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Python wrapper module which sends home automation commands to mochad


This Python module is a set of functions to make easier to send X10 home automation commands to mochad.

At the momment the module is capable of sending the following commands

  • Power line switch command which accepts "on" and "off" values
  • Power line dim command which accepts values in the range 1..31
  • Power line bright command which accepts values in the range 1..31

By initializing the settings.MOCHAD_PORT and the settings.MOCHAD_HOST configuration directives mochad daemon can be in any reachable host.

Quick start

  1. Install hautomation_x10: pip install -e git+

  2. Make the USB cm15a device is plugged in a server

  3. Make sure mochad is running on that server

  4. open hautomation_x10/ and set MOCHAD_HOST and MOCHAD_PORT to proper values

  5. Start issuing commands.

    import hautomation_x10.cmds as cmds

    cmds.pl_switch("A5", "off")

    cmds.pl_switch("A6", "on")

    cmds.pl_dim("A3", 31)

    cmds.pl_bri("A3", 4)


python hautomation_x10/

Entry Points

The deploying of the module generates th following entry points:

  • populate_x10_db: When using this module from the django-hautomation apps, it is necesary to populate the database with the protocol X10 information. This is the aim of this entry point
  • pl_switch: entry point to help find power line switch command to developers
  • pl_dim: entry point to help find power line dim command to developers
  • pl_bri: entry point to help find power line bright command to developers


Python wrapper module which sends home automation commands to mochad







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