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It is to build the /customers resource.

Prerequisite Installation using Vagrant

The easiest way to use this lab is with Vagrant and VirtualBox. if you don't have this software the first step is down download and install it.

Download VirtualBox

Download Vagrant

Clone the project to your development folder and create your Vagrant vm

    $ git clone
    $ cd customers
    $ vagrant up

Access Flask

In the vm, run

    $ vagrant ssh
    $ cd /vagrant
    $ python

Run test

In the vm, run

    $ vagrant ssh
    $ cd /vagrant
    $ nosetests

it will show the test result and coverage rate

API Docs.

List Resources

  1. /customers Use this URL to GET the list of all customer resources.
  2. Example: (the double quotes matter in this case) curl -X GET

Read a Resource

  1. /customers/{id} Use this URL to retrieve a customer with specific id.
  2. Example: (the double quotes matter in this case)
    Create one entry, id = 1.
    curl -d '{"username": "foo111", "password": "bar", "first_name":"value1", "last_name":"value2", "id": 0, "address": "New York", "phone_number": "773", "active": "True", "email": "1@3"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
    Retrive it.
    curl -X GET

Create a Resource

  1. /customers

    Use this URL to send POST request to our customer resources. This URL allows user to create an entry in our resources.

  2. When setting id = 0, meaning "create a new entry"

  3. Example:

    curl -d '{"username": "foo111", "password": "bar", "first_name":"value1", "last_name":"value2", "id": 0, "address": "New York", "phone_number": "773", "active": "True", "email": "1@3"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST

Update a Resource

  1. /customers/{id} Use this URL to update an existing entry in our resources where the customer id is {id}
  2. Example:
    curl -d '{"username": "foo111", "password": "bar", "first_name":"value1", "last_name":"value2", "id": 0, "address": "Jersey", "phone_number": "773", "active": "True", "email": "3333"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT

Delete a Resource

  1. /customers/{id} Use this URL to DELETE the customer resources which satisfied the id equals to {id}
  2. Example
    Create one entry, id = 1.
    curl -d '{"username": "foo111", "password": "bar", "first_name":"value1", "last_name":"value2", "id": 0, "address": "New York", "phone_number": "773", "active": "True", "email": "1@3"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
    Delete it.
    curl -X DELETE

Query Resources by some attribute of the Resource

  1. /customers?query1=value&query2=value Use this URL to GET the customer resources which satisfied all the query conditions.
  2. Example: (the double quotes matter in this case) curl -X GET ""

Perform some Action on the Resource - Disable the active

  1. /customers/{id}/disable Use this URL to send PUT request to disable the customer resources.
  2. Example: curl -X PUT


When you are done, you can use the exit command to get out of the virtual machine just as if it were a remote server and shut down the vm with the following:

    $ exit
    $ vagrant halt

If the VM is no longer needed you can remove it with from your computer to free up disk space with:

    $ vagrant destroy

This repo is part of the NYU masters class: CSCI-GA.2820-001 DevOps and Agile Methodologies created by John Rofrano.