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## Installation
0. Make a virtual env and activate it.
1. Install the python dependencies from requirements.txt
```pip install -r requirements.txt```
2. Install bower. See
3. Install the requisite bower components from `bower.json` using `bower install`
4. Run the flask server using gunicorn 
```gunicorn --workers 3 --bind app:wordcount```

4.1 To run only on local server to debug and develop:

>> export FLASK_DEBUG=1
>> export FLASK_APP=app:wordcount
>> flask run
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 313-665-416

## Run tests
From the `pwd` set to the root dir. Say `py.test voxy/` to discover and run tests in the `voxy/` module. Running py.test alone
will likely not work because it tries discovering all the tests in the PWD and if you have a virtual env it can 
throw it off.

Don't use local server in prod. The advantage of the above is a 
webapp that reloads with changes. Makes dev faster.

There is one test I wrote to make sure things work correctly. Run it using `pytest`

## TODOs

- Add some logic to avoid DDOS'ing the form with too much data. Like word count limit. # Submissions per second etc.
- For `` I would want to add some production keys as part of the deployment instead of hardcoding 
- Productionize using something like `upstart`: Ubuntu and other distributions has a nice feature to say `sudo start myapp` 
this would be pretty useful to run the app in production and restart things automatically on server restarts.
- Logging: Did not use a logger, would be nice to catch the errors log em and send alerts.
- Integration Testing: Lots of stuff here, testing application routes, running the application in a container and running
a submit via some BDD server etc.
- I would like to use `tox` instead of virtual env to make the environment more configurable like prod, staging, dev etc.
- Internationalization: How to deal with foreign languages is a feature I would have like to build. Currently I just use NLTK to split the
text and get the count. I suspect that some foreign languages treat boundaries differently, and so dealing with that would be nice.

Minor things
- Refactor the template into a base.html and index.html
- write a script in python to run the app more easly that to fiddle with environment variables.

[1 Flask Docs](
[2 Understanding Application and Request Contexts](


A toy app for a coding challenge that does word counts






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