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A general-purpose, modular, extensible IRC robot written in Python 2. Includes numerous plugins for various different purposes.


  1. Dependencies
  2. Contributing
  3. License
  4. Installation and Usage
  5. Overview of Files
  6. Main Configuration File
  7. Core Modules
  8. Support Modules
  9. Available Plugins
    1. Admin Tools
      • aop - give channel op status to users.
      • chanserv - keep ChanServ out of channels.
      • debug - print debugging information to the console.
      • flood - defend against flooding attacks.
      • invite - join channels when invited.
    2. User Tools
      • convert - convert between units of measurement.
      • dice - simulate dice rolling, etc.
      • kakasi - transliterate Japanese characters.
      • mirror - copy impermanent URLs for posterity.
      • qdbs - show updates from QdbS quote databases.
      • seen - tell when users were last seen.
      • tell - leave public messages for users.
      • url - show information about URLs.
    3. Game Tools
      • dominions - show updates from Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension.
      • dungeonworld - assist with running Dungeon World sessions.
      • minecraft - connect channels to Minecraft servers.
      • terraria - connect channels to Terraria servers.
    4. Other Plugins





Bug reports and feature requests may be submitted to this repository using the issue tracker, and are more than welcome. Pull requests fixing bugs are welcome, and pull requests adding or changing features will be duly considered.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone this repository, or download an archive of the code and extract it, into an empty directory.
  2. Copy conf/templates/ to conf/ and edit it to configure the basic parameters of the bot. See Main Configuration File.
  3. As needed for any plugins loaded, copy additional files from conf/templates/ into conf/ and edit them. The plugins listed in Core Modules should usually be present at the beginning of this list, in the same order.
  4. If the bot should identify to NickServ, create conf/ with the relevant information. If you wish to be able to issue admin-only commands to the bot, add yourself to conf/admins.txt and/or set a password in conf/auth_password.txt and then use the !identify command.
  5. Run main, and the bot will connect to the configured IRC server and print a log of sent and received IRC messages to stdout. The bot currently has no built-in daemon mode, but it can be left running in the background using a terminal multiplexer such as GNU screen. To restart the bot, issue Ctrl+C once and wait or twice to terminate it. It may also be caused to restart using the admin command !restart, or with a particular quit message using !quit MESSAGE.
  6. There are at least three ways to cause the bot to join IRC channels:
    1. Configure the channels statically in conf/, and they will be automatically joined.
    2. If the invite plugin is loaded: configure the channels dynamically (while the bot is running) using the IRC INVITE and KICK commands to cause it to join or leave channels. You must usually be a channel operator to do this. This will be remembered when the bot is restarted.
    3. If you are a bot administrator, use the !join and !part commands in a channel or by private message. These settings will not be remembered when the bot is restarted.
  7. While the bot is running, if you are an administrator, modules can be dynamically installed, uninstalled and reloaded from disk using the !load, !unload, !reload and !hard-reload commands.

Overview of Files

  • main - The POSIX shell script used to run PageBot.
  • conf/ - User configuration files.
  • conf/templates/ - Templates for files in conf/.
  • state/ - Data saved dynamically by PageBot to persist when it is restarted.
  • static/ - Static data files which are not program code.
  • page/ - Plugins and support modules that extend ameliabot to implement most of PageBot's functionality.
  • tools/ - Auxiliary programs, mostly used for testing and development.
  • ameliabot/ - A heavily modified version of
  • lib/untwisted/ - A modified version of
  • lib/ - A lightweight implementation of IRC for untwisted.

Main Configuration File

This file is located at conf/ and configures the core features of the bot. It is a Python 2.7 source file which may bind the following names at the top level:

Name Type Description
server str The hostname of the IRC server to which to connect.
port int The port number to which to connect. Usually 6667. Plain IRC connections must be accepted on this port, as PageBot does not (currently) support SSL.
nick str The nickname for the bot to use on IRC.
user str The username for the bot to use on IRC.
name str The "real name" for the bot to use on IRC.
host str The bot's own hostname reported to the IRC server. In practice, this is usually ignored by the server, and can be anything.
channels list of str The channels to join automatically after connecting.
plugins list of str The plugins to load automatically.
timeout Number The number of seconds of latency after which the connection will time out and restart.
bang_cmd True or False If False, bot commands must be prefixed by NICK: , where NICK is the bot's nick. This is useful if there are multiple bots present which may respond to commands of the form !COMMAND.
flood_limits list of (Number,Number) Each list item (lines, seconds) enforces a serverbound flood protection rule preventing the bot from sending more than lines IRC messages in any period of seconds seconds. This is useful to prevent the bot from being disconnected by an IRC server's flood protection mechanisms. In practice, IRC servers often have multiple such mechanisms, hence the need for multiple rules.

