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Systems For AI Project


Reinforcement Learning Experiment Setup

Our experiments for testing ASP and EASGD against PPO, IMPALA and A3C are run on CloudLab. Below are the setup instructions.

To set up experiment on CloudLab:

  1. Start a cluster on CloudLab
  2. Run the following commands to install Docker on nodes:
    curl -fsSL -o
    sudo sh
    sudo usermod -aG docker <UNIQNAME>
    sudo systemctl restart docker -f
  3. On worker nodes 1 and 2 (node 0 being the main node), run the following command to download and install Ray:
    sudo docker run -i -t --network host rayproject/ray-ml:nightly-cpu /bin/bash
  4. Finally, run the following command (line 1 for node 1 and line 2 for node 2) in the ray terminal to connect the worker nodes to the main node:
    ray start --address='' --redis-password='5241590000000000' --node-ip-address=''
    ray start --address='' --redis-password='5241590000000000' --node-ip-address=''

To set up local files:

  1. Run pip install -U ray to install Ray on your local machine.
  2. Update line 39 of cluster.yaml and set the head_ip to the IP address of node 0 (which can be found using the ifconfig command)
  3. Update line 49 of cluster.yaml and set the ssh_user to your UNIQNAME
  4. Update line 51 of cluster.yaml and set the ssh_private_key to your key file used to set up the CloudLab account

To set up master node and start experiments:

  1. To start Ray and initially install Ray on the master node, run:
    ray up -y cluster.yaml
  2. To test the installation and setup, run:
    ray submit cluster.yaml scripts/
  3. To submit a script to run on Ray, run:
    ray submit cluster.yaml <filename_path>

These and many other useful commands can be found in the file

Our implementations for ASP and EASGD can be found in the asp and easgd folders.

The files executed on Ray can be found in the scripts folder. The file runs multiple experiments and contains the settings for many different environments.


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