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1) The pre-requisites:

-> sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall 

-> sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libc6-i386 libbz2-dev 

2) Install: Python 2.7 (only) + CMake + QTCreator

-> sudo apt-get install gcc cmake qtcreator 

-> cd /usr/src 

-> wget 

-> tar xzf Python-2.7.13.tgz 

-> cd Python-2.7.13 

-> sudo ./configure 

-> sudo make altinstall 

3) Install: qiBuild

-> sudo apt install python-pip

-> pip install qibuild

If qiBuild doesn't launch:

    -> gedit ~/.bashrc 

and in the end of the file add:

    export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin

4) Install SDK and cross-toolchain

-> git clone

You should create a new branch with your last name:

-> git checkout -b your_last_name

Then you should write me your login in GitHub, so that I will add you to the list of collaborators (link to my page:

After that you will be able make changes and save them on your branch (names_of_modified_files - files you want to save):

-> git add names_of_modified_files

-> git commit -m "message for the other people"

-> git push origin your_last_name

Note: you should work only in your branch!

Download and unzip to the directory Robocup2019:

5) Configuration: qiBuild Toolchains

You can just execute my script:

-> ./config_toolchain

or configure manually:

Configure toolchain for the desktop:

-> qitoolchain create desktop Robocup2019/naoqi/toolchain.xml

-> qibuild add-config desktop -t desktop

Configure toolchain for the robot:

-> qitoolchain create robot /toolchain.xml

-> qibuild add-config robot -t robot                                       

6) Compile the Program C++ with the SDK - ALDEBARAN

Create a new project (if it's necessary, or move to the directory with example):

-> qisrc create template

Note: All examples on C++ are in Robocup2019/naoqi/workspace

Then init worktree:

-> qibuild init

Below "toolchain" means "toolchain_for_desktop", if you want to build for the desktop, or "toolchain_for_robot" otherwise:

-> qibuild configure -c toolchain

-> qibuild make -c toolchain

7) Start the Project

If you build your project for the desktop:

-> cd build-toolchain_for_the_robot/sdk/bin

Below "example" is the name of your program, "IP_address" - IP address of the robot, "your_directory" - directory with your last name in the robot (read "Note" at the end).

-> ./example IP_address

If you build your project for the robot:

 -> cd build-toolchain_for_the_robot/sdk/bin
-> scp example nao@IP_address:/home/nao/your_directory

-> ssh nao@IP_address

-> ./your_directory/example IP_address


To work with the robot you should create on him a new directory with your last name and copy files there. Otherwise everything will be remove.

If you want to create a local module, at the end of building you will get a static library .so, that cannot be run as an ordinary program.


The main repository of the "StarKit" MIPT team for RoboCup2019






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