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  • make a mask for nuclear (ch1) and remove those pixels from both (full, ring, eroded)

  • try and use gaussian followed by erosion for maksing (not for skeleton)

  • make sure just takes an output folder

  • implement selection of n random (e.g. 100) measurements from skeleton, this requires to go through and figure out smallest n

  • my masks are always 1-2 slices too big in z. Presumably due to z-spread (point spread function). Maybe remove 1-4 (probably 3-4 slices) at the top and bottom of the stack

  • this points to a bigger problem with the shared santana confocal scope. Is it in alignment???


  1. convert raw data


  1. specify path to save/view everything in file
  2. ./
  3. python # slowest
  4. python
  5. run jupyter notebook densityAnalysis.ipynb
  6. view with `python ../analysis/wt-female.txt

samiVolume3/ used erodedIterations0 = 3 erodedIterations = 3

Install aics and bImPy togethere

Need to use conda

# see: #
cd ~/Sites
git clone

cd ~/Sites/smMicrotubule

conda create -n sami_env python=3.6

conda activate sami_env

conda install nb_conda

pip install numpy
pip install itkwidgets==0.14.0

pip install -e ../aics-segmentation.

# install bimpy
pip install -e /Users/cudmore/Sites/bImPy/.

# downgrade tifffile (for aics)
pip install tifffile==0.15.1


pip install seaborn statannot

A) Workflow

1) Convert oir file to .tif and split channels

Drag and drop fiji/ onto Fiji. Manually specify path by editing the folderPath ...

# specify path here
# .endswith('_3ADVMLEG1L1.oir')
folderPath = '/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200421'

2) Add each file path to corresponding analysis/ .txt file

Add full path for each new _ch2.tif file to corresponding file in the analysis/ folder. There are 4 analysis/ batch .txt files.


To simplify things, use python/getFileList.pyto quickly generate a list of all files for a given folder (and all subfolders). Just copy/paste the output into the corresponding analysis/ batch .txt file.

3) Run python/ for each analysis/ batch .txt file

This will use aics segmentation to make a filament mask and then use Skan to make a skeleton

cd python
python batch=../analysis/wt-female.txt
python batch=../analysis/wt-male.txt
python batch=../analysis/ko-female.txt
python batch=../analysis/ko-male.txt

Or run all 4 of those commands with python/

cd python

python/ will save a file with all the analysis results. For the analysis/wt-female.txt batch file, it will be analysis/wt-female_results.csv.

	myCellNumber	filename	genotype	sex	branchType	len3d	euclideanDist	tortuosity	path
0	0	1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif	wt	female	1	1.442065756	1.259733016	1.144739193	/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200108/WT_Female/Cell_1/1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif
1	0	1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif	wt	female	1	0.690498805	0.690498805	1	/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200108/WT_Female/Cell_1/1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif
2	0	1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif	wt	female	1	1.503575026	1.187815239	1.26583241	/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200108/WT_Female/Cell_1/1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif
3	0	1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif	wt	female	2	1.230391642	1.117784217	1.100741649	/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200108/WT_Female/Cell_1/1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif
4	0	1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif	wt	female	2	0.821482703	0.67197502	1.222489941	/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200108/WT_Female/Cell_1/1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif
5	0	1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif	wt	female	1	0.658364432	0.318208678	2.068970705	/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200108/WT_Female/Cell_1/1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif
6	0	1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif	wt	female	2	0.842093739	0.67197502	1.253162265	/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200108/WT_Female/Cell_1/1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif
7	0	1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif	wt	female	1	0.418505475	0.418505475	1	/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200108/WT_Female/Cell_1/1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif
8	0	1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif	wt	female	2	2.291680893	1.695334635	1.351757255	/Users/cudmore/box/data/sami/data/200108/WT_Female/Cell_1/1_5ADVMLEG1L1_ch2.tif

In this .csv file, each row is a branch segment. The branchType is from [0,1,2] with 0 meaning disconnected, 1 meaning connected on one end, and 2 meaning connected on both ends.

todo Go back to Skan documentation to verify this.

todo: I need to have python/ check if its output, _dvMask.tif already exists and not reprocess (it is getting slow). I don't think I can easily get unique cell numbers? All files need to be saved with unique names, e.g. <yyyymmdd_cell<n>.oir. Where <yyyymmdd> is the date it was acquired and <n> is a file index appended by Olympus software.

