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Face recognition wrapper

This library uses a video stream (from a webcam or raspbery pi camera) to identify faces and match then against known persons and notify what has found using MQTT.

Full documentation here:


  • face identification in video stream

  • face matching against known persons faces

  • it uses a configurable number of processes to make use of all the cores in the system

  • HTTP API to create, add delete user and faces

  • MQTT notifications with face coordonates, person id (if found), and encoded image

The library is well suited for a development board like Raspberry pi and for a face tracking and face recognition.

Person monitor

In this project we're going to implement a real time person monitor with email notification, text to speech and DeviceHub integrations using the face recognition wrapper project (above)

Full documentation here:

We're going to receive face notification from "Face recognition wrapper" over MQTT and react to them by:

  • sending email with known/unknown person along with a picture

  • use a text to speech API to communicate by voice

  • track known persons on a graph using free IOT platforms like devicehub

Eye mouth remote controll

Video demo:

This project takes a video stream identify the eyes and mouth and enable their coordonates to be used as a remote controll

Full documentation here:

The pupil coordonates will be compared to the eye corners and an angle will be extracted.

0 degreeds for maximum left pupil position, 180 degres for maximum right pupil position.

The mouth opening will me measured, and for maximum opening there will be a value of 100, for minimum opening a value of 0

My current demo will be to use this repository:

to command the robot direction using the eyes and the speed using the mouth.


Face recognition working app for development boards; remote cotrol using face expressions








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