information
pspace = cfg['sim_params']
print("Received parameter space with volume", pspace.volume)

# Now perform the iteration and run the simulations
print("Starting simulation '{}' ...".format(cfg['sim_name']))
for params in pspace:


  • The yaml constructors supply full functionality. It is highly recommended to use them. Additional constructors are:
    • !pdim-default: returns the default value instead of the ParamDim object; convenient to deactivate a dimension completely.
    • !coupled-pdim and !coupled-pdim-default have the analogue behaviour, just with CoupledParamDim.
  • The yaml object can also be used to yaml.dump the configuration into a yaml file again.
  • There is the possibility to iterate and get information about the current state of the parameter space alongside the current value. For that, use the ParamSpace.iterate method.

Known issues

  • CoupledParamDim objects are implemented a bit inconsistently:
    • They behave in some cases not equivalent to regular ParamDim objects, e.g., they cannot be iterated over on their own (in fact, this will lead to an infinite loop).
    • Their mask behaviour might be unexpected.
    • Within a ParamSpace, they are mostly hidden from the user. The iteration over parameter space works reliably, but they are, e.g., not accessible within the state maps.
  • YAML representation is quite fragile, especially for CoupledParamDim. This will require some rewriting sooner or later, quite possibly accompanied by an interface change ...
  • #47: When defining ParamDim inside a YAML mapping or sequence that is also an anchor, it may occur multiple times inside ParamDim, thus leading to an infinite iteration. (Workaround introduced in !44.)

For more information, see the issue tracker.

Information for Developers


When developing for paramspace, additionally install the test and development dependencies:

pip install -e .[test,dev]


Tests are implemented using pytest.

Invoke the following command to run tests and see the coverage report:

python -m pytest -xv tests/ --cov=paramspace --cov-report=term-missing

Additionally, tox is used in the GitLab CI pipeline to test against various Python versions.

Code Formatting

This package uses black for formatting. To run it, simply invoke:

black .

(Yes, it's uncompromising.)

Note: Code formatting is part of the commit hooks, so you won't have to invoke this separately.

Commit Hooks

A number of pre-commit hooks are configured to make development more convenient. With the development dependencies installed as described above, the git commit hook can be installed by invoking:

pre-commit install

Upon invoking git commit the first time, the corresponding dependencies will be installed and the hooks will be executed. If they fail, make sure that no unexpected changes were performed.

You can also run the hooks on all files, prior to committing:

pre-commit run -a

For more details about currently configured hooks, see .pre-commit-config.yaml.


Python package for dictionary-based, multi-dimensional parameter space definition and iteration, which can be conveniently defined using YAML — NOTE: This repo is MIRRORED! The development project and issue tracker can be found here:






