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#The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

This repository provides the software which drives the DOAJ website and the DOAJ directory.

Setting up the software


Elasticsearch is the datastore we use.

Install elasticsearch as per its documentation.

You can check whether its running by pointing your browser to http://localhost:9200 - you should see a basic JSON response telling you what version you're running.

The DOAJ Python app

Install Python 2.6.6 or more recent . Not tested with Python 3.x .

Install pip using pip's very robust instructions.

sudo pip install virtualenv  # won't upgrade it if you already have it. pip install -- upgrade virtualenv for that.
virtualenv -p <path/to/python 2.7 executable> doajenv
cd doajenv
. bin/activate
mkdir src
cd src
git clone  # SSH URL:
cd doaj
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule update --recursive
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev lib32z1-dev # install LXML dependencies on Linux. Windows users: grab a precompiled LXML from (go for version 3.x) - make sure the virtual environment can see it!
pip install -r requirements.txt  # install all the app's dependencies
python portality/  # the output of this will tell you which port it's running on and whether it's in debug mode

Cron Jobs

The following tasks need to run periodically:


This will ingest all of the latest file uploads and remote URLs provided. It should be run approximately every hour.


This will generate the latest version of the csv to serve on request. It should be run approximately every 30 minutes.


This will re-generate all of the Table of Contents pages for performance purposes. This script can take a long time to run (several hours) so should only be run daily at the most.


This will generate the latest version of the sitemap to serve on request. It should be run approximately every 30 minutes.


This will import the latest news from the DOAJ wordpress blog. It should be run daily.

Data Models

Notes on the data model

  • All dates are provided in ISO 8601, which are of the form yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ

The objective of the "history" section of the records is to record old versions of the bibliographic metadata. This is not to say, a version history of the record, but actual snapshots of data that was accurate at the time it was created, but which has changed. So, erroneous metadata should still not be present in the history records, and it should be possible to amend history records if errors are found. Repeat: it is not like version control, it is a legitimate historic record.

It is likely that history records will only be created upon request by the administrator.

