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A webapp for manual morphological disambiguation of tagged language corpora.

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Kudlanka is a webapp for streamlined collaborative manual morphological disambiguation of language corpora. Here's what it looks like:

Kudlanka in action


First of all, you need access to a MongoDB instance. Then:

# optionally make a virtualenv with python3; if not, then replace `pip` with
# `pip3`
git clone <this_repository>
cd kudlanka
pipenv install --dev
bower install
pipenv run inv pybcompile jscompile


Run this from the root of the repository:

mkdir instance
cat <<EOF >instance/
SECRET_KEY = "foobarbaz"
ADMIN_PASSWD = "admin"

Now modify the config values in and instance/ to your liking.

Data import

Convert a corpus with morphological analysis in the vertical format via utils/ (run it with -h to get a sense of the options and the expected format). Import the result into MongoDB ( will give a hint as to how to do that). At this point, the app itself is ready for a spin with pipenv run python

User registration

Disabled ATM. Users can be added in one of these ways:

  1. GUI: The admin user is able to add new users under Management.
  2. CLI: Run inv --help adduser from the root of the git repository and follow the instructions.
  3. CLI: Fire up the mongo [dbname] shell and add users manually with db.user.insert({email: "username", password: "password"}),

The password will be automatically hashed on first login.


Manuální disambiguace → mandis → mantis religiosa → kudlanka


Python3, MongoDB + see bower.json for client-side and requirements.txt for server-side. Scripts under utils/ may have additional dependencies, install as needed.

Ideas and TODOs

Authentication via ÚČNK's LDAP

See /home/pavelv/ratatosk/ (dependency: the ldap3 module):

Auth.auth_ucnk(username, password)

Problem: this probably uses flask-login, whereas I'm using the more integrated Flask-Security solution. May require some tinkering. Another problem: I'm not just authenticating users, I'm also storing a lot of info per user, so I'd have to go hybrid and delegate authentication while keeping the rest in MongoDB. Which is probably not worth the hassle at this point.

URL prefix

Grafting the app at arbitrary prefixes is currently handled by wrapping all routes in kudlanka.config.k(); perhaps it would be easier to just have an @app.before_request handler which optionally redirects if a prefix is needed (request.host_url + prefix + request.path). But semantically, building this functionality on redirects is just wrong -- redirects should be used for URLs which are not under one's control. So it doesn't make sense for the app to generate HTML with URLs which are actually invalid and will be redirected from when visited.

Dev tips

  • use bower install for fetching components like bootstrap, jquery, angular etc.
  • use Flask Assets once it comes to minification
  • keep track of python deps using pip freeze >requirements.txt
  • REST validation with reqparse from flask_restful
  • refreshing the segs database:
$ xzcat data/small.json.xz | sort -R | mongoimport -d ktest -c segs
  • use invoke (inv command ...) for defining and running repetitive tasks


  • use lazy_gettext() everywhere, it's just simpler
  • the trouble is that lazy strings which have been prepared beforehand (e.g. as class variables, see classes in kudlanka.api) need to be somehow evaluated when used, or they'll come out empty; this is especially valid for flash messages
  • workaround: call format() on each string used in this way, even if it has no placeholders -- then the string gets evaluated in the context of the request

Production setup

  • couldn't get setting APPLICATION_ROOT to work -- probably some problems in the config of the Apache2 proxy?
  • defined a k() function instead, which is used to set a specified URL prefix wherever necessary in the app, i.e.:
    • server-side: for all routes
    • client-side: inside the <base> tag of html templates

→ turns out APPLICATION_ROOT is only relevant for setting cookies, it has nothing to do with setting a prefix and ensuring correct redirection. Have a look at this snippet instead, or at blueprints, which allow to create instances of applications and wire them up at arbitrary prefixes (among other things).

However, blueprints are not full-fledged apps, they can't have their own sessions grafted onto them using Flask Security, for instance. For this reason, it's not practical or straightforward to just package an app as a blueprint and let it run under an arbitrary prefix in a container app.

Another possibility is to use werkzeug.wsgi.DispatcherMiddleware, again creating a container app and wiring sub-apps on different URL prefixes. But unfortunately, this isn't hassle-free either, various components tend to assume they're running under root anyway unless explicitly told otherwise (Flask Security routes, Flask Restful routes), introducing subtle breakage.

For this reason, explicitly wrapping every route in k() is probably the best option -- extensions always have a way of altering individual routes, but they might not have an option to set a universal URL prefix. NOTE: remember to also Flask(..., static_url_path = k("/static"))!


Icons are by Glyphicons.


Copyright © 2015 ÚČNK/David Lukeš

Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.


A webapp for manual morphological disambiguation of tagged language corpora.






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