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groundwire.checkout provides an alternative frontend to the shopping cart and order functionality of getpaid.core that can be used instead of Products.PloneGetPaid.

In particular, this package replaces the following functionality of Products.PloneGetPaid:

  • It provides an IShoppingCartUtility to get or clear the shopping cart.
  • It provides an IFormSchemas utility to look up the schemas and classes used to store address and payment information.
  • It registers a persistent IOrderManager utility to store historic order info.
  • It provides a checkout form to view the cart and place an order.
  • It provides vocabularies of states and countries for use by the checkout form widgets.
  • It provides an order confirmation view that is displayed after checkout.
  • It provides settings in the configuration registry for choosing an active payment processor and forcing an HTTPS connection.

Noteworthy differences between this package and Products.PloneGetPaid are:

  • groundwire.checkout does not provide a UI for adding items to the cart. This must be implemented by packages which extend groundwire.checkout.
  • groundwire.checkout's payment form is implemented using z3c.form (making it easier to customize for people familiar with z3c.form), but does not support multiple wizard steps (so custom shipping and tax addons are not currently supported).
  • groundwire.checkout uses Beaker for session storage instead of Zope sessions.
  • groundwire.checkout provides a more useful order confirmation view following checkout, including a printable listing of the cart.
  • groundwire.checkout does not currently provide a UI to browse order history. (Information about orders is still recorded in the database, though.)
  • groundwire.checkout currently only supports the getpaid.authorizedotnet payment processor.


  1. Set up collective.beaker.

    groundwire.checkout uses Beaker for session storage for the user's cart. To use it, you must have configuration like the following in your buildout:

    zope-conf-additional =
        <product-config beaker>
            session.type            file
            session.data_dir        ${buildout:directory}/var/sessions/data
            session.lock_dir        ${buildout:directory}/var/sessions/lock
            session.key             beaker.session
            session.secret          secret

    (Update secret to something, well, secret.)

  2. Add groundwire.checkout to your buildout.

    You must add a custom find-link for hurry.workflow, because getpaid.core depends on a custom release that is not on PyPI. You must also pin versions of dependencies appropriately:

    find-links =
    versions = versions
    getpaid.authorizedotnet = 0.6.1
    getpaid.core = 0.9.2
    getpaid.nullpayment = 0.5.0
    hurry.workflow = 0.9.2-getpaid

    Then you can add groundwire.checkout as a dependency of your package in its

    install_requires = [

    And load its ZCML in your package's configure.zcml:

    <include package="groundwire.checkout" />

    And activate its GenericSetup profile as a dependency in your product's metadata.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
  3. Go to the configuration registry for your site and configure your payment processor settings appropriately.


Basic checkout

Here's an example of adding an item to the cart, with a cost of $5.00, and redirecting the user to the checkout form:

from getpaid.core.item import PayableLineItem
from groundwire.checkout.utils import get_cart
from groundwire.checkout.utils import redirect_to_checkout

item = PayableLineItem()
item.item_id = 'item' = 'My Item'
item.cost = float(5)
item.quantity = 1

cart = get_cart()
if 'item' in cart:
    del cart['item']
cart['item'] = item

Performing an action after payment is complete

To perform some action after a charge has been captured, use a custom subclass of PayableLineItem and implement its after_charged method:

from getpaid.core.item import PayableLineItem

class MyLineItem(PayableLineItem):

    def after_charged(self):
        print 'charged!'

Setting up a donation form using pfg.donationform

pfg.donationform can be used to set up a PloneFormGen-based donation form that is compatible with groundwire.checkout (as well as Products.PloneGetPaid).

To add a donation form to a package that already has groundwire.checkout installed:

  1. Add pfg.donationform as a dependency of your package in

    install_requires = [
  2. Depend on its ZCML from your package's configure.zcml:

    <include package="pfg.donationform" />
  3. Activate its GenericSetup profile as a dependency in your package's metadata.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
  4. Create a custom setuphandler for your package's GenericSetup profile which adds the form. In

    from pfg.donationform.utils import addDonationForm
    def import_various(context):
        if context.readDataFile('mypackage.txt') is None:
        portal = context.getSite()
        if 'donate' not in portal:
            form = addDonationForm(portal,
                title = u'Donate',
                levels = "\n".join(['2500', '1000', '500', '250', '100', '50', '25']),
                create_fields = True,
                use_ssl = False,
            portal.portal_workflow.doActionFor(form, 'publish')

    (Adjust "mypackage.txt" to match your package's name, and make sure that file is present in your package's GenericSetup profile directory.)

    (You must enable SSL for a production deployment.)

    Also make sure you've registered the custom setup handler in your package's configure.zcml:

        title="mypackage various"
        description="Various setup steps for mypackage"
        handler="mypackage.setuphandlers.import_various" />

    (Replace "mypackage" as appropriate.)

    Installing your package should now result in the creation of a functional donation form at /donate.

To be documented

  • Customizing the templates
  • Customizing the checkout form
    • Prepopulating fields
    • Customizing the contact info saved for the order
    • Adding a subform
    • Customizing the redirect URL
  • Adding custom fields to a donation form
  • Recording purchases to Salesforce using groundwire.sf_payment_recorder
  • Test setup for products that use groundwire.checkout


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