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BSD Radius Server
(c) Data Tech Labs 2005,2006

This is RADIUS server written in pure Python.
To install BSD Radius use script.
%> python install

You can install the server under specific directory path using:
%> python install --prefix=/directory/of/your/choice

Run bsdradiusd -h to get list of supported command line attributes.
%> bsdradiusd -h

Please read bsdradiusd.conf, modules.conf and user_modules.conf carefully for
complete view of possible configuration options.

To get database support you have to install:
* psycopg ( for postgresql
  ( support. Support for psycopg2 is comming soon.
* MySQLdb ( for MySQL
  ( support.
* Support for Oracle and SQLite also is under development.

Create database table structure using one of files in bsdradius-x.x.x/sql
directory. Use file with preffered database engine name in it.

You can use tools/ for testing BSDRadius or any other RADIUS
server. is very comfortable tool for testing your own modules
within BSDRadius. It eliminates neccesserity for external RADIUS client which
should be used for real life tests only.

Run bsdradclient -h to get list of supported command line attributes.
%> bsdradclient -h

Take a look at bsdradclient.conf sample configuration file. It contains
attributes which will be sent to RADIUS server. You can use "#" (at the
beginning of line only) for comments.

Bsdradclient generates some random RADIUS attributes such as h323-conf-id,
Acct-Session-Id, Acct-Input-Octets, Acct-Output-Octets, Acct-Session-Time,
Acct-Terminate-Cause. It happens only if those attributes are not in the
configuration file.

Short intro in using BSDRadius module API.

Startup and shutdown function receive no attributes.
Authorization and authentication functions receive 3 attributes:
received packet data, check items and reply data. Accounting functions receive
one attribute - received packet data only.Since python uses references
for passing variables to functions it is always possible to modify contents of
all passed attributes. All these attributes are dictionaries in form:
{'attribute_name': ['value0', 'value1', 'value2']}.

from bsdradius.logger import *
def authorization(received, check, reply):
  username = received['User-Name'][0]
  password = received['User-Password'][0]
  debug ("Username: %s; password: %s" % (username, password))
  check['Auth-Type'] = ['testmodule']
  reply['Reply-Message'] = ['Hey, Joe!']
To fully evaluate BSDRadius's logging facilities feel safe to import all items
from bsdradius.logger python module. It will provide you with easy to use 
* debug - for debug messages
* info - for informative messages
* error - for logging error messages
These functions accept any number of parameters. All parameters will be
converted to strings and joined togeather.
You can read the documentation of logger module this way:
%> cd bsdradius-x.x.x
%> pydoc bsdradius.logger

from bsdradius.logger import *
def authorization(received, check, reply):
  debug ('This is debug message')
  info ('we ', 'would ', 'like', ' to', ' pass ', 'some ', 'info')
  error ('Dont do this again!!!')
For database access you can use DatabaseConnection class from
bsdradius.DatabaseConnection module. Read DatabaseConnection's documentation
for full list of usable methods. Use pydoc for comfortable documentation
%> cd bsdradius-x.x.x
%> pydoc bsdradius.DatabaseConnection

from bsdradius.DatabaseConnection import DatabaseConnection
def startup():
  dbh = DatabaseConnection.getHandler('my_handler', 'mysql')
  dbh.connect(host = '', user = 'testuser',
    password = 'somepass', dbname = 'test')
def authorization(received, check, reply):
  dbh = DatabaseConnection.getHandler('my_handler')
  data = dbh.execGetRows('select * from sometable')
  print data[0][0]
Since every module can have it's own custom config file (defined with
configfile directive in user_modules.conf or modules.conf) BSDRadius reads and
parses each configuration file when loading modules. Parsed configuration data
are available as global variable "radParsedConfig" in each module. If there was
no configfile set in modules configuration file then variable "radParsedConfig"
is None.

# in user_modules.conf:
configfile = my_module.conf
accounting_module = my_module
accounting_function = authorization

# in
from bsdradius.logger import *
def accounting(received):
  if radParsedConfig == None:
    error ('No configuration data was parsed')
    debug ("Parsed configuration: ", radParsedConfig)

Please see BSDRadius server modules in bsdradius-x.x.x/bsdradius/serverModules/ 
and sample modules in bsdradius-x.x.x/user_modules/ for real code.