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SSF - Sensory Substitution Framework

SSF is a ROS (Robot Operating System) based Framework for Sensory Substitution

NOTE: anything in < > should be replaced appropriately, e.g. "<file_name>.py" might become ""

Setup the project

Clone repo to a folder

  1. Clone the ROS project git (this git repo) into a folder (NOTE: when/if editing the code, do it from this location)
    • This folder can be placed where ever you would like to work from
    • We recommend the creating a folder on the desktop called git and cloning this repo into that folder
  2. Build and run the project (follow the steps below)

Setting up catkin workspace (used to build the project)

  1. Create a folder called catkin_workspace
    • This folder can be placed where ever you would like, so long as it's not a subfolder of ssf_package (i.e. so long as it's not part of the repo cloned earlier)
    • We recommend creating the folder on the desktop
  2. Create a subfolder called src (i.e. catkin_workspace/src)
  3. Symlink the package (i.e. the folder called ssf_package) to the catkin_workspace/src/ directory.
    • The easiest way to do this is:
      • Right click ssf_package, select Make Link
      • A linked folder will be created (in the current directory) called Link to ssf_package
      • Move the linked folder (Link to ssf_package) into catkin_workspace/src/
      • Rename the linked folder to ssf_package (i.e. removing the "Link to" from the name)
    • Or one can use the terminal command:
      • ln -s ~/Desktop/code/ssf_package/ ~/Desktop/catkin_workspace/src/ (to create a symlink at ~/Desktop/catkin_workspace/src/ referencing the original folder ~/Desktop/code/ssf_package/)

Building the project

  1. Open a new terminal in the catkin_workspace directory
  2. Then from that terminal run catkin build (if catkin is not installed run sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools)

OPTIONAL: Add the source setup.bash command to your ~/.bashrc file

The following is to add the source setup.bash command to your ~/.bashrc file, so that it will be executed every time that you open a new shell. Using this means one won't have to enter source devel/setup.bash every time.

  1. Open a new terminal in the catkin_workspace directory
  2. Then from that terminal run echo "source ~/Desktop/catkin_workspace/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc (assuming your workspace is on the desktop in the folder catkin_workspace)
  3. Then from that terminal run source ~/.bashrc

Running the project locally

This launches the all the nodes of the ssf package

  1. Open a new terminal in the catkin_workspace directory
  2. Then from that terminal run source devel/setup.bash
  3. Then from that terminal run roslaunch ssf_package default.launch

Recording & Playing Back Sessions

This uses the standard ROS record and play features of rosbag
rosbag is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics

Playback (of a ROS .bag file)

  1. Download a test recording (i.e. a .bag file) to the directory of your choice
    • Test recordings can be found here
  2. Open a new terminal in the directory used above
    • This directory should now contain the .bag file
  3. Then from that terminal run rosbag play -l example.bag (assuming the recordings name was example.bag)
    • If you don't want the playback to loop, simply run rosbag play example.bag

Creating a recording (which is saved to a .bag file)

This is section describes how to make a recording of currently running ROS topics

  1. Open a new terminal in the directory you would like to save the recording
  2. To get a list of the avalable ROS topics:
    • In the same terminal, run rostopic list
  3. To start recording the topics, in the same terminal, run rosbag record topic_name_x topic_name_y topic_name_etc
    • You can record as many topics as you like, in the above example, the data from 3 topics are being recorded, topics topic_name_x topic_name_y topic_name_etc
    • For example, if you wanted to record the depth and rgb info from a RealSense D435 or D415 (for which the relevant topics are: /camera/depth/image_ct_raw and /camera/color/image_raw), you would run rosbag record /processed_color_image /processed_depth_image
  4. To stop the recording press ctrl + c
    • The recording of the chosen topics will be saved in a .bag file in the current directory, with the file name being a timestamp (e.g. 2018-09-13-23-59-01.bag).

Advanced Alternative: Running the project across multiple devices

NOTE for this example:

  • Both devices must be connected to the same network
    • OPTIONAL: For the fastest wireless connection, make one of the machines host a network (a hostednetwork), and the other connect to that network.
      • NB: the master node must be run from the client machine NOT the host machine, hence:
        • For the client machine (the one connected to hosted network), follow the steps below for the main device
        • For the host machine (the one hosting the network), follow the steps below for the secondary device
      • If you are using VMware (if not, ignore this step):
        • For the client machine make sure the Network Adapter in the virtual machines settings is set to Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network
        • For the host machine make sure the Network Adapter in the virtual machines settings is set to NAT: Used to share the host's IP address
    • NB: If you are using VMware, but aren't using a network hosted by one of the machines, then make sure the Network Adapter's for all the virtual machines settings are set to Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network
  • Both devices should have a built version of the cloned repo*

Below are the steps for the main device (i.e. the one running roscore)

  1. Open a new terminal in the catkin_workspace directory
  2. Then from that terminal run source devel/setup.bash
  3. Then from that terminal run hostname -I (NB: capital I)
    • This will return the main device's IP address (...)
  4. Then from that terminal run export ROS_IP=... (filling in the IP address found in the previous step)
  5. Then from that terminal run roscore
  6. Then from that terminal run the node you would like to run
    • e.g. In the same terminal, run roslaunch ssf_package evaluation.launch (recommended)
  7. If you want access to a nodes output, when launching that node, you should perform steps 1. 2. 4. 6.
    • e.g. For 6. try running rosbag play -l example.bag (recommended) NOTE: example.bag will need to be downloaded to the catkin_workspace for this to run, see this

Below are the steps for a secondary device (complete these steps on the secondary device)

  1. Open a new terminal in the catkin_workspace directory
  2. Then from that terminal run source devel/setup.bash
  3. Then from that terminal run export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://...:11311 (filling in the main device's IP address found in the previous section)
  4. Then from that terminal run the node you would like to run
    • e.g. In the same terminal, run roslaunch ssf_package dashboard.launch (recommended)
    • e.g. In the same terminal, run rqt
  5. Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. can be repeated done to run another node

Set Parameters Using Dynamic Reconfigure

The following command allow you to change parameter values using [].

rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

Common Issues

  • For the software to run correctly, please ensure the following is installed:
    • pip install opencv-python
    • pip install numpy
    • pip install matplotlib
    • sudo apt-get install libalut-dev
    • sudo apt-get install libopenal-dev
    • sudo apt-get install python-scipy
  • Make sure all .py and .cfg files are executable, using
    • For .py files use
      chmod +x <file_name>.cfg
    • For .cfg files use
      chmod +x <file_name>.cfg
  • rosrun or roslaunch can't find package or file:


Sensory Substitution Framework (SSF)






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