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Khan Academy Limited Infection


  1. python 2.7 or greater
  2. networkx (install with pip install networkx)
  3. matplotlib (install with pip install matplotlib)
  4. pygraphviz and graphviz (optional - results in better visualizations)
  5. ffmpeg (optional) for storing visualizations to mp4


usage: [-h] [-l LIMIT] [-t THRESHOLD] [-r RANDOM RANDOM] [-s SOURCE]
               [-i INPUT_FILE] [-w] [-v] [-o OUTPUT] [-g]

positional arguments:
  type                  total or limited

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        number to limit by for limited
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        threshold value for limited (defaults to 0)
                        use random test, takes in num nodes and edge
                        probability as argument (creates new file in data
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        source node name
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
                        input file location
  -w, --weighted        is the input weighted
  -v, --visualize       whether or not to visualize graph
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        store visualization to output - must be mp4 format - (requires ffmpeg) -
                        paired with -v option
  -g, --graphviz        (optional) use graphviz to visualize (requires pygraphviz)

The command line arguments are pretty self-explanatory.

Sample Usages

python total -v -g -r 30 0.10 -w

The above runs total infection, with visualization, using graphviz, generating a randomized graph with 30 nodes and edge probability of 10% and is weighted.

Generated inputs are stored in data/gen/ and generated outputs are stored in output/gen/

python limited -l 6 -t 20 -v -g -r 30 0.10 -w

The above runs the same as example before, except it uses limited infection, with a limit of 6 nodes and a threshold of 20 These values are explained in section Limited Infection. In the random test generation we use a range of [0,100] to generate the weights.

python limited -l 4 -o output/limited.mp4 -v -g -w -i data/limited.dat -s 1

The above runs limited infection, with a limit of 4, with output file at output/limited.mp4, with visualization, using graphviz, weighted, with input file data/limited.dat and infection starting at node '1'


Follow examples in to run tests. It is relatively easy to create random cases and execute from command line so the need for a full test suite was not prevalent.



The input is a directed graph with possibly weighted edges to be used in limited infection.

The following represents a directed edge from node 4 to node 21 which semantically means that 4 coaches 21 and 21 is coached by 4.

Directed ####Total Infection

Total infection essentially runs a BFS on the provided source node and infects the whole connected component containing that node. If a source node is not provided then it randomly picks a node using np.random.choice(g.nodes()).

DFS could be used here as well but BFS is used to better represent the requirement that "each teacher-student pair should be on the same version of the site"

In total infection the direction is not important since we infect the entire component anyway, so the graph is converted to an undirected graph and then run with the bfs python edge generator created by networkx using this function here

Example Output ('Sal' is source node): total

####Limited Infection

Limited infection is implemented as an extenstion the BFS of total infection taking a few heuristcs into account.

The first tentative requirement considered is "Ideally we’d like a coach and all of their students to either have a feature or not."

To try to ensure this requirement we use a priority queue instead of a normal queue in our BFS and we give students (i.e. successor nodes) a higher priority than coaches (predecessors) to try and reach the given limit one classroom at a time. If the number of students of a node is less than or equal to the amount we have left before reaching the limit, then we give those students even higher priority to guarantee they are infected.

You can follow the code for this here.

The second heuristic uses edge weighting to add thresholding to the algorithm. If edges do not meet the threshold during the bfs expansion, then the adjacent vertex is not added to the queue and thus not infected.

Edge-weights represent the strength of the relationship between a teacher-student pair. The threshold essentially limits the algortihm to only choose relationships that are strong enough to infect.

There are different schemes that can be used to assign weights but the the most useful is probably to use the time that the the teacher and student spend together. A higher time spent together represents a stronger relationship. This data would need to be gathered and stored for every edge before the infection is run.

Example Output (Source is 'Kevin', limit is 5, no threshold): limited

From the above we can see that Kevin's children are given priority first and then his parents are considered.

###Further Investigations

  1. The priority queue algorthim could probably be fine tuned to branch out and consider less connected nodes first to try and contain the effect of the infection.

  2. Add more consideration in picking the initial node rather than just a random pick. Possibly pick a node that is less connected, again to better contain the effects of the infection.

  3. Try to analyse real world examples of graphs to get a better sense of the shape and distribution. I.e. are graphs generally a tree shape, do nodes generally have less coaches than students.


project code for KA interview






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