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This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme project DICE under grant agreement No. 644869.


A Cloudify plugin for Flexiant's cloud platform. Currently supports spawning instances and semi-automagically assigning them all the necessary devices.

Currently supports provisioning unconnected server instances, and has been designed to used and tested with an IP network type.

Additionally provides a framework upon which to build a more complete Flexiant plugin, with support for almost all REST API endpoints.


The plugin is currently designed to be compatible with Cloudify 3.3, though it should work with any 3.x release. To use the plugin in a blueprint simply import the plugin.yaml from the master branch at the top of your blueprint:

tosca_definitions_version: cloudify_dsl_1_0


Once included in the blueprint, Flexiant Server instances can be provisioned using the cloudify.flexiant.nodes.Server type.

cloudify.flexiant.nodes.Server Properties

Any instance of cloudify.flexiant.nodes.Server accepts the following properties in order to determine its configuration correctly:

  • auth: An object/mapping containing authentication parameters for the FCO platform. The values required can all be gathered from the FCO CP. The available authentication methods are:
    • Username & password authentication, required keys: username, password, customer (as a UUID) and url (base URL pointing to the API)
    • API user authentication, required keys: api_user_uuid, api_password, customer (as a UUID) and url (base URL pointing to the API)
    • API token authentication, required keys: token, url (base URL pointing to the API)
    • All the API authentication methods also accept the optional boolean verify_ca_cert (defaults to True) which determines whether the CA certificate should be checked when making API requests. Set to False if the CA certificate is not trusted on the Cloudify Manager instance.
  • image: Name or UUID of the image to be used.
  • vdc: Name or UUID of the VDC to be used
  • manager_key: Name or UUID of the key the manager should provision to gain access to instances (this key should most likely be the public key of the Cloudify Manager).
  • network: name or UUID of the network to be used.
  • cpu_count: Number of CPUs to be passed to the API Server request; accepts integers.
  • ram_amount: Amount of RAM in MB to be passed to the API Server request.
  • server_type: Name or UUID of the Server product offer to use.
  • install_agent: Boolean whether the Cloudify agent should be installed. Defaults to true.
  • cloudify_agent: An object/mapping containing additional Cloudify agent installation parameters. Defaults to an empty object.

An example configuration of a node would luck like the following:

    type: cloudify.flexiant.nodes.Server
        api_user_uuid: 'api_user_uuid_goes_here'
        api_password: 'api_password_goes_here'
        customer: 'customer_uuid_goes_here'
        url: ''
        verify_ca_cert: False
      image: 'image_uuid_goes_here'
      vdc: 'vdc_uuid_goes_here'
      network: 'network_uuid_goes_here'
      server_type: 'My Server Offer'
      cpu_count: 4
      ram_amount: 4096
      manager_key: 'manager_public_key_uuid_goes_here'
      cloudify_agent:  # As an example, if the Server instance is timing out with the lower default timeout
          wait_started_timeout: 60
          wait_started_interval: 3

Determining UUIDs and Other Values

Using the CP, you can generally view the UUID by selecting the appropriate object type in the sidebar and then finding the exact object in the list:

Sidebar Image

And then checking the Information page for all the UUIDs under Related Resources & UUIDs:

UUID Image

The following UUIDs can be determined using this method:

  • api_user_uuid - find your API user under Users
  • image: find your image under Images
  • vdc: find your image under VDCs
  • network: find your network under Networks
  • manager_key: find your public key under SSH Keys

These UUIDs are generally related and can be found referenced multiple times across different pages.

The following have to be determined using a different procedure:

  • username: your CP login username
  • customer: can be found under related resources on e.g. your image Information page, or go to My Account > Settings > Account Details in the CP and find the Customer UUID in the Your API Details section (no, this is not the actual UUID):

Account Image

  • server_type: on the CP select Add Server and select the VDC in which your image is contained. The server_type can be any of your Configuration options (in the given image it is 0.5 GB / 1 CPU:

Configuration Image

Contributing to the Plugin

To easily extend the plugin, the entire FCO REST API is exposed at a low level in the api module of the fcoclient package, drawing information from the resttypes package. To refer to available endpoints, objects and enums look inside the resttypes package.

The API is hidden is auto-configured and exposed to higher-level plugin operations in the cfy package, where most of the expansion should theoretically take place. Ideally every type provided by Flexiant should have a matching entry in the plugin definition (plugin.yaml), with related operations being defined in the cfy package.

Provisioning of private keys needs to be completed, as well as the addition of an SSH Key node.

Updating the Defintions

When updating the definitions, care must be taken to ensure that:

  • GenericObject is used in place of object
  • QueryField operations match available operations in the Condition enum
  • FilterCondition requires the mixin FilterConditionMixin


Cloudify Flexiant Plugin







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