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Installation and configuration

  1. Install system-level packages that we need:

    • Python 2.7 with pip and virtualenv
    • Node.js v0.10
    • MySQL 5.5
    • Nginx or some other web server
  2. Make, enter and activate a virtualenv.

    $ virtualenv dsechat --no-site-packages
    New python executable in dsechat/bin/python
    Installing setuptools............done.
    $ cd dsechat/
    $ . bin/activate
  3. Clone this repo:

    $ cd ~
    $ git clone
    $ cd dsechatweb/
  4. Install the basic project requirements:

    $ pip install -r requirements/DEVELOPMENT
    $ pip install -r requirements/TESTING
    $ npm install
    $ bower install
  5. Generate an environment file and edit manually as needed:

    $ fab envfile:development
  6. Run the development webserver:

    $ ./ serve

Testing with Vagrant

Create a vagrant box and install some stuff:

# A folder that will sync the project files on the guest vm
$ mkdir vagrant_deploy
$ vagrant up
$ fab vagrant install

Next, assuming your database has already been created, make sure it is properly entered into the newly-created .env file on the VM.

If that looks ok, you can run the staging command:

$ fab vagrant staging

Now, generate a sample nginx conf on the remote machine and customize it:

# On the VM...
$ fab gen_nginx_conf
# Take a look and make sure it has everything right
$ sudo mv nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/dsechatweb.conf
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/dsechatweb.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/dsechatweb.conf
$ sudo nginx -s reload

You may also want to generate an upstart conf file:

# On the VM...
$ fab upstart_conf
# Check that it looks right
$ sudo mv upstart.conf /etc/init/dsechatweb.conf
$ sudo start dsechatweb