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Danbooru-daemon comprises a daemon to download images automatically from
danbooru-like sites and an offline browser GUI to search the downloaded
images by tags and other fields, licensed under Apache License 2.0.

Python 3.x
SQLAlchemy >= 0.7.7
PyQt4 >= 4.9.0

First use:
* Copy the sample-config.cfg to ~/.danbooru-daemon.cfg and adapt it for
  your needs.
* Run the following:
  - "danbooru_daemon -a update" to download the image data from the site to
    the sqlite database.
  - "danbooru_daemon -a download" to download the images registered in the
  - "danbooru_daemon -a nepomuk" to tag the images downloaded with the info
    previously stored in the database.
  - "danbooru_daemon -a cleanup" to move the images who aren't in the database
    to the root image directory.
  - "danbooru_daemon -a daemon" to run update and download for every configured
    site, and retry after the specified ammount of time indicated in the config.
 The recommended setup is to run the danbooru_daemon as a daemon so it gets new
 images, tags and info periodically.
 Special search terms for the danbooru_gui:
 * "width:[<>]size": search for images with the specified width, use ">" or
   "<" to search images that are less or greater than the specified width.
   e.g.: width:>1024 (search images that have more than 1024 pixels of width).
  * "height:[<>]size": search for images with the specified width, use ">" or
   "<" to search images that are less or greater than the specified height.
   e.g.: height:1080 (search images that have exactly 1080 pixels of height).
  * "site:board_alias": search for images from the specified board (for the alias,
    use the name of section in the config file).
  * "rating:safe|questionable|explicit": search for images with the specified
    rating. This term requires to use "site:alias" too.
  * "ratio:width:height": search for images with the specified aspect ratio.
   e.g.: ratio:16:9 (search for images with 16:9 aspect ratio).
Special features of the danbooru_gui:
* Double click on a image to view it in full screen.


Daemon to download images automatically from danbooru-like sites and optionally tag them with Nepomuk







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