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Fire up your network with built-in poap on your Cisco Nexus switches and Ignite.

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Ignite is a tool to bootstrap your network. It supports Cisco Nexus switches leveraging Power-On Auto Provisioning (POAP) capabilities.

Ignite provides bootstrapping with the following capabilities:

  • Topology design
  • Configuration design
  • Image and configuration store for POAP
  • POAP request handler

----Ignite Screenshot

Getting Started

Option 1: Download OVA from link below:

Username/password: ignite/ignite

Follow steps below

a. Deploy OVA
b. Login with ignite/ignite
c. Change directory to ~/ignite/ignite (cd ~/ignite/ignite)
d. Change to sudo (sudo su)
e. Edit to edit parameter values of following parameters
   	ignite_ip :  IP address on which to run the server
    ignite_port: port on which to run the server
    vmusername: username for the server
    vmpassword: password for the server
f. Run (sh
g. Edit and modify the following sections.
	IP Address of Ignite server and port (same as in step (e))

    Ignite server access details (same as in step (e))
    default switch image name - software image name sent to the requesting swtich.
    This name is used only if does not containt a default_image profile.
    DEFAULT_SWITCH_IMAGE_NAME = 'n9000-dk9.6.1.2.I3.2.bin'
h. Change current directory to the directory where manage,py file is present (sudo cd /home/vmignite/ignite). You may be prompted for a password.
i. Run ignite server (sudo nohup python runserver <ip>:<port> & ) where IP is the address provided in ignite_ip and port is value provided in ignite_port. Note: To avoide receiving a sudo password prompt while running the server, please run a dummy command for example "sudo ls", before you enter the command to run ignite server.
j. To launch UI use http://<ipaddress>:<port>/ui/index.html
k. Use New User registration link in the UI to create a new user credential. Login to the page using this credential.

To run Ignite as an Apache service do the following:

a. Do all the steps above from (a) - (g)
b. Uncomment the following line in /etc/apache2/ports.conf and change 8888 to ignite_port
    #Listen 8888 -> Listen <ignite_port>
c. Enable ignite service
    cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
    sudo a2ensite ignite.conf

d. In /home/ignite/ignite/ do the following changes:
    Comment the following line:
    Uncomment the following line:
    #PROJECT_DIR = /../../ignite/ignite -> PROJECT_DIR = /../../ignite/ignite
e. Restart Apache server
   service apache2 restart

Option 2: Create a new Ignite VM/Server with code from git

  1. Install postgresql

    apt-get install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-common
  2. Set up database

    psql  -U postgres
    create database  ignite_db;
  3. Edit to edit parameter values of following parameters

    ignite_ip :  IP address on which to run the server
    ignite_port: port on which to run the server
    vmusername: username for the server
    vmpassword: password for the server
  4. Run

  5. Edit and modify the following sections.

    IP Address of Ignite server and port (same as in step (e))
    Ignite server access details (same as in step (e))
    default switch image name - software image name sent to the requesting swtich.
    This name is used only if does not containt a default_image profile.
    DEFAULT_SWITCH_IMAGE_NAME = 'n9000-dk9.6.1.2.I3.2.bin'
  6. Create tables in database

    python ~ignite/ignite/ makemigrations
    python ~ignite/ignite/ migrate
  7. Following changes may require root permission

    Edit /etc/rsyslog.conf and add the following lines.
    This is required to save logs from switches during script execution.

         $template DynaFile,"/var/log/remote/ignite/system-%HOSTNAME%.log"
         *.* -?DynaFile
  8. Change current directory to the directory where manage,py file is present (sudo cd /home/vmignite/ignite). You may be prompted for a password.

  9. Run ignite server

     sudo nohup python runserver <ip>:<port> 
     where IP is the address provided in ignite_ip and port is value provided in ignite_port.
     Note: To avoide receiving a sudo password prompt while running the server, please run a dummy command for example "sudo ls", before you enter the command to run ignite server.
  10. To launch UI use

  11. Use New User registration link in the UI to create a new user credential. Login to the page using this credential.

Option 3: Create a new Ignite VM/Server with code from git and run it as service in Apache

  1. Install postgresql

     apt-get install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-common
  2. Set up database (use DATABASE_NAME as given in DBNAME='ignitedb'

     psql  -U postgres
     create database  ignitedb;
  3. Edit to edit parameter values of following parameters

    	ignite_ip :  IP address on which to run the server
     ignite_port: port on which to run the server
     vmusername: username for the server
     vmpassword: password for the server
  4. Edit and modify the following sections.