If any of these are not specified, the default values in or ameliabot/ (in that order) are used.

Core Modules

These plugins implement the basic functionality of PageBot beyond that provided by the code of ameliabot, and should usually be present in the plugins section of conf/ and loaded at all times, in order for the bot to work properly. Additionally, the user may wish to edit some of the configuration files listed here to use certain features.


Actively performs miscellaneous tasks essential to the bot and other modules.


Manages basic IRC message events from xirclib and provides the !help command.

  • !help - shows information about (most) user commands.


Communicates with the network service known as NickServ on most IRC networks.

  • conf/ - contains network-specific information used to identify NickServ, and the bot's own password used to identify to NickServ, if it has one.


Provides authentication of bot administrators. Requires identity to be separately installed for certain features.

  • !id PASS, !identify PASS - cause the bot to recognise the user issuing this command as an administrator.
  • conf/admins.txt - a list of nick!user@host wildcard expressions, or, if identity is installed, access names from conf/, one per line, representing users who are are automatically allowed to use admin commands.
  • conf/auth_password.txt - the password, if any, accepted by !identify.


Provides admin commands for control of the bot's basic functions.

  • !echo MSG - [admin] repeat MSG in the same channel or back by PM to the sender.
  • !raw CMD - [admin] send CMD to the server as a raw IRC message.
  • !msg TARGET MSG - [admin] say MSG to the nick or channel given by TARGET.
  • !act TARGET MSG - [admin] send MSG as a CTCP ACTION message (as generated by /me in most IRC clients).
  • !j CHAN, !join CHAN - [admin] join the given channel.
  • !part [CHAN] - [admin] leave the given channel, or the current channel if none is given.
  • !quit [MSG] - [admin] quit the network, with the given quit message, if any. If the bot's process is not manually terminated within a few seconds of issuing this command, it will automatically reconnect.
  • !restart - [admin] quit the network with a quit message indicating that the bot is restarting.
  • !eval EXPR - [admin] show the value of the Python expression EXPR (with bot and all loaded modules in scope).
  • !exec STMT - [admin] execute the Python statement STMT (with bot and all loaded modules in scope).
  • !yield ACTION - [admin] perform the given asynchronous untwisted action and show the return value when (and if) it completes.
  • !load MOD - [admin] install the plugin module named MOD, usually from a Python file in page/.
  • !unload MOD - [admin] uninstall the plugin module named MOD.
  • !reload - [admin] reload the code of all reloadable modules (those in page/ and certain others) from their source files, and reinstall all installed plugin modules, possibly retaining the state of the old instances.
  • !hard-reload - [admin] as !reload, but discard as much old state information as possible, thus resetting the state of most modules.


Manages state information relating to IRC channels. Also defines the concept of a quiet channel: a channel is quiet if it is listed in the corresponding configuration file, or if it has mode +m active. Several plugins modify their behaviour to suppress frivolous messages to quiet channels.

  • conf/quiet_channels.txt - a list of channels, one per line, which are always considered to be quiet.

Support Modules

These plugins do not by themselves implement functionality useful to the user, but are required by some other plugins. Unless otherwise noted, they do not need to be explicitly installed, as they will be automatically loaded by the plugins that depend on them. However, many of them do have configuration files that may need to be edited by the user.



Allows groups of channels - each of which is either an IRC channel or a special type of channel external to the IRC network, provided by a module such as minecraft - to be bridged together, such that any message sent to one will also be relayed to the others by the bot. Also causes certain commands to work in the aforementioned non-IRC channels.

