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Autotesting with Markus

Autotesting allows instructors to run tests on students submissions and automatically create marks for them. It also allows students to run a separate set of tests and self-assess their submissions.

Autotesting consists of a client component integrated into MarkUs, and a standalone server component. Jobs are enqueued using the gem Resque with a first in first out strategy, and served one at a time or concurrently.

Install and run


The autotesting client component is already included in a MarkUs installation.


To install the autotesting server, run the script from the top level directory. You must pass a directory, which will be used as the working directory. You may also pass the names of a user to run the server, a user to run the testers, and the number of concurrent requests accepted (see this section for the details).

The server will be installed and started, and a sample configuration for MarkUs will be generated as markus_conf.rb (see this section for the details).

To stop and start the server, use the and scripts under the server directory.

If you are a MarkUs developer, install the server with /path_to_markus/data/dev/autotest/server.


Instructors can create and submit arbitrary scripts through MarkUs to run tests. The scripts must start with a shebang line, and output results according to the specifications (see this section for the details).

Alternatively, we come with a set of ready-to-use testers for: python, java, sql, haskell, racket, jdbc, xquery. To install one of these testers, run the script in the respective tester directory.

If you use one of our testers, you should create a dedicated environment for each course (or even each assignment if you want to). To do so, run the script under the testers directory, passing (in order) the working directory of the autotesting server, the tester name (python|java|sql|jdbc|xquery), the python version you are using (our testers are written in python, the environment needs to know which version you have available), the course name, and the optional assignment name.

Server installation options

Let X be the user running, S the user passed with the --server option, T the user passed with the --tester option.

  1. S and T unspecified:

    X is used as S and T, the tester directory and queue have a default name, the --workers option is ignored: local file system copy of student files from MarkUs, student code executed as user X;

  2. S specified, T unspecified:

    S is used as S and T, the tester directory and queue have a default name, the --workers option is ignored: authenticated scp copy of student files from MarkUs, student code executed as user S;

  3. S unspecified, T specified:

    X is used as S, T is used, the tester directory and queue are named T, the --workers n option adds concurrency by making n T users, directories and queues (named T0..Tn-1): local file system copy of student files from MarkUs, student code executed as user(s) T (X does sudo -u T);

  4. S and T specified and equal:

    same as #2;

  5. S and T specified and different:

    S and T are used, the tester directory and queue are named T, the --workers n option adds concurrency by making n T users, directories and queues (named T0..Tn-1): authenticated scp copy of student files from MarkUs, student code executed as user(s) T (S does sudo -u T).

S and/or T can be == X, but it is different than leaving S and/or T unspecified. #5 is the recommended setup for the best security.

MarkUs configuration options


Enables autotesting.


Allows the instructor to let students run tests on their own.


With student tests enabled, a student can't request a new test if they already have a test in execution, to prevent denial of service. If the test script fails unexpectedly and does not return a result, a student would effectively be locked out from further testing.

This is the amount of time after which a student can request a new test anyway.

(ignored if AUTOTEST_STUDENT_TESTS_ON is false)


The directory where the test files for assignments are stored.

(the user running MarkUs must be able to write here)


The name of the Resque queue where the test files wait to be copied to the server.


The server host name.

(use localhost if the server runs on the same machine)


The server user to copy the tester and student files over.

(SSH passwordless login must be set up for the user running MarkUs to connect with this user on the server; multiple MarkUs instances can use the same user; can be nil, forcing AUTOTEST_SERVER_HOST to be localhost and local file system copy to be used)


The directory on the server where test and student files are copied.

(multiple MarkUs instances can use the same directory)


The directory on the server where test results are logged.

(multiple MarkUs instances can use the same directory)


An array of hashes with the server testers configurations. Each hash is a concurrent tester on the server running the tests, and has the following keys:

  • user: the server user to run the tests (can be nil if there is no dedicated user);
  • dir: the directory on the server where tests run;
  • queue: the name of the Resque server queue where tests wait to be executed.

(these settings must be different among concurrent testers, or they will interfere with each other)

Tester scripts output format

The tester scripts the instructors upload and run on the server must print the following on stdout for each test:

    <name>REQUIRED (STRING)</name>
    <expected>OPTIONAL (STRING, NOT DISPLAYED YET)</expected>
    <marks_earned>REQUIRED (INTEGER OR FLOAT)</marks_earned>
    <marks_total>OPTIONAL (INTEGER OR FLOAT)</marks_total>
    <status>REQUIRED (ONE OF pass,partial,fail,error,error_all)</status>

Stdout is sent back to MarkUs and logged under AUTOTEST_SERVER_RESULTS_DIR in files named output.txt.

Stderr is sent back too and logged under AUTOTEST_SERVER_RESULTS_DIR in files named errors.txt.


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  • Python 69.0%
  • Java 14.7%
  • Shell 9.6%
  • Racket 4.0%
  • Haskell 1.7%
  • XQuery 0.9%
  • C 0.1%