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Goals (essential)

  • Testing Monocular RGB Slam protocols
  • Writing PID controller to allow the drone to fly to any position in Optitrack
  • Fine tuning PID parameters
  • Rewrite PID controller in C++
  • Integrating with ein
  • Run through ein tutorial with drone
  • Generating SLUGS using the drone

SLAM Goals

  • Write a program that takes a picture (map), chops it into small parts, and annotates poses (and optionally adds noise)
  • Write a program that takes the above as input and reassembles the map as a simulation of SLAM

To Do Sometime (slightly less essential)

  • Override takeoff and landing sequences
  • Fabricate custom hull
  • Determine how ardrone_autonomy flies the drone (what determines linear/angular velocity? etc)
  • Recalculate pid controller tests
