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This project aims to simplify the installation and management of your personal CA infrastructure.

django-pki offers the following features:

  • CA management

    • Create CA chains based on self-signed Root CA's
    • CA's can contain other CA's or non-CA certificates
    • Revoke and renew (re-sign CSR) for all CA's
    • Create and export PEM and DER encoded certificates
    • Automatic CRL generation/update when CA or related certificate is modified
  • Certificate management

    • Revoke and renew
    • Create and export PEM, PKCS12 and DER encoded versions

django-pki stores the data in your favourite database backend (if supported by Django - MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle). The main work is done by using Django's swiss army knife - the builtin admin. There is only a small number of custom views (download and logviewer).


  • Python (tested on 2.5 and 2.6)
  • Django framework (>=1.2 is recommended)
  • Openssl
  • Optional Jquery library (djago-pki already shipped with built-in jquery-1.3.2)
  • pygraphviz + Graphviz (Tree viewer and object locator will not work without)
  • zipfile Python library



pip or easy_install

# pip install django-pki
# easy_install django-pki

Clone github repository (every release version is tagged)

# git clone git://


Make the contents of pki/media/pki directory available at MEDIA_URL/pki url. This can be done by making a symlink, copying it to your existing directory for static content, or via webserver configuration.


Enable admin application:

from django.contrib import admin 

Add exception handler:

handler500 = 'pki.views.show_exception'

Add following lines to urlpatterns (make sure pki.urls is specified before

(r'^', include('pki.urls')),
(r'^admin/', include(,

If you want to serve static files with ./ runserver in DEBUG mode, add following code. Do not use this in production!

from django.conf import settings

if settings.DEBUG:
    M = settings.MEDIA_URL
    if M.startswith('/'): M = M[1:]
    if not M.endswith('/'): M += '/'
    urlpatterns += patterns('', (r'^%s(?P<path>.*)$' % M, 'django.views.static.serve',
                            {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}))

Configure your project's

Setup your database:

  • If you started a new project supply the database credentials (refer to Django documentation for additional details)

Mandatory settings:

  • Add pki/templates to TEMPLATE_DIRS variable (use absolute path). Alternatively, use app_directories django template loader (refer to the Django docs for details)
  • Add pki to INSTALLED_APPS
  • make sure is included in TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS (it is enabled by default in recent Django versions)
  • Add pki.middleware.PkiExceptionMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES (used for exception logging)

Enable admin application (refer to the Django documentation for additional details):

  • Add django.contrib.admin to INSTALLED_APPS (it is better to place it after django-pki to ensure that admin templates are properly overridden)
  • Configure ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX and your webserver to serve admin static files

Configure django-pki:

Add the following variables to your projects to set custom values:

  • PKI_DIR - Default=/path-to-django-pki/PKI: absolute path to directory for pki storage. Must be writable
  • PKI_OPENSSL_BIN - Default=/usr/bin/openssl: path to openssl binary
  • PKI_OPENSSL_CONF - Default=PKI_DIR/openssl.conf: where to store openssl config
  • PKI_OPENSSL_TEMPLATE - Default=pki/ openssl configuration template
  • PKI_LOG - Default=PKI_DIR/pki.log: absolute path for log file
  • PKI_LOGLEVEL - Default=info: logging level
  • JQUERY_URL - Default=pki/jquery-1.3.2.min.js: jquery url
  • PKI_BASE_URL - Default="": Base URL of your deployment ( => /django/tools)
  • PKI_SELF_SIGNED_SERIAL - Default=0x0: The serial of self-signed CA certificates. Set to 0 or 0x0 to get a random serial number (0xabc = HEX; 123 = DEC)
  • PKI_DEFAULT_COUNTRY - Default=DE: The preselected country (as 2-letter code) selected when adding certificates (
  • PKI_ENABLE_GRAPHVIZ - Default=False: Enable graphviz support (see requirements)
  • PKI_GRAPHVIZ_DIRECTION - Default=LR: Graph tree direction (LR=left-to-right, TD=top-down)
  • PKI_ENABLE_EMAIL - Default=False: Email delivery to certificate's email address

Additionally, you can add your own logging destinations. This is an example for syslog:

import logging
from logging import handlers

if not hasattr(logging, 'PKI_LOGGING_INITIALIZED'):
    hdlr = handlers.SysLogHandler('/dev/log', handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL0)
    hdlr.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(name)s[%(process)d]: %(levelname)s %(funcName)s/%(lineno)d %(message)s'))

Hasattr hack is required because Django imports multiple times. If you do not like this, place handler initialization code to or somewhere else in your project.

Do not forget to run python syncdb to create necessary database objects

WSGI setup example

You can find a example wsgi script in apache/django.wsgi.

Graphviz support

django-pki can visualize your PKI infrastructure if you have pygraphviz and graphviz installed. Just install pygraphviz and enable the PKI_ENABLE_GRAPHVIZ setting. The change list views for certificate authorities now has 2 clickable icons:

  • Magnifying glass: Show CA chain up to selected element
  • Tree: Show the full tree (including all certificates) in which this CA is located

The certificate change list has only the magnifying glass available. Both links open a new window and return a PNG image containing the trees. These images (especially the tree view) can become really big. You can affect the direction of the graph be setting PKI_GRAPHVIZ_DIRECTION to TD (top down) or LR (left right) depending on what fits your needs best.

Email support

djngo-pki supports certificate delivery via email. All certificates that contain a valid email address can be sent to that address from the changelist screen. Please add PKI_ENABLE_EMAIL and the required parameters for your email setup to your projects

May be a combination of EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_HOST_USER, EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD, EMAIL_PORT, EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, EMAIL_USE_TLS and DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL. Refer to Django settings reference for details.

Icons used in django-pki

Some Icons are Copyright (c) Yusuke Kamiyamane. All rights reserved. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license


Django-PKI repository



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  • Python 85.1%
  • JavaScript 14.9%