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Rotors Simulator

Here are some instructions regarding operation of crazyflie.

This contains my hacks and tweaks to the original crazyflie ros package

Clone the repository below into a catkin workspace

Do "catkin_make_isolated"

Connect the crazyradio to the computer and switch on crazyflie

do "source devel/setup.bash"

Then in order to connect ros to crazyflie run the following command

roslaunch crazyflie_demo teleop_xbox360.launch uri:=radio://0/80/250K

To check the uri for your crazyradio do the following

rosrun crazyflie_tools scan

If you wanna use xbox 360 controller, run the following command

roslaunch hector_quadrotor_teleop xbox_controller.launch

If you wanna use keyboard , run the following command

rosrun deep_learning_crazyflie crazyflie_teleop_node

Keys : W,S controls thrust; up, down controls pitch; left , right controls roll ; A, D controls Yaw rate; Q is E-Stop

If you wanna do autonomous control,

you can publish commands to the topic "crazyflie/deep_learning/cmd_vel" and to get sensor values you can subscribe to topic " crazyflie/imu" and " crazyflie/height"

Limits for control inputs are as follows

linear.y: roll [e.g. -30 to 30 degrees]

linear.x: pitch [e.g. -30 to 30 degrees]

angular.z: yawrate [e.g. -200 to 200 degrees/second] l

linear.z: thrust [10000 to 60000 (mapped to PWM output)]

in order to do althold, there are some complicated commands you have to send because of the way the firmware works.

You have to increase thrust till you hover. Then enable althold by setting the rosparam "crazyflie/althold" and make your thrust zero as soon as you enter this mode. Then increase or decrease your thrust to change your height.

If you wanna use a camera. you can run the crazyflie_camera_node  just change the video id depending on your system config.

To run optical flow on this camera, you can run the crazyflie_opticalflow_node

If you wanna tweak the firmware and official ros package by yourself. You can clone the repositories below

OptiTrack Integration

Requires an optitrack system of atleast 4 cameras connected to a Windows workstation through the software Motive v1.7.5 . Calibrate the optitrack system and create a rigid body from the markers mounted on Crazyflie ( Requires atleast 3 markers for 3d Pose Estimation ) through the Motive Software. Using rigid body properties set the trackable ID of this rigid body as 1. Open streaming properties and enable streaming and change the multicast IP address to Linux Workstation's (to which Crazyflie is connected via CrazyRadio) IP address. 

Now on your linux workstation run the following
roslaunch mocap_optitrack mocap.launch

This will publish the ground truth pose of Crazyflie to the following topics

" crazyflie/ground_truth/pose_3d "
" crazyflie/ground_truth/pose_2d "


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