  • conf/ - one tuple (comma-separated list) of strings (which start or end with ' or ") per line, each of which represents a group of channels bridged together. Each string is either an IRC channel name starting with # or the identifier of a non-IRC channel.
  • conf/ - a newline-separated list of tuples of strings 'CONTEXT', 'OLD_NAME', 'NEW_NAME' representing substitutions to be made to messages from non-IRC channels before they are broadcast to other bridged channels. When CONTEXT is the name of a compatible non-IRC channel, any occurrence of the word OLD_NAME will be replaced with NEW_NAME. This can be useful to prevent IRC users from being unnecessarily highlighted by messages originating elsewhere containing their IRC nicks - for example, a message that the user wrote under the same name on a Minecraft server. Whether this is supported, and the exact manner of replacement, depends on the type of channel.
  • !online - lists the names of users present in any channels bridged to this channel, including the channel itself if it is not an IRC channel.
  • !time, !date - tells the current time and date in UTC. Only available in non-IRC channels.


Allows pairs of channels to be linked together, so that messages from one channel are relayed to the other. This is the same functionality provided by bridge, except that: it only affects IRC channels, and as such uses a somewhat different format for displaying messages; it allows finer control over the nature of the channel links; and it allows links to be created dynamically by admin commands or programmatically by other plugins. A channel link is mutual if messages are relayed in both directions; otherwise, they are only relayed from one channel to another. A channel link is persistent if it is saved in the state file so that it is re-established when the bot is restarted.

  • !add-chan-link CHAN - [admin] creates a mutual, persistent link between this channel and CHAN.
  • !add-chan-link-from CHAN [admin] creates a non-mutual, persistent link from CHAN to this channel.
  • !del-chan-link CHAN - [admin] permanently removes any link involving CHAN and this channel.
  • !online - lists the users in any channels linked to this channel.
  • state/chan_link_persistent.txt - a newline-separated list of Python tuples of strings (CHAN1, CHAN2) representing a persistent link from CHAN1 to CHAN2. The link is mutual if and only if (CHAN2, CHAN1) is also present in the list.


Implements per-user flood protection for user commands and other actions causing processor or network usage, to curtail denial-of-service attacks against the bot. When a user exceeds the limits defined in, they are ignored for a period of time and given a notification of this.


Allows different plugins to share access to limited resources associated with IRC channels, such as the right to respond to a command whose name is the same for two different plugins. Access is mediated based on a centrally managed mode determining which plugin has access at any given time. See comments in for more information.

External API Access


Provides programmatic access to Imgur's API.

  • conf/imgur_client_id.txt - the client_id associated with the account used to access Imgur's API. According to Imgur's instructions, a different client_id should be used for each separate instance of the bot. See for more information.


Provides programmatic access to Pastebin's API.

  • conf/pastebin_dev_key.txt - the Developer API Key associated with the account used to access Pastebin's API. See for more information.


Provides programmatic access to YouTube's API. Requires google-api-python-client to be separately installed in the same Python distribution used to run the bot.

Other Modules


Manages sets of credentials used to recognise particular IRC users.

  • conf/ - a Python 2.7 source file whose top-level bindings of the form NAME = [CRED1, CRED2, ...] each define an access name NAME referring to a particular person, and the credentials CRED1, CRED2, ... used to authenticate them. An IRC user may be successfully recognised as belonging to an access name if the user satisfies any one of the credentials, which may take any of the following forms:

    Format Criteria
    ('hostmask', 'NICK!USER@HOST') The user's IRC nick, user and hostnames must match the given hostmask, which may include wildcard characters * and ?. This must be used with care, as there are a number of subtleties involved in the assignment of IRC usernames and hostnames; however, a combination of *!USER@HOST with no additional wildcards is usually safe.
    ('nickserv', 'ACCOUNT') The user must be identified to NickServ using the given account name. Currently, it is assumed that the user's nick is always equal to their account name, as is the case on some but not all IRC networks.
    ('prev_hosts', COUNT) The user's USER@HOST equals one of the COUNT most recent recorded values which successfully identified to this access name by any method. This can be useful, in combination with a 'nickserv' credential, to allow a user to still be recognised when NickServ is absent from the network or the user has not yet manually identified. A reasonable value for COUNT is 3.
    ('access', 'NAME') The user is identified as belonging to another access name, which validates this access name by proxy.
  • state/identity_hosts.json - records needed to implement the 'prev_hosts' credential. A JSON object {'NAME1': ['USER11@HOST11', 'USER12@HOST12', ...], 'NAME2': ['USER21@HOST21', 'USER22@HOST22', ...], ...} giving the most recent identified hosts, in chronological order and starting with the least recent, for each access name on record.