Journal/Application Data Model

    "id" : "<some opaque identifier>",
    "bibjson" : {
        "active" : true|false,
        "title" : "The title of the journal",
        "alternative_title" : "An alternative title for the journal",
        "identifier": [
            {"type" : "pissn", "id" : "<print issn>"},
            {"type" : "eissn", "id" : "<electronic issn>"},
        "keywords" : [<list of free-text keywords>],
        "language" : ["The language of the journal"],
        "country" : "<country of journal publication>",
        "publisher" : "<publisher>",
        "provider" : "<service provider or platform used for journal>",
        "institution" : "<society or institution responsible for journal>",
        "link": [
            {"type" : "homepage", "url" : "<url>"},
            {"type" : "waiver_policy", "url" : "<url>"},
            {"type" : "editorial_board", "url" : "<url>"},
            {"type" : "aims_scope", "url" : "<url>"},
            {"type" : "author_instructions", "url" : "<url>"},
            {"type" : "oa_statement", "url" : "<url>"}
        "subject" : [
                "scheme" : "<scheme>", 
                "term" : "<term>",
                "code" : "<code>"
        "oa_start" : {
            "year" : "<year>", 
            "volume" : "<volume>", # Deprecated - may be removed
            "number" : "<issue number>" # Deprecated - may be removed
        "oa_end" : {
            "year" : "<year>", 
            "volume" : "<volume>", # Deprecated - may be removed
            "number" : "<issue number>" # Deprecated - may be removed
        "apc_url" : "<apc info url>",
        "apc" : {
            "currency" : "<currency code>",
            "average_price" : "<average price of APC>"
        "submission_charges_url" : "<submission charges info url>",
        "submission_charges" : {
            "currency" : "<currency code>",
            "average_price" : "<average price of submission charge>"
        "archiving_policy" : {
            "policy" : [
                "<known policy type (e.g. LOCKSS)>",
                ["<policy category>", "<previously unknown policy type>"]
            "url" : "<url to policy information page>"
        "editorial_review" : {
            "process" : "<type of editorial review process>",
            "url" : "<url to info about editorial review process>"
        "plagiarism_detection" : {
            "detection": true|false, # is there plagiarism detection
            "url" : "<url to info about plagiarism detection>"
        "article_statistics" : {
            "statistics" : true|false
            "url" : "<url for info about article statistics>"
        "deposit_policy" : ["<policy type (e.g. Sherpa/Romeo)>"],
        "author_copyright" : {
            "copyright" : "<copyright status>",
            "url" : "<url for information about copyright position>"
        "author_publishing_rights" : {
            "publishing_rights" : "<publishing rights status>",
            "url" : "<url for information about publishing rights>"
        "allows_fulltext_indexing" : true|false,
        "persistent_identifier_scheme" : [<list of names of pid schemes>],
        "format" : [<list of mimetypes of fulltext formats available>],
        "publication_time" : "<average time in weeks to publication>",
        "license" : [
                "title" : "<name of licence>",
                "type" : "<type>", 
                "url" : "<url>", 
                "version" : "<version>",
                "open_access": true|false, # is the licence BOAI compliant
                "BY": true/false,
                "NC": true/false,
                "ND": true/false,
                "SA": true/false,
                "embedded" : true|false # is the licence metadata embedded in the article pages>,
                "embedded_example_url" :  "<url for example of embedded licence>"
    "history" : [
            "date" : "<date history object created>",
            "replaces" : [<list of p/e-issns this record immediately supersedes than>],
            "isreplacedby" : [<list of p/e-issns that this record is immediately superseded by>]
            "bibjson" : { <snapshot of historic bibjson record> }
    "suggestion" : {
        "suggester" : { 
            "name" : "name of person suggesting journal",
            "email" : "email of person suggesting journal"
        "suggested_on" : "<date of suggestion>",
        "articles_last_year" : {
            "count" : "<number of articles published last year>",
            "url" : "<link to proof of above number>"
        "article_metadata" : true|false

        # Deprecated - may be removed
        "description" : "description of the journal's activities",
        "suggested_by_owner" : true|false,
    "admin" : {
        "in_doaj" : true|false,
        "ticked" : true|false,
        "seal" : true|false,
        "application_status" : "state of journal application",
        "bulk_upload" : "<id of bulk_upload from which this journal/application came>",
        "notes" : [
                "note" : "<note>", 
                "date" : "<date>"
        "contact" : [
                "email" : "<email of journal contact>",
                "name" : "<name of journal contact>"
        "owner" : "<account id of owner>",
        "editor_group" : "<name of editor group which controls this object>",
        "editor" : "<username of associate editor assigned to this object>",
        "current_application" : "<id of reapplication created from this journal record (mutually exclusive with the below)>",
        "current_journal" : "<id of journal this application was created from (mutually exclusive with the above) >"
    "index" : {
        "issn" : [<list of all print and electronic issns for all time>],
        "title" : [<list of all titles the journal has been known by>],
        "subject" : [<all possible subject keywords>],
        "schema_subject" : [<all subject keywords with schema prefixes>],
        "classification" : [<list of classification terms without prefixes>],
        "language" : [<list of languages of the journal>],
        "country" : "<country of journal publication>",
        "license" : [<list of titles of licences>],
        "publisher" : "<publisher>",
        "homepage_url" : "<homepage url>",
        "waiver_policy_url" : "<waiver policy url>",
        "editorial_board_url" : "<editorial board url>",
        "aims_scope_url" : "<aims and scope url>",
        "author_instructions_url" : "<author instructions url>",
        "oa_statement_url" : "<OA statment url>",
        "has_apc" : "Yes|No",
        "has_seal" : "Yes|No",
        "classification_paths" : [<list of all expanded LCC terms, with parents>],
        "unpunctitle" : "<title without punctuation>",
        "asciiunpunctitle" : "<ascii-folded title without puncuation>"
    "created_date" : "<date created>",
    "last_updated" : "<date record last modified>",
    "last_reapplication": "<date this journal was updated via a reapplication>"

