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The PlanetLab NodeManager manages all aspects of PlanetLab node and
slice management once the node has been initialized and configured by
the Boot Manager. It periodically contacts its management authority
for configuration updates. It provides an XML-RPC API for performing
local operations on slices.

Copyright 2008 Princeton University

--- NOTES on packaging

we use the same codebase for vs-nodes and lxc-nodes
common software gets shipped in nodemanager-lib, and specifics go in
nodemanager-vs or nodemanager-lxc resp.

we have chosen to keep the same historical layout for codebase,
see setup-{lib,vs,lxc}.py for details of what goes where

--- NOTES on debugging

(*) service nm restartdebug
this lets you restart the nodemanager in interactive mode, and with faster periods

(*) logs
logging is a bit confusing; the main recipient is 

[older notes, not sure thisis still relevant]
but beware that part of the logs eventually end up in 
as well as in here (although this should not be used anymore by now)

(*) connecting with PLC
also, note that each time GetSlivers gets sucessfully fetched, it is saved in

An effort was made so that the various pieces of nodemanager do not
get called when connection with PLC is broken, however be aware that
this might not be too robust and end up with red herrings