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title: "Helpful Tips"
author: "J. R. Minter"
date: "Started: 2013-07-16, Last modified: 2022-03-24"
    keep_md: yes
    css: ./theme/jm-gray-vignette.css
    number_sections: yes
    toc: yes
    toc_depth: 3
    toc: yes
    toc_depth: '3'

This repository contains the John Minter's useful tips in Rmarkdown

First - a quick reminder. I discovered that git repositories do not play well
when there are multiple `name.Rproj` files. Things work best when a git
repository has a single `name.Rproj` file. So this `tips` project only
has the single `tips.Rproj` file. I got burned by this in another repository.

Second - [My Academia Profile](


# How to get a PDF out of the RStudio Container

How do I download a PDF from RStudio? or...    
How can you download files that are saved in Rstudio?

1. Go to right bottom panel and click the Files tab. Your saved file will be listed.

2. Select the checkbox next to the file. See the following screen shot.

3. Select More > Export at the top of the window. ...

4. Click Download to download the file to your local machine

# How to take a photo on the **iPhone** and *transfer* to **Mac**

1. Take picture you want on the **iPhone**.

2. On the phone press the **square** with the **up arrow** in the **bottom left corner**.

3. Find the person to send the photo.

4. Press their **icon**.

5. Press the **green up arrow** to send the picture to Photos on iPhone and copy to Mac.

# Important Presentation Tips

I typically create presentations using either Apple Keynote or Microsoft
PowerPoint. Note that one can expert a Keynote presentations to PowerPoint.
This week I spoke at church and discovered that I could not get a Presenters
view in Keynote. Happily, the Powerpoint export was fine.

# Helpful Hints

## Restart a show or movie

1. Go back to the movie or episode description screen.

2. Choose the Restart icon (arrow looping backwards). The show or movie will 
Start playing from the beginning.

## How do I switch episodes?

**TV:** Press the Back button on your remote (Menu button for Apple TV), and
then scroll down to choose a different season or episode. 
I found this difficult and tie consuming to restart **Chuck** from the beginning
since there are 5 seasons...

## How to Fast Forward on Apple TV

While the new Siri Remote that’s included with the 2021 Apple TV 4K has been
redesigned, it retains some of the better elements offered by the old remote.
The glass trackpad is still there but has been replaced by a round trackpad
surrounded by aluminum. This new remote also features raised edges around th
circumference of the circle, providing some tactility to the trackpad.

So when it comes to actually control your movies and TV shows, Apple has
included a couple of different options. The first method to know about if you
want to fast forward on Apple TV is to just skip forwards or backward. This can
be done by simply clicking back or forward on the aforementioned trackpad. When
clicking left or right on the trackpad, you’ll be able to skip around in
10-second increments.

Obviously, skipping in small increments is fine most of the time, but if you
want to actually scrub through a show or movie in order to get to a certain spot,
things are a bit different.

**In order to fast forward on Apple TV continuously,**
**you’ll need to press and hold the right button on the trackpad. When you click**
**the button, the default speed is 2x, but this can be increased to either 3x or**
**4x speeds by continuing to press the button. Once you’ve reached the spot in the**
**movie or show that you want, just click the center of the trackpad or the**
**`Play/Pause` button in order to resume the content**.

## How to Change the Episode on HBO Max

If you're wondering how to change an episode in HBO Max, look no further. This
article will show you how to do it across several platforms. In addition, we'll
offer tips to enhance your experience with this relatively new streaming

## How to Change the Episode in HBO Max on an Apple TV

HBO Max is available on Apple TV, too. If you're watching your TV show on Apple
TV, but you find one of the episodes boring or you've already seen it, you can
easily change to a different one.

Follow these steps to switch episodes in HBO Max on Apple TV:

1. While watching an episode, tap the **menu button** on your Apple TV remote.

2. Switch between seasons and select the episode you want to watch.

## How to Change the Episode in HBO Max on a PC

If you're using a PC, but you're not sure how to change the episode in HBO Max,
don't worry. With only one click, you can return to the menu and choose the
episode you want to watch.