Article Data Model

    "id" : "<some opaque identifier>",
    "admin" : {
        "in_doaj" : true|false,
        "publisher_record_id" : "<publisher identifier for item>",
        "upload_id" : "<opaque identifier>"
    "bibjson" : {
        "title" : "<title of the article>",
        "identifier": [
            {"type" : "doi", "id" : "<doi>"},
            {"type" : "pissn", "id" : "<print issn>"},
            {"type" : "eissn", "id" : "<electronic issn>"}
        "journal" : {
            "volume" : "journal volume number",
            "number" : "journal issue number",
            "publisher" : "<publisher>",
            "title" : "<journal title (taken from journal record)>"
            "license" : [
                    "title" : "<name of licence>",
                    "type" : "<type>", 
                    "url" : "<url>", 
                    "version" : "<version>",
                    "open_access": true|false,
            "language" : "[list of journal's languages]",
            "country" : "<country of publication>"
        "year" : "<year of publication>",
        "month" : "<month of publicaiton>",
        "start_page" : "<start page>",
        "end_page" : "<end page>",
        "link" : [
                "url" : "<fulltext url>",
                "type" : "fulltext",
                "content_type" : "<content type of resource>"
        "abstract" : "<the abstract>",
        "author" : [
                "name" : "<author name>",
                "email" : "<author email>",
                "affiliation" : "<author affiliation>"
        "keywords" : [<list of free text keywords>],
        "subject" : [
                "scheme" : "<scheme>", 
                "term" : "<term>",
                "code" : "<code>"
    "history" : [
            "date" : "<date history record created>",
            "bibjson" : { <historic bibjson record> }
    "index" : {
        "date" : "<date of publication>"
        "issn" : [<list of all issns that this item pertains to>],
        "subject" : [<all possible subject keywords>],
        "schema_subject" : [<all subject keywords with schema prefixes>],
        "classification" : [<list of classification terms without prefixes>],
        "language" : [<list of languages of the journal>],
        "country" : "<country of journal publication>",
        "license" : [<list of titles of licences>],
        "publisher" : "<publisher>",
        "classification_paths" : [<list of all expanded LCC terms, with parents>],
        "unpunctitle" : "<title without punctuation>",
        "asciiunpunctitle" : "<ascii-folded title without puncuation>"
    "created_date" : "<date created>",
    "last_updated" : "<date record last modified>"

NOTE: there's an argument for putting the issn identifiers inside the journal part of the bibjson, rather than at the root of the bibliographic record, but this creates some annoying complexities in the software implementation and its API for interacting with identifiers, so it has not yet been done. Sould it be? The same goes for the subject, which currently comes from the journal record, but which can effectively be applied the the article too.

Account Data Model

    "id" : "<the username of the user>",
    "password" : "<hashed password>",
    "name" : "<user's actual name>",
    "email" : "<user's email address>",
    "role" : [<list of user roles>],
    "journal" : [<list of journal ids the user can administer>],
    "api_key" : "<32 character-long hexadecimal key to access API>"

File Upload Data Model

    "id": "<opaque id of upload>",
    "status": "incoming|validated|failed|processed",
    "last_updated": "<last date modified>",
    "created_date": "<date of initial upload>",
    "owner": "<user id of owner>",
    "schema": "<metadata scheme used>",
    "filename": "<filename of upload>",
    "error" : "<any error associated with the upload>"

Journal ToC Data Model

The Journal ToC data model stores a cache of the Table of Contents on a per-volume basis

