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import pygame import time


red = (255, 0, 0) display_width = 800 display_height = 600

gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width, display_height)) pygame.display.set_caption('starwars') clock = pygame.time.Clock()

#make variable names more freindly so other can understand what it means

display_image = pygame.image.load('deathstar.png') display_image = pygame.transform.scale(display_image, (display_width, display_height))

ship_image = pygame.image.load('Ship1.png') lImg = pygame.image.load('laser.png')

enemy_image = pygame.image.load('tie.png')

x = (display_width*.5) y = (display_height*.7) x1 = (x) y1 = (y) x2 = (display_width*.6) y2 = (display_height*.7) x_change = 0 y_change = 0 shots = [] class Laser(): x = (display_width*.5) y = (display_height*.7) x1 = (x) y1 = (y) x2 = (display_width*.6) y2 = (display_height*.7) x3 = (display_width*.6) y3 = (display_height*.1) def init(self, x, y):

    self.x = int(x)
    self.y = int(y)
    self.on_screen = True
    self.x1 = self.x - 40
    self.x2 = self.x + 40

    self.vel = 5

def update(self):
    self.y -= self.vel # Shot up

    l1(self.x1, self.y)
    l2(self.x2, self.y)
    if self.y < 0: self.on_screen = False

ship, laser, enemy, should be classes as they are objects.

all these classes should contain methods/fucntions which contains behaviour.

def ship(x, y): gameDisplay.blit(ship_image, (x, y))

#you dont need to make 2 different l1 and l2 fucntion for same bullets/lasers.

you can call same function twice with different x and y. and then update them.

def l1(x1, y1): gameDisplay.blit(lImg, (x1, y1))

def l2(x2, y2): gameDisplay.blit(lImg, (x2, y2))

def enemy(x3, y3): gameDisplay.blit(enemy_image, (x3, y3))

def enemy2(x4, y4): gameDisplay.blit(enemy_image, (x4, y4))

def enemy3(x5, y5): gameDisplay.blit(enemy_image, (x5, y5))

def enemy4(x6, y6): gameDisplay.blit(enemy_image, (x6, y6))

#make some exit also for game. #for example on pressing escape key it should quit. def game_loop(): x = (display_width*.5) y = (display_height*.7) x1 = (x) y1 = (y) x2 = (display_width*.6) y2 = (display_height*.7) x3 = (display_width*.5) y3 = (display_height*.1) x4 = (display_width*.7) y4 = (display_height*.05) x5 = (display_width*.2) y5 = (display_height*.15) x6 = (display_width*.8) y6 = (display_height*.2)

x_change = 0
y_change = 0

shots = []

while intro:
    for event in pygame.event.get():

        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            #on trying to quit it should quit the game by making intro - Flase. it ends the game loop on quit event and closes the game.
            #you can make game more gracefully if you want by making a game over function which exits with notifications and saying goodbye.
            intro = False
            #crashed does not do anything.
        #if event.type == pygame.:
        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:

            #these movements are fine but can be done better with in class player or ship with an update method.
            if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                x_change = -5
            elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                x_change = 5
            elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                y_change = -5
            elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                y_change = 5

            #same for this shoot event should have been done in a function in class ship.
            elif event.key == pygame.K_a:
                shots.append(Laser(x, y))

        if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
            if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                x_change = 0
            if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:

    gameDisplay.blit(display_image, (0, 0))

    for item in shots:
        item.update() # makes the shot goes up
        if not item.on_screen: shots.remove(item)

    x += x_change
    y += y_change
    x1 += 0
    y1 += -1
    x2 += 0
    y2 += -1
    x3 += -1
    y3 += 0
    x4 += -1
    y4 += 0
    x5 += -1
    y5 += 0
    x6 += -1

    ## i can see you are changing a lot of co-ordinates here but you should be calling update method here and let class do these things.
    #these things should go in methods.
    if x3>=0:
        x3 += 1
    if x3<=1:
        x3 -= 1
    if x4>=0:
        x4 += 1
    if x4<=1:
        x4 -= 1
    if x5>=0:
        x5 += 1
    if x5<=1:
        x5 -= 1
    if x6>=0:
        x6 += 1
    if x6<=1:
        x6 -= 1


##MAX_TIES = 10

this creates MAX_TIES number of TIES each with random properties x, y, direction.

x is a random number between 1 and screen_width - 1 (799)

y is a random number between 1 and screen_height - 1 (599)

d direction is either -1 (move left) or 1 (move right)

t is the image of the enemy

ties = [{

'x' : random.randint(1, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1),

'y' : random.randint(1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1),

'd' : -1 if random.randint(0, 1) == 1 else 1,

't' : gameDisplay.blit(enemy_image, ('x', 'y'))

} for i in xrange(MAX_TIES)]

for t in ties:

first test if moving the block will make it hit the sides of the display

if (t['x'] + t['d'] >= SCREEN_WIDTH) or (t['x'] + t['d'] <= 0):

t['d'] = -t['d'] # change the direction of the block

t['x'] += t['d'] # block direction can be either 1 or -1 depending on the direction it is going

# draw the tie to the display

gameDisplay.blit(enemy_image, ('x', 'y'))

ship(x, y)
enemy(x3, y3)
enemy(x4, y4)
enemy(x5, y5)
enemy(x6, y6)

    # to make enemies die we need to have clossions detection
    # for collission detection we need sprites.
    # we can add sprites here also but it will to confusing looking at the current condition of code.

    # my suggestion is start again and refactor this code in classes and add behaviour in methods. for help you can look at my code of spaceturds game.


game_loop() pygame.quit() quit()


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