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Python Library for Edimax Smartplugs (reworked for Python 3.x)


This library allows to control all aspects of the Edimax Smartplugs SP1101W and SP2101W using Python and without access to the cloud of the manufacturer.


The code was developed for Python2. You need the following additional packages:

  • minidom
  • netifaces
  • netaddr
  • requests
  • socket

Either install the packages using pip or the package-management of your distribution.


Copy the directory src/ediplug to a directory which is on your python search path for packages (something like /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages).

To test the installation and that all necessary packages are available, run


In your code, use

from ediplug import *

You can find some annotated samples in the directory src/samples.


Since the plugs use DHCP to get their own IP-address, you would typically use the class PlugFinder to search for the plug on your network. As an alternative, you could also instantiate and object of the class SP1101W or SP2101W directly.

PlugFinder supports various methods to optimize the search:

pf = PlugFinder(password='1234')
plugs =
plugs ='',maxCount=1)
plugs ='',\

The first line instantiates the PlugFinder. Note that all your plugs need the same password. The second line searches the whole local network for all plugs. The version in the third line specifies a subnet and stops the search after a single plug is found. The last version specifies an IP-range (e.g. the range of your DHCP-server) and a list of plugs (identified by their names) to be found. Here, the search stops when all specified plugs were found. Of course you can combine the various options (e.g. if you specify plugnames and maxCount the search will only find plugs with the given name up to the given count).

PlugFinder returns a map, keyed by plugname. You can access a plug by name, e.g.

plug = plugs['plug1']

or value:

plug = plugs.values()[0]    # use the "first" plug

Once you have the plug-object, you use it to control the plug, e.g. to query or set the powerstate:

print plug.getPowerState()
plug.setPowerState(True)                # turn the power on
plug.setPowerState(False)               # and off again

or to query and set the schedule:

onTime =
offTime = TPoint(,24,00)


This class searches for plugs within the net. It provides the following methods:

  • PlugFinder(user='admin',password='1234',port=10000): constructor
  • create(host): returns a Plug-object for the given host or IP
  • search(network=None,plugnames=None,maxCount=254): returns a map of plugs


This class implements a point in time within the weekly schedule. This is a triple of (day,hour,minute). The day is encoded in ISO-weekday format, i.e. Sunday is 0, Monday is 1 and so on.


  • TPoint(day,hour,minute): constructor
  • static method, returns a TPoint for "now"
  • day, hour, minute: getter and setters for day, hour, minute
  • createAfter(days,hours,minutes): create a TPoint which is the given days, hours, minutes later than this object
  • add(days,hours,minutes): adds the given days, hours, minutes to the current object. The method returns self to allow method chaining.


This is a list with a value of 1 or 0 for every minute within the weekly schedule. Note that this is an internal data-structure which you typically don't manipulate directly.


Base class of the model-specific classes SP1101W and SP2101W. The class implements all common methods. This is the main interface for the communication with the physical plug.


  • Plug(ip,port=10000,user='admin',password='1234'): constructor
  • getUrl(): returns the URL of this plug
  • getNameAndType(): returns the tuple (name,type)
  • getSysInfo(): returns a map with system-information
  • getPowerState(): returns the current power state (True if "on")
  • setPowerState(active=True): set the current power state (pass True for "on")
  • getSchedule(schedule=None): returns low-level data-structure
  • setSchedule(schedule,day=None): set schedule (only for the given day)
  • setState(start,end,active=True): set state from start to end
  • setExclusiveState(start,end,active=True): set state from start to end to active and the rest of the time to not active.
  • clear(active=True): clear the schedule in the plug (to "on" or "off")


This is a subclass of Plug without any additional methods.


This subclass of Plug for the Edimax SP2101W implements the additional method

  • getPowerInfo(): return a map with infos regarding power-consumption.


Python interface to Edimax Smartplug







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