    "id" : "<opaque identifier for this volume>",
    "about" : "<the journal's opaque identifier>",
    "issn" : ["<list of issns for this journal>"],
    "volume" : "<the volume number represented here>",
    "issues" : [
            "number" : "<issue number>",
            "year" : "<year of publication>",
            "month" : "<month of publication>",
            "articles" : [
                    "id" : "<the article's opaque id>",
                    "bibjson" : {
                        "title" : "<title of the article>",
                        "identifier": [
                            {"type" : "doi", "id" : "<doi>", "url" : "<doi url>"}
                        "start_page" : "<start page>",
                        "end_page" : "<end page>",
                        "link" : [
                                "url" : "<fulltext url>",
                                "type" : "fulltext",
                                "content-type" : "<content type of resource>"
                        "abstract" : "<the abstract>",
                        "author" : [
                                "name" : "<author name>",
                                "email" : "<author email>",
                                "affiliation" : "<author affiliation>"
                        "keywords" : [<list of free text keywords>],
    "created_date" : "<date created>",
    "last_updated" : "<date record last modified>"

Edit Lock Data Model

    "id" : "<opaque id for this lock>",
    "about" : "<opaque id for the journal/suggestion to which it applies>",
    "type" : "<journal/suggestion>",
    "created_date" : "<timestamp this lock record was created>",
    "expires" : "<timestamp for when this lock record expires>",
    "username" : "<user name of the user who holds the lock>"

Editor Group Data Model

    "id" : "<opaque id for this editor group>",
    "name" : "<human readable name for this editor group>",
    "editor" : "<username of editor which runs this group>",
    "associates" : ["<associate who is part of this group>"],
    "created_date" : "<timestamp for when this group was created>",
    "last_updated" : "<timestamp for when this group was last modified>"

Bulk Reapplication Data Model

    "id" : "<opaque id for this bulk reapplication>",
    "owner" : "<user account which owns this reapplication>",
    "spreadsheet_name" : "<name by which the spreadsheet is known (both locally and for download)>",
    "created_date" : "<timestamp for when this spreadsheet was created>",
    "last_updated" : "<timestamp for when this spreadsheet was last modified>"

Bulk Upload Data Model

    "id" : "<opaque id for this bulk upload>",
    "status": "incoming|failed|processed",
    "owner": "<user id of owner>",
    "filename": "<filename of upload>",
    "error" : "<any error associated with the upload>"
    "reapplied" : <number of reapplications processed from this upload>,
    "skipped" : <number of reapplications skipped in this upload>,
    "last_updated": "<last date modified>",
    "created_date": "<date of initial upload>",
    "processed_date": "<date the upload was processed>"

Note: Editor group names need to be unique within the index

Authentication and Authorisation System

Creating a new user

To create a new user for the DOAJ use the script in the first instance:

python portality/scripts/ -u username -r admin -p password -e email

This will create a new user with the "admin" role.

If you want to update the user account at any point via the command line, use the same command again. Any user that already exists and is identified by the argument to the -u option will be modified/overwritten

To edit the user via the web interface, login to the DOAJ application and go to


Once you have created the initial administrator, new users can be created when logged in as that administrator via:


Role-based authorisation

The DOAJ user area uses role-based authorisation.

When implementing a feature, that feature should be given a role name.

For example, if implementing a "Create new Administrator" feature, a new role should be defined with the name "create_administrator". Any actions which pertain to the creation of a new administrator should be authorised with a call to the current user's has_role method:

if current_user.has_role("create_administrator"):
    # do some create administrator stuff
    # unauthorised

There are two high-level roles which the DOAJ implements

  • admin - for the DOAJ administrators, who will have complete super-user priviledges
  • publisher - for publisher users of the DOAJ, who will be administering their own content

At this early stage of development, user accounts will only need to be assigned one of those roles. The "admin" role is a super user so any calls to has_role for any role on an administrator's user object will result in success (i.e. has_role("create_administrator") on a user with role "admin" will return True).

At a later stage, and when it becomes necessary, we will implement mappings of the high level roles to more granular roles.


When developing authenticated areas of the DOAJ site, there are two things you should do.

The blueprint should have a "before_request" method which rejects anonymous users or users who do not have the correct role. For example:

# restrict everything in admin to logged in users with the "publsiher" role
def restrict():
    if current_user.is_anonymous() or not current_user.has_role("publisher"):

The restricted method should be annotated with flask.ext.login's login_required:

from flask.ext.login import login_required

def index():
    # some restricted method


The Directory of Open Access Journals - website and directory software







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