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An open-source datastore for IATI data with RESTful web API providing XML, JSON, CSV plus ETL tools


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IATI Datastore Classic

Build Status Coverage Status License: AGPL v3


The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) aims to make information about aid spending easier to access.

IATI maintains the IATI Standard and keeps a Registry of IATI data.

The IATI Datastore was originally built in 2013 by the Open Knowledge Foundation. Code for IATI has updated the software to use Python3 and modern dependencies. Over time, we will include other bugfixes and feature improvements. Our fork of the software is called IATI Datastore Classic.

A public instance is available here:


You will need Redis, Postgres (version >= 12), Python 3, pip and develpment libraries (for libpq, libxml2 and libxslt) to run the full setup. For example, on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install postgresql redis-server python3 python3-pip libpq-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libevent-dev python3-dev

Installing for development

# Clone the source
git clone

# Install development dependencies
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

# Run the tests  (You need to create a postgres database for these to use and set the connection string)
TEST_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=... nosetests iati_datastore

# Create a new PostgreSQL database
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE iati_datastore"

# Set an environment variable for `IATI_DATASTORE_DATABASE_URL` linking to the database created
export IATI_DATASTORE_DATABASE_URL=postgres:///iati_datastore

# Create the db tables
iati db upgrade

# Note: To create the tables the new database may need access privileges granted to your system user
# See
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER [SYSTEM USER]"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE iati_datastore TO [SYSTEM USER]"

# Create the front page
iati build-query-builder --deploy-url=

# Start the process of grabbing the source data
iati crawler download-and-update

# Start a development server – this should be run in a seperate terminal window
iati run

# Run a worker. This will download and index the datafiles
iati queue background

# The progess of the worker can be checked using:
iati crawler status

# A local API is available at:

Development with vagrant

A Vagrant box is also provided. vagrant up as normal, then vagrant ssh.

# Run the tests
nosetests --exe iati_datastore

# Create the db tables
iati db upgrade

# Create the front page
iati build-query-builder --deploy-url=

# Start the process of grabbing the source data
iati crawler download-and-update

# Start a development server – this should be run in a seperate terminal window
iati run --host

# Run a worker. This will download and index the datafiles
iati queue background

# The progess of the worker can be checked using:
iati crawler status

# A local API is available at:

Python Profiling

If you want to profile some of the code, follow these additional instructions:

Edit iati_datastore/iatilib/frontend/, and add an import and change the return of create_app (Do not check these changes in!):

from werkzeug.middleware.profiler import ProfilerMiddleware

def create_app(config_object='iatilib.config.Config'):
    ... as usual ....
    return  ProfilerMiddleware(app, profile_dir='/vagrant/profiles')


mkdir -p profiles
pip install snakeviz
iati run --host

In another window run:

snakeviz  -H -p 5555 -s   /vagrant/profiles/

Go to a URL as normal.

You should see files appear in the profiles directory.

Go to and you can browse them with pretty graphs.

To turn this off, just undo your changes to iati_datastore/iatilib/frontend/

Database Logging

As root, create and edit the file /etc/postgresql/12/main/conf.d/log.conf and put in:

log_min_duration_statement = 0

Restart Postgres:

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

Open a new window and see queries made as other tasks are carried out:

sudo tail -f /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-main.log

Note if you do something like a data import this will include A LOT of queries - make sure you turn this off when you don't need this any more!

To turn this off, just delete the config file you created and restart postgres again.

Deploying with nginx

  • Intall the requirements listed above

  • Install nginx

      sudo apt-get install nginx
  • Install uwsgi, from within your virtualenv

      pip3 install uwsgi
  • Create a uwSGI .ini file inside the root iati-datastore folder, e.g.

      module = liveserver
      master = true
      processes = 5
      socket = /var/www/socks/%n.sock
      logto = /var/log/uwsgi/%n.log
      chmod-socket = 666
      vacuum = true
      die-on-term = true
  • Make sure /var/www/socks/ and /var/log/uwsgi/ are writeable by the www-data user.