Go to **Continue Watching**, click the **title of the season**, then
**click the title again right above the episode name**.

## A quick Gmail tip:

> From Varun Gautam
> works at Infosys

> There is an alternate way to send the files through Gmail. You can right click
> on your zip file and click on **Properties**. Change the extension of the zip
> file from .zip or .7zp or any other that you may have there and change it to
> ".txt". Then attach this to Gmail as a normal attachment and send the file.
> Now on the receiving end after downloading this file change the `.txt` back to
> .zip and you have your zip file back.

On a lighter tone here is fun from the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy:

> **What We Learned From the 'Hitchhiker's Guide'**    
> Always Carry a Towel. ...    
> Don't Panic! ...    
> Two heads aren't necessarily better than one. ...    
> Improbable does not mean impossible. ...    
> "Just when you think life can't possibly get any worse it suddenly does.”"" ...    
> There are few things in the universe worse than bad poetry.    

**Repeating Reminders on iPhone:**

You need to click **Open in Browser** ...

[Youtube Link](

[Macmost Link](

[A nice way to put on a tie](

![The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy](img/HHG.png)

1. My favorite path and a hack for PDF

   and add the line below right after Rmarkdown YAML and control font size

2. See **Notifications**    

   1. Click on the **upper right corner of your screen** or 
   2. **swipe left _with 2 fingers_ from the** _right edge of your trackpad_.

3. Isaac Furnace and AC Tips

   We have service contracts on these appliances and parts:
   - Furnace (Fall)
   - Furnace Filter (Fall) - Isaac supplies one
   - Techs will install a filter we purchase during the spring service visit.
   - Hot water heater (Fall)
   - Air conditioner (Spring)
   - Generator (Spring)
   - We usually E-sign the bill

4.  A great quote from Doug Wilson:

    > Always **act**, _not_ **react**!

5. A great quote from Tom Clancy:

   > Sasha taught the boy that preparation, knowledge, and discipline can
   > deal with any form of danger; that danger confronted properly is not
   > something a man must fear.    
   > Tom Clancy, The Hunt for Red October, page 28

6. A helpful quote from Adam Grant

   > Anger is often seen as an irrational emotion. But it's not due
   > to the absence of logic — it's due to the presence of threat or harm.
   > Getting mad is a sign that something important to you is at risk.
   > Understanding what makes you angry is a prism for understanding
   > what you value.

7. Testing internet connections

   > To check internet outage try to ping Google:


8. [Set up R universe from ROpenScience](

9. I had issues with Anaconda Powershell in a Win 10 VM window. Try 
`Run as Administrator`. It is easier to read! Better yet, click on the
4-box icon in the lower left and open Powershell. The font will be OK.

10. **How long does it take for caffeine to metabolize?** 

    > How long does it take to metabolize caffeine? Caffeine may have a greater
    > effect on people who are sensitive to it. Caffeine has a half-life of about
    > 5 hours. Someone who consumes 40 milligrams (mg) of caffeine will have
    > 20 mg remaining in their system after 5 hours. (Pinterest May 13, 2018)

11. Gas at Mobil Station

    I had issues with new gas pumps at the Mobil station

    - Select **credit** (or debit)  **outside**.

    - Enter card

    - Select Grade (89 Octane)

    - Pump Gas

    - Replace Nozzle

12. [Greece NY Traffic](

13. [Physical Science Open Textbooks](

14. Block an email address on Gmail

    - On your computer, go to Gmail.
    - Open the message.
    - In the top right, click More.
    - Click Block [sender].

15. An odd get error with sync. This worked to fix. Moved to top!

    - git config pull.rebase false

16. Block a number on iPhone

    - Start by accessing your list of recent callers,
      so open the Phone app.
    - Tap on the Resents tab at the bottom of the screen.
    - Click the 'i' symbol next to the unwanted number.
    - Scroll down and tap Block this Caller.
    - Confirm your decision.

17. Use ESV from Kindle for easier copy/paste

18. Turn on **Do Not Disturb** on the Mac

    - click on the icon just to the left of the `Siri` Prompt.

    - This gives you a menu'

    - click on the "Do Not Disturb" tab

    - pick an option...