Provides common utilities for running web pages using PhantomJS via Selenium. The selenium Python package and the PhantomJS operating system package must both be present in order for this module to be useful.


Provides various miscellaneous classes and functions shared by many different modules.

Available Plugins

Admin Tools


Automatically ops other users. When the bot has mode +o in a channel, this module allows the bot to automatically give +o to other users when they join the channel, when they issue !update, and when the bot joins the channel. This plugin automatically loads identity.

  • conf/aop.txt - a sequence of channel sections, where a channel section starts with a single line containing one or more channel names (each starting with #) separated by spaces, and is followed by a list of user specifications, each on a separate line. A user specification is a hostmask of the form NICK!USER@HOST, possibly including wildcard characters * and ?, or an access name from the identity module. Each user specification causes the corresponding user to be automatically opped in each channel named in the corresponding channel section. Additional whitespace and empty lines are ignored. Comments start with -- and cause the remainder of the line to be ignored.
  • !update - give +o to the user issuing this command, if they do not have it and are subject to automatic op.


Communicates with the network services known as ChanServ on most IRC networks. Currently, this is only useful for automatically evicting ChanServ from desired channels, but more features may be added in the future.

  • conf/ - a CSV-style newline-separated list of tuples under the header 'channel', 'password', specifying the password (a string) to be used to gain founder-level access to each channel (a string).
  • conf/chanserv_evict.txt - a whitespace-separated list of channels in which the bot will attempt to cause ChanServ to leave whenever it is encountered there. This can be useful on IRC networks with misconfigured services. Each channel should also have its password listed in


Displays on the console extended information about the internals of the bot's operation. When loaded, shows most untwisted events passing through the bot's primary Mode instance, and possibly also those passing through auxiliary Mode instances created by plugins. Events which occur so frequently as to make the console unreadable are suppressed.


Employs heuristic measurements to detect when a user is maliciously flooding a channel with repetitive messages, either alone or in concert with other users. This is especially useful against automated spam-bot attacks. When such behaviour is detected, the bot will ban and kick the offending user or perform some other action according to its configuration.

  • conf/ - A CSV-style newline-separated list of tuples under the header 'channel', 'punish_commands', whose columns have the following meanings:

    Field Type Description
    channel str The name of a channel, which should start with #, in which the bot will actively defend against flooding attacks.
    punish_commands list of str, or DEFAULT The sequence of commands that the bot shall issue when a flooding user is detected. Each item is a raw IRC command, possibly including format specifiers as defined below. DEFAULT is equivalent to ['MODE %(chan)s +b %(hostmask)s', 'KICK %(chan)s %(nick)s :%(reason)s'].

    The following format specifiers may occur in punish_commands:

    Specifier Description
    %(nick)s The nickname of the flooding user.
    %(user)s The username of the flooding user.
    %(host)s The hostname of the flooding user.
    %(hostmask)s *!%(user)s@%(host)s if the username does not start with ~, or otherwise *!*@%(host)s.
    %(chan)s The channel in which the flooding occurred.
    %(reason)s A message describing why the user was targeted. Currently, this is always Flooding detected.
  • tools/ - a console program which reads from standard input an irssi-formatted IRC log and simulates the behaviour of the flood module on messages from the log. The score of each message, which is a measure of how close it is being considered part of a flood, is shown next to each message, and any message whose score exceeds the threshold is separated from its score by an exclamation mark and highlighted in red. This is useful for tuning the parameters in to eliminate false positives and false negatives.


Causes the bot to join channels when invited, and indefinitely remembers INVITEd and KICKed channels.

  • INVITE messages, issued in most clients by /invite NICK [CHANNEL], cause the bot to join the corresponding channel and save this channel in a dynamic auto-join list that persists when the bot is restarted.
  • KICK messages, issued in most clients by /kick [CHANNEL] NICK [MESSAGE], remove the corresponding channel from the auto-join list if it is present.
  • state/channel_invite.txt - a newline-separated list of channels which the bot has been invited to and will automatically join.

User Tools


Converts quantities between different measurement units.

  • !cv, !convert QUANTITY UNIT1 [to] UNIT2 - converts QUANTITY from UNIT1 to UNIT2, and displays the result. QUANTITY is a decimal number, possibly including a decimal point, and possibly including an exponent in scientific E-notation - for example, !convert 3.232e-35 m to Planck lengths. The word to is optional. See !help convert for the available units.


