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cctrl is a set of command line utilities to help you create and manage applications and users hosted on platforms compatible with cloudControl.


  • python 2.6.x or 2.7.x
  • python-setuptools
  • pip


To install cctrl:

  • Via pip (non-windows compatible)

    $ (sudo) pip install cctrl

  • Via

    $ (sudo) python install

    Dependencies should be automatically fetched by easy_install.

  • Via executable (windows only)

To upgrade cctrl (non-windows compatible):

$ (sudo) pip install cctrl --upgrade

To check successful installation of cctrl:

$ cctrlapp -v
cctrlapp 1.x.x using pycclib 1.x.x


If you don't have an account yet, you can create it with this command:

$ cctrluser create

Once you're done with installation and already have an account, you just need to run one more command to get your setup ready:

$ cctrluser setup

This command will save your email and the SSH public key you will use to authenticate and to push with. See cctrluser setup -h for further setup information.


See cctrlapp -h to learn about its usage and available commands.

Vagrant Support

This project includes Vagrant support, so you can start an Ubuntu virtual machine with your local cctrl version installed and ready to use. It might be also useful for Windows users, so they can have a more Unix-like experience.

To start a cctrl Vagrant box you need to be inside the project directory and follow these steps:

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ cctrlapp -h

If you're working on project development and want to update your changes, run:

$ vagrant provision

You can find documentation on Vagrant installation and configuration on their official site.