  • Add a file, according to your server configuration:

      import sys, os
      PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
      sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/iati-datastore/pyenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages')
      sys.path.insert(0, PATH)
      from iati_datastore.iatilib.wsgi import app as application
  • Set up a systemd service, e.g. in /etc/systemd/system/iati-datastore.service

      Description=IATI Datastore uWSGI instance
      ExecStart=/path/to/iati-datastore/pyenv/bin/uwsgi --ini /path/to/iati-datastore/iati-datastore_uwsgi.ini
  • Start the systemd service, e.g.:

      systemctl start iati-datastore
  • Make sure that the service loads on restart:

      systemctl enable iati-datastore
  • Create your nginx config file, e.g. in /etc/nginx/sites-available/datastore

      server {
          gzip            on;
          gzip_types      text/plain application/xml text/css application/javascript application/json;
          gzip_min_length 1000;
          error_log  /var/www/logs/error.log;
          access_log /var/www/logs/access.log;
          error_page 404 /error/404.html;
          error_page 500 501 502 503 504 /error/5xx.html;
          location /error {
              root /path/to/iati-datastore/iati_datastore/iatilib/frontend/templates;
          location /docs {
              alias /path/to/iati-datastore/iati_datastore/iatilib/frontend/docs/dirhtml;
              expires 1y;
          location / {
              uwsgi_intercept_errors on;
              include uwsgi_params;
              uwsgi_pass unix:/var/www/socks/iati-datastore_uwsgi.sock;
              uwsgi_buffering off;
  • Load the config file and test nginx:

      cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/datastore /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/datastore
      nginx -t
  • If everything worked out, restart nginx and your site should be available through your server (e.g. in the above configuration, via

      systemctl restart nginx

Deploying with apache

  • Install the requirements listed above

  • Install Apache and mod_wsgi

      sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
  • Clone the source

  • Install pip install -e iati_datastore

  • Create a database (in postgres), and set an environment variable DATABASE_URL. e.g.:

      sudo -u postgres createdb iati-datastore -O my_username -E utf-8
      export DATABASE_URL='postgres:///iati-datastore'
  • Run iati create_database to create the db tables

  • Set up a cron job for updates. (Add the following line after running crontab -e)

      0 0 * * * export DATABASE_URL='postgres:///iati-datastore'; /usr/local/bin/iati crawler download-and-update
  • Run a worker with iati queue background

    • This needs to persist when you close your ssh connection. A simple way of doing this is using screen.
  • Set up apache using mod_wsgi

  • Create a datastore.wsgi file containing this code (this is necessary because Apache's mod wsgi handles environment variables differently):

      import os
      os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] = 'postgres:///iati-datastore'
      from iatilib.wsgi import app as application
  • Add this inside the <VirtualHost> tags of your apache configuration:

      WSGIDaemonProcess datastore user=my_username group=my_username
      WSGIProcessGroup datastore
      WSGIScriptAlias / /home/datastore/datastore.wsgi

Updating activities after changing import code

  • Restart background process
  • Run iati crawler download-and-update --ignore-hashes This will force a full refresh

Generation of Documentation

API documentation in the docs folder is generated using Sphinx.

iati build-docs

Generation of the front page and query builder

iati build-query-builder

By default, the query builder will look for files served from - if you would like to point it elsewhere (e.g. to then you should add the argument deploy-url:

iati build-query-builder --deploy-url

Python Requirements

To update requirements, use pip-compile.

Make sure you are in a Python 3.8 virtual environment, and run:

pip install pip-tools

Then in the 2 requirements*.txt files, look for the line:

-e file:///vagrant/iati_datastore

And edit them to:

-e iati_datastore

I18N - Flask Application

cd iati_datastore/iatilib

To add a new locale:

pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o messages.pot .
pybabel init -i messages.pot -d translations -l fr

If strings change in app and you want to reparse the app for new strings, run:

pybabel extract -F babel.cfg  -k lazy_gettext -o messages.pot .
pybabel update -i messages.pot -d translations

When .po files change with new content, or when deploying the app:

pybabel compile -d translations


An open-source datastore for IATI data with RESTful web API providing XML, JSON, CSV plus ETL tools








  • Python 90.2%
  • Vue 5.8%
  • HTML 1.2%
  • Makefile 1.0%
  • Batchfile 1.0%
  • Shell 0.4%
  • Other 0.4%