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If you don't already have pipenv installed, instalal it. Note: it can't be installed into a virtual environment.

$ pip install pipenv

Create a virtual environment and install both the dev and production dependencies. This need's to be done from within the top level bi_site folder, the folder in which the Pipfile file is located.

$ pipenv install --dev

Create a /bi_site/ file based on /bi_site/

Create a /docs folder within /brilliantimagery_site

Dev Server Initialization and Setup

A file needs to be generated. This can be done by duplicating the file \bi_site\ and rename it to generate the file \bi_site\ Change the enclosed string values as needed. SECRET_KEY is a 50 character random string. EMAIL_HOST_USER is the email address that the site will sends things such as password change emails from. The present settings file assumes that it's an email address managed by GMail. EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD is the password for the entered email. The system also assumes that 2FA has been set up for the email address and that the password is the password generated for an app. Setting up 2FA and getting the app password is beyond the scop of this README.

Create database migration files:

$ python makemigrations

Create the database and tables:

$ python migrate

Create a superuser to manage the site:

$ python createsuperuser

Running the Dev Server

Start the virtual environment if it isn't already running:

$ pipenv shell

Start the test server:

$ python runserver


Start the virtual environment if it isn't yet running. This need's to be done from within the top level bi_site folder. Also, the config file and tests expect there to a folder 'media' within the top level 'brilliantimagery_site' folder and a 'default.jpg' file within the 'media' folder. Put those there if they don't yet exist.

$ pipenv shell

To run all tests:

$ pytest

If test coverage is to be generated insure that no lines in pytest.ini are commented out.

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = bi_site.settings
addopts = --cov --cov-report=html

Coverage generation can cause issues with IDE debuggers that result in breakpoints not being honored. If an IDE isn't stopping at your breakpoints, comment out the addopts line from pytest.ini.

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = bi_site.settings
;addopts = --cov --cov-report=html


A website for the brilliantimagery software







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