3.1) Description of algorithm to generate a Skeleton

This code uses The Allen Institute For Cell Science Segmentation (AICS-Segmentation). The Python source is at We are using the 'Classic Image Segmentation Workflow' as compared to the Deep Learning part.

Algorithm is as follows. Both the f3_param and minArea are parameters provided by the user. Basically, start with raw image, contrast adjust and smooth, generate mask and then use Skan to create a skeleton from the mask.

a) Automatically choose a contrast adjustment

low_ratio, high_ratio = my_suggest_normalization_param(struct_img0)
intensity_scaling_param = [low_ratio, high_ratio]
struct_img = intensity_normalization(struct_img0, scaling_param=intensity_scaling_param)

b) Edge preserving smoothing (similar to median filter)

structure_img_smooth = edge_preserving_smoothing_3d(struct_img)

c) Convert the contrast adjusted and smoothed image to a binary mask

	f3_param=[[0.5, 0.005]]
	bw = filament_3d_wrapper(structure_img_smooth, f3_param)

	scale_x is set based on the estimated thickness of your target filaments.
		For example, if visually the thickness of the filaments is usually 3~4 pixels,
		then you may want to set scale_x as 1 or something near 1 (like 1.25).
		Multiple scales can be used, if you have filaments of very different thickness.
	cutoff_x is a threshold applied on the actual filter reponse to get the binary result.
		Smaller cutoff_x may yielf more filaments, especially detecting more dim ones and thicker segmentation,
		while larger cutoff_x could be less permisive and yield less filaments and slimmer segmentation.
	seg = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(bw>0, min_size=minArea, connectivity=1, in_place=False)

d) Generate a 1-pixel wide skeleton from the mask using Skan

retDict0, mySkeleton = myAnalyzeSkeleton(out=out, imagePath=path) 

4) Volume analysis fiji/

Code is now in



Do not use Fiji version of this code !!!!

This is entirly done in Fiji. Using the '3D ImageJ Suite' plugin from The '3D ImageJ Suite' is not included in Fiji by default, please follow their install instructions.

Results of fiji/ look like this, where each row corresponds to an original .tif file and pixelCount_1/_2/_3 correspond to the number of pixels in the largest three segmented volumes. Use the x/y/z voxel in um/pixel columns (xVoxel, yVoxel, zVoxel) to calculate the volume (in um^3) of the largest segmented object (e.g. pixelCount_1). The reason we end up with the 3 largest volumes is so we can manually decide if the segmentation was spotty, this happens when the number of pixels in _2 and _3 are large or close to pixelCount_1.

pixelCount_1,	pixelCount_2,	pixelCount_3
451316,	None,	None
375330,	117,	46
743800,	32,	None
307354,	34,	29
646537,	21,	8

remember: because z-spread is so absurd, maybe ignore it and assume it is 1 in all volume calculations.

todo: Add code to calculate the largest volume (pixelCount_1) in um^3 using xVoxel/yVoxel/zVoxel.

todo: These volume masks are not saved?

Option 1: Run from a command-line (terminal). Where 'wt-female.txt' is a text file with a list of full .tif file paths

cd fiji
/Applications/ batch=../analysis/wt-female.txt

Results are saved in analysis/wt-female-volume.csv. Be sure to move this file to a better location. It will be over-written each time a batch analysis is run (e.g. batch=../analysis/wt-female.txt).

Option 2: Run all conditions as a volume analysis batch

cd fiji

Option 3: [NOT WORKING] Run on one file from within Fiji

Drag and drop fiji/ into Fiji, open an image and run the code from the editor.

Once done, the results table need to be copy/pasted into a .csv text file. Try using right-click to Save As ... csv.