19. Convert `foo.mkv` to `foo.mp4`

    ffmpeg -i title.mkv -c copy title.mp4
20. Change Zoom ID

    > To change your name after entering a Zoom meeting, click on the 
    > “Participants” button at the top of the Zoom window. Next, hover
    > your mouse over your name in the "Participants" list on the right
    > side of the Zoom window. Click on "Rename". Enter the name you'd
    > like to appear in the Zoom meeting and click on "OK".

21. Delete VLC play list

    Select the entry to delete and press clear.

22. [RStudio 1.4 preview citations](

23. **LaTeX Symbols to remember**

    `\geq`  $\geq$ 
    `leq`  $\leq$
    `\circ` $\circ$ (a text "degree" symbol...)

    The PDF is [**here**](tex/pdf/TeXRefCard-v1.5.pdf).

24. **USB drives**

    Note to self: Only buy **USB-3.1** thumb drives, They are **a _lot_ faster**
    than USB 3.0...

    see [Amazon](
    for a nice drive...

25. **Quotes I Like**

    > Plod. don't sprint. Be fruitful like a tree, not efficient like a machine.
    > Use the gifts God has given you. - Douglas Wilson

    > The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never
    > expected to see. - J. Tukey

    > All models are wrong, but some are useful. - G. Box

    > Make everything as simple as possible but not simpler. - A. Einstein

    > Your closest collaborator is you, six months from now. You do not
    > respond to email.    
    > - Karl Browman

26. **How to Backup Windows 11**

    1. Go to Control Panel, select Backup and Restore (Windows 7),
    2. Then click Create a system image. ...
    3. In the next window, choose the location you want the image backup to be
       sent to, then click Next.
    4. Select any drives you wish to back up, then click Next to begin the
       backup process. (From Nov 16, 2021)

27. Checking Author/date properties in a PDF

    > **Q: How do I find out when a PDF doc was originally created there
    > is nothing under `File/Properties`? **

    > Answer by **RahulTyagi (Adobe Employee)**

    > Generally, it is shown under the document properties window in
    > Acrobat (As shown in the following snapshot).

    > ![](img/acrobat-properties.png)

    > However, if the sender/Author has removed metadata from the pdf then there
    > are chances that original file creation date is not displayed.

29. Today I learned (TIL)
    It appears that now I need to run RStudio as an administrator on
    Windows 10 to install packages.
    Two ways to do it:
    - Right click on a **Desktop** RStudio icon and choose `Run as Administrator`
    - Right click on the tool-bar RStudio Icon, **pull up**, and choose `Run as Administrator`.
    -  ![How to run RStudio as admin from toolbar](./R/inc/R-as-admin-toolbar.png).
    This **really annoying** since my profile is an administrator...

        **Do not update your iPhone OS right before a run**. The update
        **appeared** to be done, but my music was skipping for about
        20 min. Guess there was processing in the background.
        **Update Microsoft Office**    
        - Open an Office application, such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. ...    
        - Click on `Account` or `Office Account` on the list.    
        - Under Product Information, click on `Update Options` next to `Office Updates`.    
        - From the list of options, click on `Update Now`.

30. Chrome Bookmarks - How to move a folder...

    From [here](
    > **Under Bookmarks**, open Bookmark Manager. If you want to move FOLDERS
    > that are within another folder (parent folder) you need to select the
    > parent folder in the left window. Then you click on the NAME of the
    > folder you want to move in the right side window. DO NOT click on the
    > little 'folder' icon-- it will not work.

31. Keyboard shortcut for the `dplyr` pipe operator

      Win: `%>%` - Ctl + Shift + M    
      Mac: `%>%` - CMD + Shift + M   
32. Fix a `recurring github credential problem` - run:

33. The R `janitor` package is your friend. It cleans up
     non-standard column names .

34. CDC Corona Virus Recommendations

      > The CDC recommends washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after
      > using the bathroom, before eating and after blowing your nose or sneezing. It
      > also advises not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth and to clean objects and
      > surfaces you touch often.
      > “These are all things you can do to prevent the spread of pretty much any
      > respiratory virus,” Brewer said.

