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###Code structure The code structure follows the template from lecture which is MVT: Or model, view template. First, there are models for Votes, Posts, Users, and Comments. The idea is that the comments and votes and posts need to store the user who made the preceding as foreign keys. This makes sense, since we are definetly not only interested what the object in the web app are but who made the objects in our web app. Next, we also include the ability to get the link from the top of the question, just like real piazza and we have the ability to check out and edit a question (if we are a user) by the methods outlined in lecture. Particularlly, I am conditionally rendering the edit button depending on if the question that is relevant was authored by the currently logged in user. I also make use of plotly to display releveant statistics about the users. This includes the time model. Outlined below are the MVT structure: Templates: auth_signin-->default sign in page from django auth_signup-->default sign up page from django base->the base html that all of them follow for bootstrap comment_post->>html which represents comment poslist->main feed reply_post->the html which shows what replying should look like statistic-> relevant statistics about the users using plotly and datetime submit->submit form for a question user-info->dedicated user page user_post->dedicateduser_posting page


The views mirror the same idea in lecture, which templates having essentially one view per. I implemented much of the backend logic here and made sure to be careful about allowing only authenticated users to access the logic of the website. Moreover, I also impolemented nesting comments, statistics, upvoting, editing, submitting, loggin in and signing up here.


I just have 4 models: User, Comment, Vote, Post The comment vote and post have foreign key references to user. And both the Vote and Comment have foreign key references to post, since the aformentioned cannot exist without a post!. I chose this method of implementation to abstract away the details of keeping track of posts, votes, and comments manually, and instead relied on the backend to update the state of the program appropriately.

Description: Welcome to a piazza clone! Inspired by my obsession with piazza feel free to make questions, 'good question' and 'bad question' mark questions and edit your posts. Also, check out the statistics page, which has realtime statistics about the current user sessions.

Requirements met: One class definition (with at least two magic methods) -> I have three class definitions. The Post class implements str which returns a well formated string of the post and len which returns the length of the post (# of characters). I use both for the statistics page

Two non-trivial first-party packages (e.g. json, time) -> I use defaultdict throughout the program and I also use datetime and timestamp to order the older post and display relevant statistics regarding time

Two non-trivial third-party packages (e.g. Django, Tensorflow/Keras) -> Django for the webapp portion and plotly to display the statistics In-line documentation (i.e. comments in code)

-> I have comment throughout! Enjoy :)

Installation instruction ---> I think you just do pip requriements and run the server using django! If there are any installation errors please let me know! Im new to python so I'm not super sure how this works.


The final project (a piazza clone) for CIS192






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