Simulates dice rolls and other random choices. Uses Python 2's standard random number generator, which in turn uses either an internal pseduo-random number generation algorithm or a source of entropy provided by the operating system.

  • !r, !roll MdN+K, !roll MdN-K - Simulate rolling M dice, each with N sides, and add or subtract K to the result.
  • !r, !roll {WEIGHT1: CHOICE1, WEIGHT2: CHOICE2, ...} - Return one of the given CHOICEs, each of which has probability proportional to its associated WEIGHT of being chosen. The WEIGHT: prefix may be omitted, in which case the weight defaults to 1.

Multiple dice rolls or choices may be made in the same !roll invocation by writing them one after the other, possibly separated by other text, which will be repeated in the result. Moreover, the two types of random sampling may be mixed together, and lists of choices may be nested within each other. See !help roll for more information and additional features.


Shows the Hepburn romanisation of Japanese text. Where there is more than one possible reading of a sequence of kanji, the alternatives are shown within braces. Any messages detected to contain a majority of Japanese text will be automatically transliterated. Requires KAKASI and in particular the shared library to be present on the system.

  • !rj, !romaji TEXT - explicitly transliterate TEXT from Japanese characters to romaji.
  • page/ - support module implementing the reusable library component of kakasi.


Automatically copies resources from URLs known to expire after a short time, for posterity. When such a URL is posted in a channel, the bot will copy it to a permanent location and provide a link to the copy. Currently, this consists of copying PNG, GIF or JPEG images hosted on 4chan to Imgur, but more schemes may be added in future. This plugin requires the imgur module to be configured with a valid client_id.


Notifies channels and users of new entries posted to a QdbS quote database. This plugin automatically loads the identity module. Requires BeautifulSoup 4 and html5lib.

  • conf/ - Allows channels to be notified when a new quote has been approved and is publically visible. A CSV-style newline-separated list of Python tuples, under the header 'channel', 'index_url', 'remote_index_url', whose columns have the following meanings:

    Field Type Description
    channel str The IRC channel to be notified of public updates.
    index_url str The URL of the index page of the quote database, to be accessed by the bot. This may refer to a host on a private network local to the machine on which the bot is running.
    remote_index_url str The URL of the index page of the quote database, to be posted in the channel. This should usually be a URL accessible from the public Internet, and must refer to the same quote database as index_url.
  • conf/ - Allows certain IRC users, who are authenticated by identity, to be notified by private message when a new quote has been submitted for approval. A CSV-style newline-separated list of Python tuples under the header 'access_name', 'qdb_username', 'qdb_password', 'admin_url', 'remote_admin_url', whose columns have the following meanings:

    Field Type Description
    access_name str The access name configured in conf/ of the user who is to receive notifications.
    qdb_username str The username of the QdbS admin account of this user.
    qdb_password str The password hash cookie, set by QdbS upon logging in, of the admin account of this user.
    admin_url str The URL of the admin page of the quote database, to be accessed by the bot. This may refer to a host on a private network local to the machine on which the bot is running.
    remote_admin_url str The URL of the admin page of the quote database, to be sent by PM to the user. This should usually be a URL accessible from the public Internet, and must refer to the same quote database as admin_url.
  • state/qdbs.json - records state information for this plugin, including the last quote that each channel or user has been notified of.


Tells when users were last seen by the bot in a channel.

  • !seen NICK[!USER@HOST] - shows information about the most recently observed activity in this channel of any user matching the given nickname or full hostmask, which may include wildcard characters * and ?.
  • state/seen.json - the database recording the last activity of every user in every channel.


Allows users to leave public messages for each other in channels. This is similar to the service provided by MemoServ on many IRC networks, but can be useful when MemoServ is not available, or when the recipient may not be logged in to a NickServ account or may not notice that they have a memo.