35. Closed captions in CBS All access

      > Go to Find a full episode of a series that you're
      > interested in and click on it. To turn the captions on, bring your
      > cursor into the middle of the video to see the menu show up. Look 
      > for and click on the plus sign for "More" on the lower right hand
      > side, click again on "CC captions" just once.

36. The Feynman technique of learning:

      - Step 1: Pick and study a topic

      - Step 2: Explain the topic to someone, like a child, who is unfamiliar
        with the topic

      - Step 3: Identify any gaps in your understanding 

      - Step 4: Review and Simplify!
      More [here](./Feynman_technique/Feynman_technique.html)
37. Install command line tools on MacOS

      `xcode-select --install`

38. Regex for youtube time stamps. Useful in SublimeText4!


39. Symbolic links. I always get this backwards...

      file     link
      ln -s source destination

40. Fun snippets

      > Your closest collaborator is you, six months from now    
      > ... and you don't respond to email     
      > - Karl Broman

      > DRY (do not repeat yourself) vs WET (waste everyone's time) coding
      > styles    
      > - Peter Baker (UseR 2018)

41. Getting started with data science

      - A very helpful article from

42. Clear the Chrome Cache

      - Press "CTRL" + "Shift" + "Delete" keys in Windows or Linux
      - Press "Command" + "Shift" + "Delete"" keys on MacOS.

43. Delete Specific Cookies in Chrome for Mac OS X

      From [](
      You can remove a specific website cookie from Chrome by doing the following
      This skips several steps from original article!    
      - Open `chrome://settings/siteData` as a URL

      - Scroll to look at the list or use the `Search` box if you want to
      quickly find a specific site URL.

      - To remove the cookie(s), then select the site and click the
      **trash can icon** to delete cookies for the site.

      - Rinse and repeat for other sites...

      - Avoid cookie placement and cache generation in the first place by using
      the Chrome `Incognito Mode` private browsing feature.
44. Automatically download all files in a directory

      Let's also exclude all the `index.html` files... 
      wget -r --no-parent --reject "index.html*" http://my/url
45. How to block someone on Facebook

      - Click at the top right of Facebook and choose `Settings`.
      - Click `Blocking` in the left side menu.
      - In the `Block` users setting, enter the name of the person you want to
      block and click `Block`.
      - Select the specific person you want to block ans click
      `Block > Block [name]`

46. Convert `.mkv` to `.mp4` from the command line

      ffmpeg -i vid.mkv -c copy vid.mp4
      for conversion of to vid.mp4
      ffmpeg -i -vcodec h264 -acodec mp2 vid.mp4
      Note: this converts frame-by-frame and can be slow.
      I downloaded ffmpeg on macos via homebrew.

47. HTML Syntax

  - A link
      <a href="https://...">Label</a>
  - A paragraph
      <p>A paragraph</p>
  - A quote
    <q>A quote</q>
  - A blockquote
    <blockquote cite="">
    <p>A long paragraph of text.</p>
    <p>A second long paragraph of text.</p>

48. [Apple TV](./Apple-TV/Apple-TV.html)

49. [Pair Bluetooth on Windows](,you're%20done%20and%20connected.)

50. [Anker](

51. [AccessToSqlite](./AccessToSqlite/AccessToSqlite.html)

52. [Apple Watch Info](./Apple-Watch/Apple-Watch-Info.html)

53. [Apple Watch Stand Goal](./Apple-Watch-Stand-Goal/Stand-Goal.html)

54. [Bladder Control](./bladder/Bladder-Control.html)

55. [Blisters](./Blisters/Blisters.html)

56. [Bose Speaker](./Bose-Speaker/Bose-Speaker.html)

57. [Bluetooth](./Bluetooth/Bluetooth.html)

58. [Books](./Books/books.html)

59. [Charging Anker Bluetooth Headphones](./Anker-Headphones/Charging-Anker-Headphones.html)

60. [Chuck Episodes](./Chuck/Chuck-Episodes.html)

61. [EkAutomater](./automater/automater.html)

