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EEA Google

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This package contains useful tools for talking with Google Analytics.

  1. A low level API to access Google API;
  2. A CMF portal tool to store Google connections;
  3. Logic to authenticate with Google Analytics without touching Google credentials using AuthSub tokens
  4. Logic to create custom Google Analytics reports using Google Analytics Data Export API.

Google Analytics reports created this way can be made available via portlets. Right now there is an example under skins folder.

A python package that provides a low level Google Connection and a generic connection error GoogleClientError. To use this connection you'll need an AuthBase authentication token. You can get one by calling Google like:

After you login into your Google Analytics account, you'll be asked to grant access to to access Analytics statistics. If you do so, Google will redirect your browser to the next link provided, adding a request parameter token=<one-session-authsub-token>, in our case

As this token was provided in clear to you, it can be used only once to query Google API, that's why you'll need to exchange it for a multi-session one. But this time you can not do it from browser. So here comes in.

>>> from import Connection
>>> google = Connection(token='ADFAFDDKLJH14234__ASDD')
>>> new_token = google.token2session()

If you provided an invalid token it will quietly fail and return you a None object, else it will return you a multi-session token. Now you are connected with Google, forever :).

With this connection you can check it's status:

>>> google.status
(200, 'OK')

Or make a call:

>>> response = google(scope, data, method='GET')
  • scope - the Google service you want to access;
  • data - query parameters
  • method - request method: GET or POST

If something doesn't work well this will raise a GoogleClientError, else it will return a Google Data Feed Response

<?xml ...

You can also make a safe request by calling .request method. This will return a None object if something works wrong.

>>> google.request(scope, data, method='GET')

A CMF portal tool that can be retrieved using CMF method getToolByName: This a simple container for Google connections. It provides a basic browser interface to add and remove connections.

>>> from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
>>> tool = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_google')

This package provides the browser interface to register with Google Analytics and defines two storage models: Analytics and AnalyticsReport. Also it provides a utility to easily access low level api.Connection and another one to parse Google response XML.

This will store AuthSub token and it's also a container for Analytics Reports. It provides a basic browser interface to get token from Google and to manage reports.

A Google Analytics custom report by dimensions, metrics, start-date, end-date, filters and sort order. It is actually a query object for Google Analytics API.

>>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
>>> report =
>>> xml = getMultiAdapter((report, request), 'index.xml')

Now you have a custom XML report based on defined filters.

Easily access low level using zope components

>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> from import IGoogleAnalyticsConnection
>>> utility = getUtility(IGoogleAnalyticsConnection)
>>> conn = utility(token='ABCDEFGH__FAH')

Parse Google reponse XML

>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> from import IXMLParser
>>> parse = getUtility(IXMLParser)
>>> table = parse(xml)

Here table is a (dimensions, metrics) python generator

>>> dimensions, metrics =
>>> dimensions
{'ga:pagePath': '/some/doc/path', 'ga:browser': 'Firefox'}
>>> metrics
{'ga:pageviews': u'34235', 'ga:timeOnPage': '2433.0'}
  1. python2.4+
  2. Plone 2.5.x or Plone 3.x. (optional if you're using only package).
Latest source code (Plone 4 compatible):
Plone 2 and 3 compatible:

The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.

The EEA Google (the Original Code) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Contributor(s): Alin Voinea (Eau de Web),
Antonio De Marinis (European Environment Agency),

More details under docs/License.txt

EEA - European Enviroment Agency (EU)


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