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A fun computer vision Scrabble score-keeper using OpenCV and Python.


I started this project around 2013 and I've been using it in family scrabble games since then. Using a laptop plus a webcam, this program will read the current board state and keep score automatically.

Video here: (shows older version with worse performance)

This code is in somewhat rough shape and it will likely require some tuning to get it to work using different cameras and lighting conditions. See for the options that can be changed. This config file is continuously reloaded so options here can be changed on-the-fly. The DEBUG boolean options will enable more debug output views which will assist in the tuning.

I am using a Logitech C920 webcam but other sources will likely work fine.

Getting Started

This project has been developed and tested under Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

  1. Install python and virtualenv: sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv
  2. Fetch this repository: git clone
  3. cd scrabble-opencv
  4. ./ to configure the virtualenv and install the needed libraries
  5. ./ to run

You will need to make edits to to tune the detection for your specific camera, lighting, and Scrabble board.

Edits might also be needed to to select the appropriate capture device.

TODO(jheidel): Improve video capture device selection.

Vision Processing Methodology

Vision processing is done using OpenCV running under Python 3.

Corner Detection

As a first step, we must identify the position of the Scrabble board in the captured image. This program supports two methods of doing this:

  1. (Most reliable) ArUco fiducial markers on each corner
  2. Some Scrabble boards have a red boarder which is fairly easy to detect
  3. You can place red circular stickers near the corners of the board as markers

The detection mode is configurable in

The easiest and most reliable method is to use corner markers. Print out corner_markers.pdf and apply these labels to the corresponding corners. OpenCV has built-in detection for these ArUco markers and it works extremely well.


In the case of red border segmentation, it looks as follows:

As a first step, we perform binary segmentation of the image to look for the red color:

letter threshold

Next, we look for large external contours and find one that has appropriate shape and size (within configured thresholds). From this contour, we draw a bounding polygon and extract the corners:

corner detection

An offset is used to position the board relative to the corners (see the _X, _Y adjustments in and a perspective warp is performed in order to isolate an undistorted image of the board for further processing.

Letter Detection

As a next step, we need to identify the positions on the board that contain a letter. The board is first segmented using adaptive thresholding on the V channel of HSV (looking for dark characters). This produces a binary segmentation as follows:

letter thresh

From this, we detect contours and perform some post-processing to reject invalid contours:

  • contours must be within aspect ratio limits
  • contours must be within area limits (appropriate size)
  • contours must be within a fixed distance from a grid position (maximum letter shift)

From this, we select the nearest contour to each grid position and consider the letter to be located at the center of that contour. This method allows for letters to be misaligned slightly without affecting detection reliability.

letter detect

Letter Classification

Once we've identified all the locations on the board that contain a letter, we need to classify those pixels as actual alphabet letters.

This is done using a simple K-Nearest neighbor ML model.

Each binary threshold letter is scaled to a 18x18 square:

single letter

This 18x18 image is turned into a 1D vector and fed directly into the model which has been trained on samples of all scrabble letters. After evaluating all letters against the model, we have a fully classified Scrabble board:

letters classify

Letter averaging is done to improve detection reliability. The most common letter seen in the last N frames is used.

Blank Detection

Unfortunately it's not enough to simply classsify the black letters. Scrabble also has blank tiles which can represent any letter. These blanks present a machine vision challenge since they are very similar to background tiles on the board.

As a first step, we convert the image to grayscale and then examine a small patch from each tile in the board that is not yet classified as a letter. For each patch, we compute an average color value and standard deviation. In the image below, red represents the average, blue represents the standard deviation, and green represents the coefficient of variance:

blank stage 1

Blank tiles will have a low coefficient of variance (smooth color) and so we reject anything above a configured threshold. These remaining tiles (green letters in the image above) may either represent a blank letter tile, or a blank background tile.

As a next step, we compare the average colors of each patch with that of its possible blank neighbors. The difference is presented as a Z score. Any actual blank letter tile will have a color that is slightly different than that of the board background tiles and so will be an outlier. We consider a tile a blank letter tile if it has a Z score above a configured threshold.

blank stage 2


The program contains a rudimentary GTK app for a scoreboard:


The app will keep score for players. espeak is used in order to synthesize a voice which announces how many points were achieved on each turn.


Scrabble is trademark of Hasbro. This software is purely a hobby project which is intended as Fair Use.


A fun scrabble score keeper using OpenCV







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