  • User commands:

    • !tell USER MSG - leave a message to be delivered to USER when they are next seen in this channel. If USER contains ! or @, it must match the recipient's NICK!USER@HOST; otherwise, it must only match their NICK; in either case, it may contain wildcard characters * and ?. Additionally, USER may consist of multiple alternatives separated by / (with no spaces) - the message will be delivered to the first one of these which is seen.
    • !tell USER1[, USER2, ...]: MSG - leave multiple copies of the same message, each for one of several recipients. A comma-separated list of recipients, each accepting the same syntax as above, terminated by a colon, is used to address the message.
    • !untell [USER1, USER2, ...] - if a list of recipients is given, delete the last message sent in this channel, to each of them, by the user issuing this command. Otherwise, delete the last such message sent to any recipient. If given, a recipient specification must equal exactly that used with !tell to send the message.
    • !dismiss [NICK[!USER@HOST]] - delete the least recent pending message in this channel addressed to the user issuing this command which is from the given NICK or NICK!USER@HOST if specified, or from any sender. This can be useful when the recipient of a message has observed the message being sent, is already aware of its contents, and wishes to avoid it being repeated. Up to 3 additional !dismiss commands may be included on the same line as this command.
    • !undismiss [NICK[!USER@HOST]] - restore the message which was most recently deleted using !dismiss, is from the given NICK or NICK!USER@HOST if specified, or from any sender. This can be useful to reverse an accidental usage of !dismiss.
    • !read - if used in a channel, delivers any messages addressed to the user issuing this command. If used by PM, delivers any messages which have been designated to be read privately. This only happens when a user has too many messages to comfortably display in a channel, and after the user is explicitly notified of this in-channel.
  • Admin commands:

    • !tell? [QUERY] - list all pending messages in the current channel (or in all channels if used by PM) where the sender's NICK!USER@HOST, the recipient specification, or the message content itself contains the text of the given QUERY (or all such messages if none is given).
    • !tell+ FROM_NICK!USER@HOST, RECIPIENT, #CHAN, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, MESSAGE - insert an artifical pending message into the record, with the given sender, recipient specification, channel of delivery, sent time, and message content.
    • !tell- INDEX1 INDEX2 ... - delete some messages according to the index numbers displayed with them in the output from !tell?. Note that the assignment of index numbers to messages changes in different channels, when sending commands by PM, and after messages are created or deleted.
    • !tell-clear - delete all pending messages and other state information (except for the states accessible via !tell-undo and !tell-redo).
    • !tell-undo - restore the plugin's state to how it was before the most recent change (which was not caused by !tell-undo or !tell-redo).
    • !tell-redo - restore the plugin's state to how it was before the most recent use of !tell-undo.
  • Files:

    • state/tell.pickle - the database of pending messages and other information, in the form of a pickled Python 2.7 object.

If the user issuing !tell or !untell is a bot administrator, the arguments of the command may be prefixed with the name of a channel so that it affects that channel rather than any current channel. Additionally, the commands !tell, !untell, !tell?, !tell+, !tell-, !tell-clear, !tell-undo and !tell-redo may equivalently be written as !page, !unpage, !page?, !page+, !page-, !page-clear, !page-undo and !page-redo, respectively.


Shows information about URLs mentioned in the channel. The title, file size and MIME type are shown, if available. For links to images, the "best guess" provided by Google's reverse image search is also shown. If the imgur module is configured with a valid client ID, additional information is shown for Imgur URLs. If the youtube module is configured with a valid API key, additional information is shown for YouTube videos. Requires BeautifulSoup 4 and html5lib.

  • !title, !url - show information about each URL in the most recent channel message containing URLs. The message in question is then removed from the record, such that !url issued again will show information about the second most recent such message, and so forth.

  • !title !url TEXT - show information about each URL occurring in the given TEXT.

  • conf/ - a Python 2.7 source file which may bind the following names at the top level:

    Name Type Description
    bind_host str A hostname or IP address which connections made from the url module will originate from. '' means any IPv4 address, '::' means any IPv6 address, and '' or omitting this option means any available address.
    bind_hosts list of str A list of hostnames or IP addresses with the same meaning as bind_host, to be used in certain special cases when multiple source addresses may be required to increase throughput or circumvent blocking.
  • page/ - a support module implementing the component of url responsible for maintaining a public list of recently-mentioned URLs in each channel, accessible to other modules and independent of the main functionality of !url.

Up to 5 additional !url invocations, introduced by ! as usual, may be included on the same line as the first !url command. This can be useful to view the titles of several recently mentioned URLs at once.

