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|||  X-BOA  |||

Cross-Platform Beam Optics Analysis


To unpack, do:
  tar -xzf xboa-<version>.tar.gz
where <version> is the version number of this distribution. Then move into the <unpack_directory> by doing
  cd xboa-<version>
To build, do:
  python build
To install, do:
  python install
You may need admin privileges to install

||| RUNNING      |||
To test that the installation was okay, do:
  cd ~/
  >> import xboa.test.XBOATest
  >> xboa.test.XBOATest.main()
Note that you must move away from the build directory because python can otherwise get confused about paths.

Assuming that xboa passed all the tests (there are usually a few warnings), you might want to run the examples.
  >> import xboa.examples.Example_1
  >> import xboa.examples.Example_2
  >> import xboa.examples.Example_3
  >> import xboa.examples.Example_4
You can browse the source code by looking at e.g.
You can, for example, modify one of these scripts for your own purposes.

The unpacked folder contains:
doc:          contains documentation on each of the available source files
xboa:          contains python and C source code
xboa/examples: contains some example applications
Documentation is usually installed by default in 
or sometimes
depending on the value of sys.exec_prefix parameter

||| LIBARIES     |||

I use the following python version:

Python     v2.7   (basic python installation, mandatory to build x-boa)
python-devel        (python header files)

I use the following external packages. x-boa should run without them - but with limited functionality

NumPy      v1.5.0   (linear algebra, matrix routines)
MatPlotLib v1.1.0  (plotting routine library for plot output)
Root       v5.32.00 (alternate plotting library)
Json                (used for IO from MAUS, python builtin for python >= 2.6)
Multiprocessing     (used for multiprocessing, python builtin for python >= 2.6)

||| Release Notes |||
Known Issues
There is a known issue that Common.kill_all_subprocesses() fails for python < 2.6 - seems to crash PyROOT if I kill subprocesses

Release Notes v0.16.2
- A weighting algorithm was added for statistical weighting of bunches using
  voronoi diagrams in xboa.bunch.weighting
- Modifications were made to enable xboa to be integrated with MAUS
- Few documentation fixes

Release Notes v0.16.1
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug causing an intermittent memory error in bunch module
- Fixed a bug where tune calculations can fail in FFTTuneFinder if the number of
  turns is odd

Release Notes v0.16.0
tracking and algorithms modules were added. 
- tracking module provides a common interface for tracking routines in different
- algorithms module provides some maths and physics routines
-- closed_orbit: closed orbit finder for ring geometries
-- peak_finder: find peaks from a list of data points
-- smoothing: smooth a noisy data set by averaging over a few points
-- tune: tune finding routines for periodic geometries

There was a significant refactor of the backend libraries
- moved from C code to C++ code
- segregated python API routines from logic
Small refactor of frontend
- input/read routines moved to hit.factory module
- move towards python standardised names (e.g. under_scores for modules,
  CamelCase for classes, under_scores for methods/functions)

Release Notes v0.15.2
Moment calculations did not use global weights

Release Notes v0.15.1
Fixed some memory issues
Added ellipse fitting routine

Release Notes v0.15.0
Added Muon1 as a file type
Fixed documentation to be compliant with doxygen (>= version 1.8)
Added "spill" to Hit (index for spill number for MICE)
global_weight now implemented as a mapping of (spill, event_number, particle_number) to (global_weight)

Release Notes v0.14.0
Added standard deviation as an output
Fixed a bug in G4BLTrackFile IO - when event number is more than 1e7, event number goes into scientific notation - which is a float.

Release Notes v0.13.1
Changed maus data format to reflect maus changes

Release Notes v0.13.0
Added multiprocessing wrapper to Common
Added few more units
Fixed bug - maus_virtual_hit IO fails if the branch structure is wrong
Fixed bug - incorrect format of bltrackfile (weight, track_number)

Release Notes v0.12.0
Added maus_primary type to read and write
Separated tests into smaller blocks (one test module for each module plus a system test module)

Release Notes v0.11.0
Added maus import to read and write in maus format (virtual_hits only)
Added Bunch.build_penn_ellipse to build a beam ellipse using penn parameterisation
Added Bunch.new_hit_shell to build a set of particles that all sit on the same (arbitrary dimensional) beam ellipse
Added energy deposited parameter ('e_dep') for hit get/set
Added charge parameter ('charge') for hit get/set
Added list of unrecognised pids - updated by hit read_builtin
Fixed bug in Common.min_max (if all weights 0, get unhandled exception)
Fixed bug in units (GV was set wrong)
Fixed bug in Common.make_root_graph (can alter input list ordering)

Release Notes v0.10.0
Added extra options for root plots
Modifications to Common.histogram in 
Added kolmogorov smirnov in Common test
Fixed bug - write throws and exception for icool formats if there is an unrecognised pid; now just skips the pid and moves on
Fixed bug - if numpy is not available, library doesn't import
Fixed bug - one of the examples fails if matplotlib is available

Release Notes v0.9.0
Moved to bzr versioning system

Release Notes v0.8.3
Fixed bugs in XBOA9f
Improved test procedure
Fixed bug in matplotlib
Added Common.subprocess() function
Add Common.matplot_show_and_continue()

Release Notes v0.8.2
Fixed bug in Bunch.root_histogram and changed default draw option to COL
Fixed bug in g4beamline format for read_builtin and set_g4bl_unit

Release Notes v0.8.1
Fixed bug in g4beamline format
Fixed some typos in documentation

Release Notes v0.8
Added examples
Added Bunch.transmission_cut
Added Bunch.new_list_from_read_builtin
Improved memory usage
Added several examples to XBOA9f
Fixed bug - binary release fails with incompatible libc
Fixed bug - so that Ecalc9f script exactly matches reference data
Fixed bug - read could fail unexpectedly in some cases
Fixed bug - ellipse definition

Release Notes v0.7
Some bug fixes in Ecalc9f
Several routines ported to C for optimisation reasons - should be no changes visible to the user, but
it will run more quickly!

Release Notes v0.6
Standalone executables released for Linux, rearrange directory structure in release
Period_transformation added to Bunch
Ellipse method added to Bunch to get 2D ellipse from twiss parameters
Added G4MICE Virtual Hits format
Ecalc9f matplotlib output uses tex formatting
Enable editing of header for relevant output formats
Bug fix - g4mice input failed in some cases
Bug fix - set_covariance_matrix failed in some cases
Added mars_1 i/o format (mars output from wurstp format)
Bug fix - Common.make_matplot_histogram sees weights in 1D case
Added r' = pt/pz to Hit.get_variables()

Release Notes v0.5
Added bindings to matplotlib plotting library

Release Notes v0.4
  file_convert example
  Bunch.root_scatter_graph function to draw scatter graphs

Release Notes v0.3
  app packager
  ecalc9f example
  canonical angular momentum calculation

Release Notes v0.2
Added test suite
Documentation improvements
Functional improvements

Release Notes v0.1
Implemented Bunch, Hit and Common modules

||| Planned Development/etc |||
If you have a need, again, please get in touch
- Edwards-Teng parameterisation
- Mais-Ripken parameterisation
- Windows binary distribution
- plotting RF bucket
- transfer matrix and lattice optical functions calculation
- iterative amplitude algorithm
- phase as an axis variable (as well as time)
- Fully replicate ecalc9f - some options missing

||| LICENCE |||
xboa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

xboa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with xboa in the doc folder.  If not, see 


No description, website, or topics provided.






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