     IP Address of Ignite server and port (same as in step (e))
     Ignite server access details (same as in step (e))
     default switch image name - software image name sent to the requesting swtich.
     This name is used only if does not containt a default_image profile.
     DEFAULT_SWITCH_IMAGE_NAME = 'n9000-dk9.6.1.2.I3.2.bin'
     Edit project directory information for apache.  Project directory is the full path where "" file is located in Ignite application directory, with reference to apache2 directory - /etc/apache2.  For example, if "" is in directory, "/home/vmignite/ignite/ignite/ignite/", project directory should be set as "/../../home/vmignite/ignite/ignite/ignite/"
     Edit log directory (this directory stores device logs during script execution)
     REMOTE_SYSLOG_PATH = '/var/log/remote/ignite/system-'
  5. Run

  6. Create tables in database

     python ~ignite/ignite/ makemigrations
     python ~ignite/ignite/ migrate
  7. Following changes may require root permission

    Edit /etc/rsyslog.conf and add the following lines.
    This is required to save logs from switches during script execution.

         $template DynaFile,"/var/log/remote/ignite/system-%HOSTNAME%.log"
         *.* -?DynaFile
  8. Apache Server setup

    (a) Install apache2, set directory to apache2 and create ignite.conf file

     sudo su
     apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi libapache2-mod-python
     cd /etc/apache2
     touch sites-available/ignite.conf

    (b) edit ignite.conf file and enter the following

     <VirtualHost *:8888> #port on which server will listen
     <Directory /home/ignite/ignite/ignite > #path to ignite where is located
             Require all granted
     WSGIDaemonProcess ignite #name of the process could be anything
     #python-path update to point to the location where is located
     #for now keep ank path as it is
     WSGIProcessGroup ignite
     #WSGIScriptAlias update 2nd argument to have full  path of file
     WSGIScriptAlias / /home/ignite/ignite/ignite/
     WSGIPassAuthorization On
     #DocumentRoot to point to location of
     DocumentRoot /home/ignite/ignite
     ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ignite_error.log
     CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    (c ) Edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf

     Add the following line to add the ignite server application port number.  Port number here should same as that in step 3 or step 4.
     Listen 8888

    (d) Edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file to add following lines

     <Directory /home/ignite/ignite/ignite> #path to
     	Options FollowSymLinks
     	AllowOverride None
     	Require all granted
  9. Run ignite server as a service

     cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
     a2ensite ignite.conf
     service apache2 restart
  10. To launch UI use


    ipaddress and port corresponds to ignite_ip and ignite_port defined in step 3.

  11. Use New User registration link in the UI to create a new user credential. Login to the page using this credential.

  12. To stop server

    sudo service apache2 stop

    Note: To keep Apache running and just disable ignite server site do following:

  13. To restart server

    sudo service apache2 restart

  14. To disable ignite site without stopping Apache

    cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
    a2dissite ignite.conf
    Note: http port used for ignite server will not be released by Apache when site is disabled.
    If you want to also remove the ignite server http port, edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf to comment out the line "Listen 8888"
  15. To enable, previously disabled ignite site

    cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
    a2ensite ignite.conf

POAP script for ignite server

  1. is sample POAP script for ignite server

  2. Set the following variables(currenty set to a default value) in to reflect ignite server ip address and port

     hostname                = ""
     port                	= "8001"
  3. This script file should be placed on the script server TFTP directory by the name

  4. Here script sever referes to the server configured as 'tftp-server-name' in dhcpd.conf on DHCP server.

Image Profiles

Image profiles specify details of the software images available for download to the switch during POAP process. Following atttributes define an image profile:

"image_profile_name": "spine_image", 
"image": "n9000-dk9.6.1.2.I3.2.bin",
"imageserver_ip": "",
"username": "root",
"password": "cisco123",
"access_protocol": "scp"

 image_profile_name - uniquely identifies the profile

 image - filename where the image is stored

 imageserver_ip : server where the image is stored

 username - username to login to the image server

 password - password to login to the image server

 access_protocol - ftp/http/scp/tftp protocol used to transfer files from server

Image profiles are stored in ignite/fabric/ The profiles should be modified to match your image needs and environment. New profiles can be added similar to the pre-defined ones. spine_image, leaf_image and default_image are example profiles. An image profile is applied to spine tier or leaf tier of the fabric using "Set Defaults" in "Fabrics" view. Once applied, this image profile will be sent to the switch during the POAP boot process along with start up config details. If image profile is not applied, profile named "default_image" is sent to the switch during POAP boot process.


1.Topology can not be modified once the Fabric is instantiated with that topolog y.

2.Topology details can not be edited via fabric interface.

3.If topology is cloned, port numbering for any new Leaf/Spine will in correct.

4.In topology default pane, changing the default values will not take effect on the topology.

5.In topology, manual editing of port numbers is not validated. This may clash w ith port numbers generated automatically when new Leaf/Spine is added. User must take care to avoid duplicates.

6.For Spine Switches, both uplink and downlink ports are assigned from the same list (Eth1/1-Eth1/64).

7.Port numbering in topology will work correctly upto 64 Leaf additions. After t hat port numbers will be incorrect.


Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Fire up your network with built-in poap on your Cisco Nexus switches and Ignite.






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  • Python 39.0%
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  • JavaScript 20.5%
  • ApacheConf 4.7%
  • Shell 0.4%