Game Tools


Displays updates from Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension multiplayer servers. The game must be hosted using Dominion's TCP server, with the --statuspage option used to generate an HTML document accessible to the bot by HTTP or in the local file system. The bot will periodically read this document to discover updates in the game's status. See this document for more information about the command-line options of Dominions 4. Requires BeautifulSoup 4 and html5lib.

  • !dom+ URL1 URL2 ... - [admin] add games to be monitored in this channel. Each URL must give the location of a corresponding status page; supported URL schemes include http://, https://, and file://. Whenever the current turn advances, the bot will send a message to the channel. Moreover, if the bot can change the channel's topic, it will add a section showing the turn number and which non-AI players have taken their turns.
  • !dom? - [admin] show the number, URL and (if known) name of each game being monitored in this channel.
  • !dom- SPEC1 SPEC2 ... - [admin] remove monitored games from this channel. Each SPEC is either a URL as in !dom+ or a game number as displayed by !dom?.
  • !turn - display the turn number, and which non-AI players have taken their turns, in each game monitored in this channel.
  • state/dominions.json - the dynamic configuration, cache, and other information saved by the bot.

The commands !dom+, !dom- and !dom? have the special property that they may be followed by a new command (introduced with the ! character as usual) on the same line, for convenience when issuing multiple commands at once.


Assists with running games of Dungeon World on IRC. Supplements the functionality of the dice plugin, which should be separately installed. Requires the pastebin module to be configured with a valid developer key.

  • !missed-rolls - shows a tally of the move rolls which were missed in this channel, grouped by nick, since the last time this command was issued. In Dungeon World and related games, a move roll is a roll involving a number of 6-sided dice such that exactly 2 dice are used in the result - for example: 2d6, 2d6+1, b2[3d6] or w2[3d6-1]; and such a roll is missed if its result is less than 7. This is useful for recording the XP that characters gain for failed moves at the end of a session.

  • !insert-missed-roll [NICK [LABEL]] - insert an artificial missed roll into the record. If specified, the roll is attributed to NICK, or otherwise it is attributed to the user issuing this command. If a LABEL is given, this will be used later to describe the roll when listing missed rolls.

  • !delete-missed-roll [NICK] - delete from the record the most recent matching group of missed rolls. A group of rolls consists of all the rolls made on the same line, i.e. in a single IRC message. If NICK is specified, a roll is matching if it was made by NICK; otherwise, every roll is matching.

  • state/dungeonworld_rolls.txt - a newline-separated list of Python tuples (MISSES, ROLLS, CHAN, (NICK,USER,HOST), LABEL) each representing a group of move rolls:

    Index Field Type Description
    0 MISSES int Number of move rolls in group which missed.
    1 ROLLS int Total number of move rolls in group.
    2 CHAN str Channel where rolls were made.
    3 (NICK,USER,HOST) tuple of str The user who made the rolls.
    4 LABEL str Usually the result message from !roll.


Relays messages between Minecraft servers and other channels. The plugin connects to Minecraft servers via pipeserve and mcchat2, both of which must be installed and run separately. The bridge plugin must also be separately installed, and configured to connect Minecraft servers to other channels.

  • conf/ - a list of Minecraft server connections specified by a CSV-style newline-separated list of tuples under the header 'name', 'address', 'family', 'display', whose columns have the following meanings:

    Field Type Description
    name str The name of the special channel representing this server, to be used with bridge. Must begin with an alphanumeric character.
    address str or (str,int) The address of the socket created by pipeserve giving access to the instance of mcchat2 for this server. This should usually be a UNIX domain socket, in which case it is a string giving the filename of the socket; but it may also be the hostname and port number of a TCP/IP socket.
    family AF_UNIX, AF_INET or AF_INET6 The address family of the socket address given in address. This must be AF_UNIX if it is the path of a UNIX domain socket, or AF_INET or AF_INET6 if it gives a TCP/IPv4 or TCP/IPv6 address. Note that these are the names of constants and not strings, e.g. AF_UNIX and not 'AF_UNIX'.
    display str or None A user-readable name to be used to refer to this server in case a name cannot be retrieved from the server's query interface. The server name and the availability of the query interface can both be set in If not specified, the identifier from name will be used as a default.


Relays messages between Terraria servers and other channels. The bridge plugin must also be separately installed, and configured to connect Terraria servers to other channels.