62. [Oxford AZtec](./AZtec/AZtec.html)

63. [Badger Film](./BadgerFilm/BadgerFilm.html)

64. [bibtex](./bibtex/bibtex.html)

65. [C++11](./C++11/C++11-Tips.html)

66. [Carbon Film Thickness](./carbonFilmThickness/carbonFilmThickness.html)

67. [chemStructures](./chemStructures/chemStructures.html)

68. [chntpw](./chntpw/chntpw.html)

69. [Color](./color/color.html)

70. [Complex K-ratios](./complex-kratios/complex-kratios.html)

71. [Conductive Epoxies](./ConductiveEpoxy/ConductiveEpoxy.html)

72. [Denton Coaters](./Denton/Denton.html)

73. [Diffraction Limit](./DiffractionLimit/DiffractionLimit.html)

74. [DTSA-II](./dtsa2/dtsa2.html)

75. [DTSA-II Scripting](./dtsa2-scripting/dtsa2-scripting.html)

76. [Earth Science](./earth-sci/earth-sci.html)

77. [EDAX](./EDAX/EDAX.html)

78. [EPMA Matrix Correction](./epma-matrix-corr/epma-matrix-corr.html)

79. [Excel](./Excel/Excel.html)

80. [Excelsior Pass](./Excelsior-Pass/Excelsior-Pass.html)

81. [Feynman Technique](./Feynman_technique/Feynman_technique.html)

82. [Fiji plugin development](./fiji-plugin-development/fiji-plugin-development.html)

83. [Fitness](./fitness/fitness.html)

84. [Font Test](./font-test/font-test.html)

85. [French Press Instructions](./french-press-instructions/french-press-instructions.html)

86. [Gas](./gas/secrets-to-gas-control.html)

87. [generator](./generator/generator.html)

88. [gfortran](./gfortran/gfortran.html)

89. [gifs](./gifs/gifs.html)

90. [ggplot2 workshop](./ggplot2_workshop/ggplot2_workshop.html)

91. [Building up a ggplot2 figure](./ggplot2figure/ggplot2-figure.html)

92. [ggplot2Examples](./ggplot2Examples/ggplot2Examples.html)

93. [ggplot2Intro](./ggplot2Intro/ggplot2Intro.html)

94. [ggvisIntro](./ggvisIntro/ggvisIntro.html)

95. [git](./git/git-tips.html)

96. [gnuplot](./gnuplot/gnuplot.html)

97. [Haklev's tips on data wrangling with R](./hacklev/hacklev.html)

98. [hearing aids](hearing-aids/hearing-aids.html)

99. [here](here/here.html)

100. [homebrew](./homebrew/homebrew.html)

101. [html](./html/html.html)

102. [hyperspy](./hyperspy/hyperspy.html)

103. [Image-J](./ImageJ/ImageJ.html)

104. [iMessage](./iMessage/iMessage.html)

105. [Inkscape](./inkscape/inkscape.html)

106. [iOS](./iOS/iOS.html)

107. [JabRef](./JabRef/JabRef.html)

108. [Jekyll on](./jekyll-github/jekyll-github.html)

109. [json](./json/json.html)

110. [Leadership](./leadership/Solitude-and-Leadership-William-Deresiewicz.html)

111. [LaTeX for Rmarkdown](./latex-eqns-for-rmarkdown/latex-eqns-for-rmarkdown.html)

112. [legacy equipment](./legacy/Legacy.html)

113. [Logos Library System](./Logos/Logos.html)

114. [Low Carb Diet (Denninger)](./Low-Carb-Diet/Low-Carb-Diet.html)

115. [mac](./mac/mac.html)

116. [mac-for-data-science](./mac-for-data-science/mac-for-data-science.html)

117. [microscopy](./micro/micro.html)

118. [microscopy sample prep](./micro-sample-prep/micro-sample-prep.html)

119. [midb](./midb/midb.html)

120. [Monte Carlo methods in R](./monteCarlo/monteCarlo.html)

121. [MS Office](./msOffice/msOffice.html)

122. [MySQL](./mysql/mysql.html)

