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A python library for big data analysis. This package is a collection of functions that I have found to be useful in my coursework on big data and machine learning.

Requirements and Installation

This package requires that numpy, scipy, and matplotlib be installed. Using pip this can be done with the following command:

pip install numpy scipy matplotlib

or see Scipy's website for more information on installation.

To install the bigDATA package using pip simply run:

pip install -i bigDATA


  • random: returns a random matrix of a certain size
  • evalues: returns eigenvalues of a matrix
  • evectors: returns eigenvectors of a matrix
  • evectors: returns inverse of a matrix
  • evectors: returns the covariance matrix of a matrix
  • SVDecomp: performs a singular value decomposition
  • LUDecomp: performs an LU decomposition
  • polarDecomp: performs a polar decomposition on a given matrix and breaks down the matrix into its rotating and stretching components
  • solve: solves a linear system of equations
  • solveMany: Solves for many xs in a system of linear equations in the form of Ax=b where multiple b's are given
  • perturb: perturbs a system of equations and returns the relative perturbation and error
  • optimalFit: given two sets of points, finds the optimal shift and rotation to fit the points in matrix X onto Y


  • editDistance: returns the number of edits needed to turn string str1 into string str2
  • jaccardDistance: returns the percentage of elements in set a or b that are not in both a and b
  • hammingDistance: Returns the number of ith characters in str1 that don't match the ith character in str2
  • cosineDistance: calculates the cosine distance between lists of numbers a and b
  • lrDistance: calculates the L_r distance between a and b in r dimensional space

  • sigmoid, sigmoid_prime, softmax, softmax_prime, and tansig activation functions
  • cost: cost function
  • Classification:
    • feed_forward: feed input forward through a neural network
    • back_propagation: performs a single back propagation iteration
  • KNN:
    • classify: k nearest neighbors classification with discrete labels
    • kRegression: locally weighted kernel regression


A python library for big data analysis







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