B) Post Analysis using python/

Once python/ is run on each analysis/ batch .txt file (e.g. analysis/wt-female.txt) we end up with .csv files containing the output. These are saved in the analysis folder as follows:


Now we can use the python/ as an engine to derive results quickly. This is easiest done using the provided Jupyter notebook in python/exampleAnalysis.ipynb. To run this notebook locally, use...

cd python
jupyter notebook

C) Calculate density of filaments in (full mask, eroded mask, ring mask)

Use the following, be sure to tweek where it grabs analysis from

# edit
analysisRoot = '/Users/cudmore/Desktop/samiVolume' # remember, _ch1.tif DOES NOT have scale here !!!!!
analysisRoot = '/Users/cudmore/Desktop/samiVolume2' # remember, _ch1.tif DOES NOT have scale here !!!!!

python /Users/cudmore/Sites/bImPy/examples/edt/

This pulls the 3 masks (full, eroded, ring) from results of and the skeleton from smMicrotubules/python/

It then calculates the density of filaments in each mask

Save to /Users/cudmore/Desktop/density-results.csv

This is then used by


given a path, recursively generate a list of x/y/z voxel sizes for all .tif files in path and all subfolder.

given a path, recursively generate a list of all _ch2.tif files in path and all subfolder

To Do

  • When I analyze skeleton, I need to break analysis down by branch type. final alanalysis might just be node-to-node branches?

  • Look into this 'shape index', is it included in the Skan summary? It is used in Skan complete_analysis

Open Science Framework (osf) as a data repository

todo: Figure out if I can use their API to pull data from within Jupyter notebooks.

my user profile

another way to get my nodes

link to my human readable page:

public link to human readable:


todo: Look into Docker compose again. In particular, I want to mount volumes from Docker container onto client desktop so user/client can edit files.

or ?

Build and push from my end

docker build -t cudmore/mydocker .

# run locally just to make sure it works
docker run -p 8080:8080 cudmore/mydocker

# push to docker cloud
docker push cudmore/mydocker

For end users and clients

  1. Download and install docker

  2. Check the install in a Terminal

docker --version

What do you see? Should be like 'Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b'. If you do not see that then STOP. Maybe Quit and rerun Terminal and try again?

  1. Pull the cudmore/smmicrotubule image
docker pull cudmore/smmicrotubule

run cudmore/smmicrotubule in a web browser

docker run -p 8080:8080 cudmore/smmicrotubule

The docker run command will return a bunch of // addresses like this:

    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

Copy/paste one of these http:// addresses into the address bar of a Chrome browser window. If one of them does not work, try another one.

If the Chrome bowser opens correctly, navigate into '/notebooks/exampleAnalysis.ipynb' and use the Jupyter interface to run each cell (e.g. the Run button).

If any of the cells return an error, send it to me. Some of the cell will produce RuntimeWarning in red because of stat tests that have too low n.

When you get to the cell after 'Plot all raw data', in my browser it is labelled 'In [6]', you should get some nice violin plots!!!

Docker notes

Remember, I am using .dockerignore. If I don't pay attention to details here, the docker image gets artificially big (like many GB).


Allen Institute for cell science

see jupyter notebook here:


16. Pseudocode of classic image segmentation workflow for alpha tubulin

Input: I (original single channel 3D image stack)
Output: Final_segmentation (binary image of segmentation result)

Constant Parameters:
           normalization_param = [1.5, 8.0]
           F3_param = [[1,0.01]]
           min_size = 20
# pre-processing
I_norm = Auto_Contrast(I, normalization_param)
I_smooth = Edge_Preserving_Smoothing(I_norm)

# apply F3 filter
Seg = Filament3D(I_smooth, F3_param)

# size filtering
Final_segmentation = Size_Filter(Seg, min_size)


ERROR: aicsimageprocessing 0.7.3 has requirement aicsimageio>=3.1.2, but you'll have aicsimageio 0.6.4 which is incompatible.


  • Convert jupyter notebooks to readthedocs

Sami's Data


Smooth Muscle Microtubule Analysis






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