123. [Northgate](./Northgate/Northgate.html)

124. [Octave](./Octave/Octave.html)

125. [OnePassword](./OnePassword/OnePassword.html)

126. [Oracle Virtual Box](./Oracle-Virtual-Box/Oracle-Virtual-Box.html)

127. [OS Package Links](./osPkgs/osPkgs.html)

128. [pandoc](./pandoc/pandoc.html)

129. [phi-rho-z](./phi-rho-z/phi-rho-z.html)

130. [plagiarism](./plagiarism/plagiarism.html)

131. [pool](./pool/pool.html)

132. [portable makefiles](./portableMakefiles/portableMakefiles.html)

133. [PowerPoint](./ppt/ppt.html)

134. [Preparation of samples for EDS](./prepForEDS/prepForEDS.html)

135. [Probe for EPMA](./probeForEPMA/probeForEPMA.html)

136. [python](./python/python.html)

137. [python image processing with skimage](./skimage/skimage.html)

138. [qqplotr](./qqplotr/qqplotr.html)

139. [quotes](./quotes/quotes.html)

140. [R](./R/R-tips.html)

141. [R-Anova](./R-Anova/R-Anova.html)

142. [R-bar-plots](./R-bar-plots/R-bar-plots.html)

143. [R-boxplots](./R-boxplots/R-boxplots.html)

144. [R-data-cleaning](./R-data-cleaning/R-data-cleaning.html)

145. [R-data-pipeline](./R-data-pipeline/R-data-pipeline.html)

146. [R-Excel](./R-Excel/R-Excel.html)

147. [R-foreach](./R-foreach/R-foreach.html)

148. [R-gt (great tables)](./R-gt/Rgt.html)

149. [R-knitrBootstrap](./R-knitrBootstrap/R-knitrBootstrap.html)

150. [R-lm](./R-lm/R-lm.html)

151. [R-loess](./R-loess/R-loess.html)

152. [R-markdown](./R-markdown/R-markdown.html)

153. [R-matrix-algebra](./R-matrix-algebra/R-matrix-algebra.html)

154. [R-model-predict](./R-model-predict/R-model-predict.html)

155. [R-Packages](./R-packages/R-packages.html)

156. [R-sys-admin](./R-sys-admin/R-sys-admin.html)

157. [Reproducible Research](./ReproducibleResearch/ReproducibleResearch.html)

158. [Research](./research/research.html)

159. [Sage](./sage/sage.html)

160. [Screen Cast](./screencast/screencast.html)

161. [SEM](./SEM/SEM.html)

162. [shell](./shell/shell-tips.html)

163. [Sirion](./Sirion/Sirion.html)

164. [skills](./skills/skills.html)

165. [skimage](./skimage/skimage.html)

166. [Software Development](./software-dev/software-dev.html)

167. [Sole Treadmill](./Sole-Treadmill/Sole-Treadmill.html)

168. [SQL](./SQL/SQL.html)

169. [Sublime Text 4](./ST4/ST4.html)

170. [Stratagem](./Stratagem/Stratagem.html)

171. [Sweave](./Sweave/Sweave.html)

172. [TEM](./TEM/TEM.html)

173. [TeX](./tex/tex-tips.html)

174. [Tidy Data](./tidyData/tidyData.html)

175. [Tidy Models](./tidyModels/tidyModels.html)

176. [TV](./TV/Tv.html)

177. [Vacuum systems](./vacuum/vacuum.html)

178. [Videos](./videos/videos.html)

179. [Win](./win/win.html)

180. [winCasino](./winCasino/winCasino.html)

181. [winXray](./winXray/winXray.html)

182. [Workflow](./workflow/workflow.html)

183. [Write Usefully (by Paul Graham)](./write_usefully/write_usefully.html)

184. [Writing Well](./Writing-Well/Writing-Well.html)

185. [WxMaxima](./WxMaxima/WxMaxima.html)

186. [X-ray EDS Issues](./X-Ray-EDS-Issues/X-Ray-EDS-Issues.html)

187. [Zoom](./Zoom/Zoom.html)


No description, website, or topics provided.






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