  • conf/ - a CSV-style newline-separated list of Python tuples representing Terraria servers to which the bot will connect, under the header 'name', 'address', 'user', 'password', 'display', whose columns have the following meanings:

    Field Type Description
    name str The name of the special channel used to identify this server when configuring bridge. Must start with an alphanumeric character.
    address tuple of str,int A tuple (HOST, PORT) giving the hostname and port number of the server.
    user str The name that the bot shall use to connect to the server. This should be distinct from the name of any other character. A good choice is the bot's own IRC nick.
    password str The password required to connect to the server. If no password is required, this may be left as the empty string, ''.
    display str A user-readable name to be used to refer to the server in case the world name cannot be retrieved from it.
  • state/terraria.json - cached information about Terraria servers, including the last known protocol version used by each server.

Other Plugins


Occasionally repeats people's messages, with one word replaced with "bum". Suppressed in quiet channels. Inspired by

  • static/bum_ignore.txt - words which will not be replaced; generated by PageBot-words.


Allows two-player games of chess to be played on IRC using a textual interface. This is done by connecting to this chess engine through a socket created by pipeserve, both of which must be installed and run separately.

  • !chess SUBCOMMAND - issues SUBCOMMAND to the chess engine. See the output of !help chess for available subcommands.
  • state/chess - the UNIX domain socket allowing communication with an instance of the chess engine. This must be created before the plugin is loaded.


Whenever onamatapoeic laughter is detected in the channel, the bot joins in. Suppressed in quiet channels.


Posts questions from Quora at random intervals in configured channels.

  • conf/ - a CSV-style newline-separated list of Python tuples, each representing a channel in which Quora questions should be posted, under the header 'channel', 'daily_frequency', 'source_topics', 'exclude_topics', whose columns have the following meanings:

    Field Type Description
    channel str The channel name. Should start with #.
    daily_frequency Number The average number of questions posted per day while conditions on recent channel activity are met - see comments in for details of the latter. For values much smaller than 2880, the distribution of posts over time resembles a Poisson point process. A sensible value for this parameter is 0.2.
    source_topics str, meta(str) or tuple A topic spec, which may be a string 'TOPIC', a topic group given by a tuple () or (SPEC1, SPEC2, ...) of topic specs, or a meta-topic meta('CATEGORY'). Each string gives a case-insensitive Quora topic from which to draw questions. Each topic group provides multiple equally-probable options for choosing the topic. Each meta-topic stands for all the topics under the given category from Quora's Featured Topics. A meta-topic within a topic group does not imply a sub-grouping of topics; to achieve this, the meta-topic must be given in a 1-tuple, as (meta('CATEGORY'),).
    exclude_topics str or tuple A string 'TOPIC' or tuple () or ('TOPIC1','TOPIC2',...) listing case-insensitive Quora topics which shall not occur in any question posted by this module.
  • state/quora.json - persistent internal state recorded by the module.


Allows two-player games of Upoopia to be played on IRC using a textual interface. Because of the imperfect information each player is supposed to receive, this is implemented with each player residing in separate IRC channel where private information is sent by the bot, with any other public messages being relayed between the two channels (using the chan_link module). The bot must be present in both channels, as may spectators, but a player should never join their opponent's channel while a game is being played.

  • !upoopia #OTHER_CHAN [COLOUR] - initiate a game of Upoopia against an opponent residing in #OTHER_CHAN. To start a game, both players must have +o in their respective channels, and both must issue this command against the other channel. Each player may indicate their preferred COLOUR, either b/blue or r/red, with the convention that blue has the first move. If the preferences cannot be resolved, the colours will be assigned randomly.
  • !r[ed], ! r[ed], !move r[ed] DIR NUM - make a move by using a red die of value NUM to move the red worm NUM units in direction DIR: one of l/left, r/right, u/up or d/down.
  • !b[lue], ! b[lue], !move b[lue] DIR NUM - make a move by using a blue die of value NUM to move the blue worm NUM units in direction DIR: one of l/left, r/right, u/up or d/down.
  • !xray NUM - make a move by sacrificing a die of the opponent's colour, of value NUM, in order to see their dice for the remainder of the round.
  • !resign - concede defeat, ending the game in victory for the opponent.
  • !cancel - end a pending or ongoing game without any result.
  • !board - display the current state of the game board.
  • page/ - a support module implementing the reusable library component of upoopia.


A general-purpose IRC robot.



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